Friday 29 January 2016

Withdraw your MIND from the Money System. It's TIME !!


Transcript notes for the video below:

00:00  We are on the cusp of a financial collapse like we've never seen before in human history.
2:20  Everything on the mainstream media is: "We're going to be ok..."  Turn off the television programming right away...  You're not going to get any accurate information from there.
3:30  The year of the Shemitah - also referenced by Christine Lagarde.
4:15  Shemitah years have always ended in a stock market crash.
5:00  2016 is the 'Jubilee Year' of the Shemitah. "We are in a debt Jubilee..."  - Bank of International Settlements, director's speech
6:30  Their system is unsustainable. The FED is printing money like crazy...
7:00  This is a collapse coming... it could be months, it could be days.
7:30  Oil -  Luke:  How do you see this unfolding with the price of oil now?  Jeff: This is a harbinger of things to come. The same thing happened in 2008 and in 1929, which also happened to be a shemitah year. They engineer these collapses...  Inflation and deflation, then buying up stocks for pennies on the dollar.
9:00  Luke: Are they as crazy as you make them out to be?  Jeff:  Yes, they are. They want to control the planet and all of humanity.  eg: the attack on Libya...
10:50  Luke:  I've been hearing about the stock market crash for the last decade. What makes this year different?  Jeff:  Essentially, everything goes back to December 24, 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve Bank (FED). That was really the beginning of this system.  It began to fall off the rails in 1971, August 15 when Nixon "temporarily" took the gold backing away from the US dollar.  They let interest rates get to 18% then it's slowly been coming down again. As things started to really collapse, all countries decided to print much more money. It's now gotten to the stage where the debt of all countries is HUGE!
14:30  When this next collapse happens, it could destroy the whole money system...
20:20  Mainstream media is dying... Nobody watches it anymore

Alternatives here...  This is a war for your mind

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The Bali Project  - These properties are being taken out of Crown control
The Peru Project and other projects on this website - all being taken out of Crown control

International Tribunal for Natural Justice (ITNJ) inaugural opening June 2015 (see in Press Releases)

It's time to CHANGE your MIND...   Only you can reprogram it !!

The Shemitah, The Debt Jubilee and Total Economic Collapse

Published on Jan 24, 2016
In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews the Dollar Vigilante Jeff Berwick about the current status of the World Economy and his predictions for total economic collapse. We go over the shemitah prediction Jeff made, how that developed and how we are in the debt Jubilee currently. A lot of important news was covered in this video as well as an opportunity to learn from Dan Dicks, Adam Kokesh, Jeff Berwick and Luke Rudkowski at an upcoming bootcamp in Mexico. Find out more here

***space is limited to 50 people*** buy tickets here and get a %10 discount

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Thursday 28 January 2016

Russia and China: The Dawning of a New Monetary System?

Global Research, October 25, 2015

Original article here

Edited by Bronwyn Llewellyn. Jan 29, 2016
- NZ, first to greet the new day

Image caption:  
"These are the enemies of everything we hold dear in America (Russia and China). Your children must kill them for us."

This is the meaning I take from this statement:  It's not literal. Obama would be stupid beyond stupid if he tried to pick a literal war with China or Russia. I take this to mean that the new infrastructure Russia and China are putting in place (their own internet, their own Swift system, new economic relationships that exclude the USA = FED, IMF, World Bank, Bank of International settlements such as BRICSSCO and so on...) and those nations who engage in those BRICS-based alternatives, become targets of the U.S. in whatever forms the U.S. decides to implement, eg: trade sanctions, trade agreements, military actions, share market crashes, misinformation in the media, manipulation of election votes, and so on...

“If the Russian side needs it, we will provide necessary assistance within our capacity”   Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, 22 December 2014.  

This is a clear testimony that Russia and China have entered into an economic alliance which will be stronger than the incessant ruble and petrol devaluation manipulations by Washington, aided by the European puppets. 

China, leading member of the BRICS, is lining up the bloc of the BRICS and that of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and their currencies, to support Russia in need. Currency swaps between the Russian ruble and Chinese yuan for an initial US$25 billion have already been implemented (Dec 29, 2014), to allow direct transactions between the two countries. Similar swaps are under way between China and Russia with other countries, primarily the BRICS and the SCO members. New members to the SCO are Iran, [and-now-tell-me-'compliance'-was-the-reason-why-the-U.S.-lifted-trade-sanctions-on-17-January], Pakistan, India (also a BRICS member) and Mongolia – and possibly in some not too distant future the strategically located NATO member, Turkey.
Trading will no longer be continued in US (petro) dollars, but in rubles and yuans and their partners' respective local currencies. This will reduce worldwide demand for the petro dollar.
The US is able to maintain pressure on other currencies only as long as the petro dollar remains the major world reserve currency. Once the demand for the (petro) dollar fades, the value of the dollar will decline and at worst may result in hyperinflation in economies closely linked to the US economy.
In the meantime Russia has nothing to fear...
Letting the ruble ‘collapse’ is a superb strategy by the Maestro Chess player, Vladimir Putin. Western investors in Russian shares, mainly but not exclusively of hydrocarbon corporations, dropped also. Western investors became afraid and released their shares on the market – Russia’s treasury bought them back at low market prices increasing their value instantly. On top of that, Russia reaped the dividends of the newly Russian owned shares. According to a Spiegel Online article, Russia made at least 20 billion dollars’ worth of profit with this little gambit alone, plus she repatriated about 30% of foreign-held Russian petroleum shares.
Russia has foreign exchange reserves of close to half a trillion dollars equivalent, more than two times the rubles in circulation. Russia’s economy shows a pristine balance sheet with only about 15% debt to GDP, whereas the EU’s debt-GDP ratio is close to 100%.

The petro-dollar is highly dependent on trading hydrocarbons in dollars – following the 40-year old agreement with the Saudis as head of OPEC in turn for US military security and protection. This alone, the constant demand for US dollars by all nations who needed to trade hydrocarbons, propelled the dollar into a ‘permanent’ reserve currency – allowing Washington to print dollars at will and to become a financial hegemony. No longer... Those times are gone. Washington’s evil attempt to destroy all those who ‘are not with us’, catalyzed the transition. 
More than a year ago, Russia started selling her hydrocarbons in rubles and started accepting the local currencies of her trading partners, like China and other BRICS countries. Today Russia is selling her hydrocarbon in gold – yes, in physical gold. The west did not count on that, with the quick analytical thinking of President Putin. Russia has been accepting artificially inflated dollars and then immediately exchange them for gold, thereby increasing Russia’s gold reserves dramatically. Today already, the ruble is backed by gold – a reality the west with its casino currencies is very quiet about.

By artificially boosting the value of the dollar against the Euro and lowering the price of gold, the FED and its Wall Street mobsters intended to make the dollar more attractive, especially since Russia and China announced new economic Silk Road, all the way from Frankfurt to Shanghai. 
German business is angry about Merkel’s obsessiveness with Washington imposed ‘sanctions’ on Russia. They see Russia as the trading partner of the future. Even the spine and brainless Hollande is responding to France’s business – ‘sanctions’ – enough is enough.
Where does that leave Washington? – One move away from checkmate. Washington’s criminal attempt to destroy Russia’s economy has been largely irrelevant and self-destructive. In the meantime and as Russia’s gold reserves increase, Russia has established an alternative SWIFT system. It is currently being tested internally but could go global within a few months. This means that any country wanting to avoid the corrupt dollar casino scheme could use the new system for international monetary exchanges.
That combined with ever more countries willing and daring to trade their hydrocarbons in their own currencies or currencies other than the dollar, will further lower demand on the petro-dollar. In addition, under their economic alliance, Russia and China may soon launch a new currency, or rather a basket of currencies of other nations ready and willing to abandon the fraudulent western fiat scheme. Immediate candidates would be the other BRICS nations (133 countries affiliated to BRICS in July 2014) and the countries of the SCO.
The combined economic output of the nations behind the joint currency – social indicators such as public health, standard of education and environmental concerns, capacity of conflict resolution, of living in peace and harmony – might be more indicative of the strength of this economic alliance than just gold or a straight GDP.
Such a new monetary system may soon cover 25% to 33% of the world economy, thereby becoming fully autonomous. The petro-dollar would further lose its stature as the world reserve. Ten years ago 90% of world reserves consisted of dollar-nominated securities. Today that ratio has shrunk to 60%, as currencies like the Yuan are rapidly gaining ground as reserve money, especially in Asia. Even Australia has recently declared it will increase its Yuan holding.
The drop of the dollar as the world’s major reserve currency is Washington’s biggest nightmare, and has been for the last 15-20 years when first Iran and then Iraq and Venezuela threatened to sell their hydrocarbon in Euros. These proposed moves were tabled as a means of increasing security for their own economies as worldwide trust in the US dollar was waning then, as it is now.
This is considered one of the major reasons for the 2003 US invasion of Iraq – securing the petro dollar as trading currency. The ensuing war was to take over all of Iraq’s hydrocarbon wells and privatize them. 
This was also the key reason for Washington’s false flag accusation of Iran’s plans for manufacturing nuclear weapons [and-now-tell-me-'compliance'-was-the-reason-why-the-U.S.-lifted-trade-sanctions-on-17-January]... In the meantime this has been proven to be a lie, including by the 16 major US intelligent agencies.
Washington’s relentless aggrandizement over Russia is part of PNAC (Plan for a New American Century), to achieve full world hegemony, but at the same time Washington is desperate not to lose its dollar supremacy. The US is in a terminal quagmire. There is no way out. Washington is acting like a wild beast in its last throes of life. The Empire may be capable of destroying the world – including itself – just so that nobody survives outside of the self-appointed Masters of the Universe.
The need for the emergence of a new ‘eastern’ US-dollar-detached monetary system is therefore becoming increasingly urgent. One might ask, why hasn’t it happened before?
It is possible that the new system hasn't been fully launched at this time in a bid to reduce the possible collateral economic damage on the rest of the world. In summary, fair trading among sovereign nations is a noble objective for global peace.

Peter Koenig is an economist and geopolitical analyst. He is also a former World Bank staff and worked extensively around the world in the fields of environment and water resources. He writes regularly for Global Research, ICH, RT, Sputnik News, the Voice of Russia / Ria Novosti, TeleSur, The Vineyard of The Saker Blog, and other internet sites. He is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed – fiction based on facts and on 30 years of World Bank experience around the globe.

Global Economic Collapse in 2016 ?? BRICS nations cut out US dollar.

Goodbye dollar? BRICS set to enhance trade in national currencies

28 February 2015 DADAN UPADHYAY for RIR
Edited by Bronwyn Llewellyn. Jan 29, 2016

BRICS nations are promoting mutual trade in their national currencies, a trend that could reduce the dominance of the US dollar in global trade.

Full article here on "Russia & India Report"
Both India and Russia are of the view that transactions in national currencies would be mutually beneficial for their national economic cooperation. Source: Alamy / Legion Media

The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) group is actively engaged in speeding up the process of increasing their mutual trade in national currencies. 
The process  kicked off last July (2014) at the 6th BRICS Summit in Fortaleza (Brazil). BRICS leaders signed an agreement to establish the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) with a reserve currency pool of over $100 billion. The NDB will help mitigate the effects of a dominant US dollar for trade between BRICS member nations. 
The US dollar is currently used for global trading with domination of the dollar-backed IMF, World Bank and Bank of International Settlements (BIS) headquartered in Basel, Switzerland.
A move for BRICS nations (133 nations affiliated in July 2014) to use their own national currencies in trade and investment means trading partners will not have to hedge against two different currencies. 
Currently, Indo-Russian trade exchanges rupee to US dollar then exchanges US dollar to rouble. If the US dollar is cut out, transactions costs are lower and mutual trade becomes more competitive.
In March 2013, BRICS nations signed two agreements allowing national currencies of member nations to be used in mutual trade and investments. The total trade between BRICS nations is $6.14 trillion which is around 17% of the world’s total trade.
Global trade is currently dominated by the US dollar. The impact for developing countries is that volatility of a particular currency in the currency market can cause huge economic and trade losses. The BRICS transition to trade in local currencies will protect them from such adverse fluctuations.


Russia’s Central Bank, BRICS discuss creation of global bonds. January 27, 2016. TASS 

Withdraw your MIND from the Money System. January 30, 2016


“Both India and Russia are of the view that transactions in national currencies would be mutually beneficial for our national economic cooperation. Our two Central Banks are working on modalities and are expected to make concrete recommendations to our governments shortly.”

- India’s ambassador to Moscow P.S. Raghavan to RIA Novosti news agency. February 18, 2014.

India and Russia have set up a joint working group to work out an “appropriate mechanism” for rupee-rouble trade. The group includes representatives from the central banks, export-import banks, commercial banks and the governments of both countries. They have had a number of meetings since last October (2014) to discuss this.
The trade turnover between the two countries is expected to greatly increase after this mechanism is put in place. The US dollar-dominated trade between Russia and India stood at $11 billion in 2014.
Indo-Russian trade based on rupee-rouble transactions was over $5 billion in 1991. Until the collapse of the Soviet Union, India was the biggest trading partner of the former Soviet Union.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said in December 2014 in New Delhi that the question of a transition to national currencies was very relevant:
“This will be mutually beneficial for the two countries, especially in view of the start of deliveries of liquefied natural gas from Russia to India from 2017,” he said.

Russia is well ahead in planning a transition to making trade settlements in rouble and yuan. 
“In the long-term, of course, settlements in rouble and yuan are very promising,” Putin said at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, in November in Beijing. 
After his statement, Russia’s largest bank Sberbank began financing letters of credit in Chinese yuan and performed the first transactions in yuan with one of Russia’s largest companies. The two countries aim for a broader use of the yuan and the rouble in mutual settlements in different industries, including defence, telecoms, energy, and mining.
Director and Chief Executive at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy in New Delhi, Rathin Roy said that the BRICS countries were keenly interested in reducing the use of the dollar. He stressed that Russia and China were already settling trading accounts in their national currencies - They have already established a mechanism to settle their mutual trading in rouble and yuan. In this respect, Russia and China have moved beyond all of the BRICS countries.
In March 2014, Brazil signed a deal with China to trade in their own currencies. Likewise, South Africa has been entering into bilateral agreements with other BRICS member nations as a step towards ditcing the US dollar.

Article:  BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Eurasian Economic Union to cooperate for people’s welfare. July 10, 2015

Wednesday 27 January 2016

South Africa Ubuntu Party shows us the way: UNITY & Active Projects !!

UBUNTU Welcomes Mpho Ralengole

Published on Jan 25, 2016

UBUNTU Party South Africa welcomes Mpho Ralengole into our family of activators, a new shining light and a messenger of unity and consciousness. Mpho brings a dynamic element of community activation through projects in the areas of arts, culture and technology. Her projects are scattered across South Africa but her 2016 municipal election campaign will be focused on the Gauteng region, especially areas like Diepsloot - a well known informal settlement bursting with life and energy - ready to embrace a new alternative for South Africa. 

I am extremely excited that Mpho reached out to us to unite her political aspirations with ours - since our vision for a NEW South Africa, united in diversity and bursting with abundance on all levels of human activity, is virtually identical. Please see Mphos progress and activity on the UBUNTU websites and other social networks that she is already driving. Here's to great things in the present and the future.  

Weave your magic Mpho. I love your unstoppable positive energy. In unity - Michael Tellinger

On Twitter...

I love my country
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October 2015

Evolution of social media in PR Business @caammpp be proud to be African

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I'm so grateful :)
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I am ready and willing to be President of the Republic of South Africa.
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Monday 25 January 2016

The "Syrian Regime" is not what the MSM says it is !!

Please continue to Share this Post and publish it on whatever media you have available to you... any Vloggers out there ??  ... as Critically Thinking Canadian says: to "help us in demanufacturing the headlines." This deserves the attention of everyone on the planet. Please keep Sharing. Thanks CTC.

Please also see this article:

Image source

Critically Thinking Canadian
November 20, 2015

< Demanufacturing The Headlines: Syria >

• The Assad family belongs to the tolerant Islam of Alawid orientation.
• Syrian women have the same rights as men to study, health and education.
• Syria women are not forced to wear the burqa. The Sharia (Islamic law) is unconstitutional.
• Syria is the only Arab country with a secular constitution and does not tolerate Islamic extremist movements.
• Roughly 10% of the Syrian population belongs to one of the many Christian denominations, all fully integrated in Syrian political and social life.
• In other Arab countries the Christian population is less than 1% due to sustained hostility.
• Syria has banned genetically modified (GMO) seeds, stating his decision was made in order “to preserve human health,”
• Syria has an opening to Western society and culture like no other Arab country.
• Its media and universities openly debate the global power elite’s influence in things. This means that they fully grasp the fact that real power in the West lies not in the White House but rather with the complex and powerful grid of elite think-tanks and central banks.
• Throughout history there have been five popes of Syrian origin. Religious tolerance is unique in the area.
• Prior to the current civil war, Syria was one of the only peaceful countries in the area, having avoided major wars or internal conflicts.
• Syria was the only country that admitted Iraqi refugees without any social, political or religious discrimination
• Syria clearly and unequivocally opposes Zionism and the Israel government.
• Following a massive oil find in Syria's Golan Heights, occupied by Israel since 1967, Netanyahu recently asked Obama to recognize its annexation of the territory. To consolidate its hold, plans are afoot to quadruple Israeli settler numbers to 100,000.

And the two most important points:
• Syria is one of the only countries in the Middle East without debts to the International Monetary Fund ( Pre-invasion Libya & Iran the only others )
• Syria is the only Mediterranean country which remains the owner of its oil company, with an oil reserve of 2,500 million barrels, the operation of which has avoided privatization and is reserved exclusively for state-owned enterprises.

So now ask yourself, why are we truly attempting to overthrow yet another government? What are we hoping to fix here?

If the recent invasions and illegal assassinations of Presidents like Qaddafi and Saddam have taught us anything, it should be the understanding of the blowback effect of such lawless actions by the West and the vacuum of chaos that always supersedes it.

If you agree with this message, help us spread it. Share this post and help us in demanufacturing the headlines.


"Global over-population" is a crock !!

I did the sums on this a few years ago myself... Put your Google to good use...

Update March 16, 2019. The links below seem to no longer be working so I checked out another website. On that site the total number of arable acres of land on planet earth in 2007 was 14,065,000,000 hectares.


Let's multiply that figure by 2.47 to give us the number of acres of arable land on planet earth in 2007. The amount of land today won't really be that much different.

Total: 34,740,550,000 or "thirty-four  billion, seven hundred and forty million, five hundred and 50 thousand acres" of arable farmable land on planet earth.

We will now divide by the current population on the planet: 7.7 billion people.


34,740,550,000 acres of arable farmable land divided by 7.7  billion people equals: 4.5 acres of arable land on planet earth for every man, woman, child and young person on the planet. This is phenomenal !!  Clearly, the statistics I found below when I originally wrote this article were very under estimated - by 4.5 times the amount !!

There is plenty of room on planet earth to gift every family the 1 hectare of land that Anastasia suggests gifting to people. In fact, for a family of two parents and three children who could potentially receive 4.5 acres of land per person, this is a potential total of 22.56 acres for 5 people or 9 hectares for the family.

One hectare is enough (100m x 100m = 10,000 sq metres per family). This is the perfect amount of land for a family to look after by hand - by using hand tools, as Anastasia says to do.

If there were 100 families in an Anastasia-inspired village with an average number of 5 people per family, there could be a further 8 hectares held "in reserve" for each family. That is 800 additional hectares (or 1,976 acres) that could be "banked" by that particular village and put to good use in large-scale farming, cropping, forestry, floriculture or orcharding enterprises. This would generate a very, very good collective income for the village.

All people (adults and children over a specified age, eg: 15 years old) could have a hand in operating the co-operative land. Everyone (around 300 people in a 100 family village - two adults per family and at least one teenage child averagely per family) could go on a roster for moving animals around pasture, milking cows, goats and sheep, collecting eggs, picking flowers, shearing sheep, gathering flax (for linen manufacture), driving tractors and harvesters, and take turns on the cherry-pickers at fruit harvesting time. There are plenty of people and there is plenty of land to do as little or as much as you want to, as a village. The choice is yours... The opportunities for additional revenue creation is limitless. The choice is yours.

As my old article says below - this is only arable land! This does not take into account non-arable land which can be used for urban dwellers, cities, airports, infrastructure and other ways of living that people might enjoy. In fact, there is so much land that every family could have their normal country dwelling along with a small apartment in the city where they can easily access amenities such as movie theatres and concert halls, universities, hospitals, clothing and shoe retailers, and supermarkets where you might want to access food that doesn't easily grow in your particular part of the world, eg: bananas and coconuts in Sweden and the UK.

So why only one hectare per family, since there is so much land?  In a word: "Logistics". Who realistically has time and energy enough to look after more than one hectare, with loving care?  Also, 100 metres is not such an advanced distance to walk to visit your neighbour.

People are social creatures. We need each other. If a family were allocated 9 hectares straight up, the distance to walk to your nearest neighbour would be around 300 metres. The distance to your next neighbour would be 600 metres, and the distance to the neighbour after that is around 1 kilometre. By then, you are jumping in your car - and that defeats the purpose of living in the country with cars buzzing around your neighbourhood.

You would end up with the same situation you have now in the cities (isolation), but for opposite reasons:  You wouldn't be bothered to get to know the people in your own village - the distances would be too great. Currently in the cities, people living shoulder to shoulder on tiny pocket handkerchief sections or in apartments don't get to know each other because everyone wants some privacy!

Anastasia's plan is perfect! 100 metres from my neighbour is perfect. I am private... and they are just near enough that I would be bothered to hop on my push bike or amble down the track for a cup of coffee with them. It's a perfect distance. Anastasia has worked out her plan perfectly!

There is so much arable land on this beautiful planet that it makes your mind boggle !!!  The puppet masters have definitely sold us a crock  #GlobalOverPopulation  They must be laughing up their sleeves at us, we who so stupidly believe their lies !!!

See this website for much more information about Anastasia and the Free Land Act that Russia passed on May 2, 2016.


Original article

Put this into your Search Engine:  "arable acres of land globally"  Note: arable = farmable, ie: good land

Bingo:  As easy as 1, 2, 3 !!!

"... there are 12 million square miles (7.68 billion acres) of arable land on the planet..."

This figure does not include all the habitable land on the planet that could still be used for warehouses, shopping centres, urban living and the world's ever-expanding technology industries.

7.68 billion acres refers to FARMABLE acres, 
not all acres available...  

So what if ...  every man woman and child on the planet was gifted one acre (1 hectare = 2.47 acres) of arable, farmable land for each person? If you're a family with mum, dad and the three children, your family would get 5 acres. Do you know what a wonderful life your family would be able to have if you had 5 acres? You'd have a supermarket right outside your back door for starters... you could then grow your own organic pesticide-free non-carcinogenic potatoes, cabbages, rice, corn, silverbeet, strawberries, nectarines, cherries, grapes, pineapple, nuts, herbs...  right at your back door.

With 5 acres, you could have a few sheep, chickens, hutch rabbits, a fish pond, ducks, turkeys, quail, pheasant...  All excellent sources of protein...

You could create a BMX track for your children and keep a couple of ponies for 0-carb transport and for your children to learn to ride.  So many solutions are found when people have enough land on which to grow their own food and timber.

It's a choice i'd definitely like to be able to make...  just like the Kremlin gave the Russian people at the beginning of 2015...

President Putin facilitates the "Space of Love" concept in Russia

No wonder the western media have got it in for Putin atm...  He's definitely a threat to the US hegemony and the FED, IMF, World Bank, Bank of International Settlements ponzy scheme that dominates the affairs of the world currently....

If too many people got "ideas" about claiming the land where they are born - for free !!! - just imagine what the ponzy scheme would end up looking like in a very short time !!  It would collapse!

As Max Igan says below:  "STOP COMPLYING" !!!  That is how we bring this system down !!


Uploaded on Jan 3, 2012.  Part 2.  A documentary explaining The Illuminati and New World Order NWO and the things you can do to help fighting this evil and put up some resistance!
