Sunday 19 April 2015

New Earth symposium: "BIG BROTHER OUT OF CONTROL"

Note:  This Symposium starts in 30 minutes.  
It will be archived so you can play it later.  
I'll add the URL here once the address is added to the internet... 

Go here:

Big Brother Out Of Control

Meta Data & Dragnet Surveillance Exposed!

April 19th, 2015 – 5pm PDT / 8pm EDT (USA)
April 20th, 2015 – 1am GMT  / 10am 


This three hour event will cover the following themes:

  • What is Metadata and Dragnet Surveillance?
  • How are so-called Authorities thereby committing treason and fraud?
  • What personal liberties are being eroded and sacrificed in their wake?
  • What are the financial implications to people of the world?
  • What does the future look like should these institutional crimes continue?
  • How do we prosecute so-called authorities and governments gone rogue?
  • How do we hold publicly elected ‘officials’ personally liable for their wet-ink-signature crimes?


Sacha Stone - Founder

Former rock musician Sacha is founder of the New Earth Project, the planetary sovereignty, consciousness and sustainability movement convening itself as the worlds first extraterritorial nation of peoples from all cultures & faiths. Newearth nationals are living men and women (not their corporate fiction personas) who choose to step out of invisible contracts with corporate entities...

Paul Seils PSA - Paul Seils & Associates

Speaker, Activist & Privacy Advocate Paul Seils is a gypsy in heart, soul and life. After reaching the top of his profession in landscape consultancy, and possessing all the glittering trinkets that go with worldly success, an inner yearning to connect more deeply with his own truth prompted him to walk down a more holistic path...

Joined by Special Guests:

Foster Gamble – The Thrive Movement

Paul Craig Roberts – Former US Assistant Secretary of the Treasury

Noam Chomsky – Political Commentator and Activist

Max Igan – Author, Researcher, Film Maker

Pippa King – Privacy Advocate, Specialist In Biometrics Use Within The Educational Arena

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