Saturday 30 April 2016

Putin exposes NWO, NATO, Anglo-American Axis for what it is!

"Yes, I'm in the process of bringing NWO agents to their lowest point. I've already exposed them for what they are really are: liars, thugs, gangsters, and blood suckers. If they continue to violate the moral law and order, then they won't be too upset if I put a little red pepper in their midst."

“Yes, I’m in the process of bringing NWO agents down to their lowest point. I’ve already exposed them for what they are really are: liars, thugs, gangsters, and blood suckers. They can’t refute that at all, therefore they are calling me names. If they continue to violate the moral law and order, then they won’t be too upset if I put a little red pepper in their midst.”

Mirrored from: 

Veterans Today
Original by Jonas E. Alexis on October 23, 2015

WUC News
April 30, 2016


Edmund Burke once said that “it is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free,” and that “their passions forge their fetters.” It’s no wonder then that Russian president Vladimir Putin is trying to introduce morality and practical reason to the political world.

Putin continued to surprise the supporters of the New World Order by saying that its agents are liars. By stating this, Putin has rendered them virtually powerless, helpless, and hopeless and the NWO agents are not liking it at the least.

Putin has openly warned NWO agents multiple times before that he would strip them from their nests. In light of this, Putin invited NWO agents to discuss some of those issues on a purely moral and intellectual level, but they refused.

Putin argued that peace cannot be achieved without appealing to moral rules and principles:
"The main thing is to ensure that this competition develops within the framework of fixed political, legal and moral norms and rules. Otherwise, competition and conflicts of interest may lead to acute crises and dramatic outbursts. We have seen this happen many times in the past. Today, unfortunately, we have again come across similar situations. Attempts to promote a model of unilateral domination, as I have said on numerous occasions, have led to an imbalance in the system of international law and global regulation, which means there is a threat, and political, economic or military competition may get out of control."
Putin argued ostensibly that if an agent tried to violate the moral law and political order then that agent must face the consequences of his actions—in the same way that a genuine police officer is punishing a law breaker or gangster or thug. NWO agents in the United States and Israel have violated the moral and political order, and this is one reason why Putin confronted that issue indirectly.

Putin further pointed out:
“The use of the threat of a nuclear missile attack from Iran as an excuse, as we know, has destroyed the fundamental basis of modern international security – the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. The United States has unilaterally seceded from the treaty. Incidentally, today we have resolved the Iranian issue and there is no threat from Iran and never has been, just as we said. 
"Recently the United States conducted the first test of the anti-missile defence system in Europe. What does this mean? It means we were right when we argued with our American partners. They were simply trying yet again to mislead us and the whole world. To put it plainly, they were lying. It was not about the hypothetical Iranian threat, which never existed. 
"It was about an attempt to destroy the strategic balance, to change the balance of forces in their favour not only to dominate, but to have the opportunity to dictate their will to all: to their geopolitical competition and, I believe, to their allies as well. This is a very dangerous scenario, harmful to all, including, in my opinion, to the United States.”

Putin is again showing the entire world that NWO agents have no clothes, and they are now paying close attention to what he is saying.

Wednesday 27 April 2016

The People of Hampstead stand against UK Satanist's "Hoaxtead" blog

The following was posted on March 13 by Dearman Does Hampstead

"To the people of Hampstead"

There was a comment left on Hoaxtead Research recently that has shook that blog to their core. Let me post it for you

In case that screen shot is not clear enough, here is the text of that comment:

“The People of Hampstead”

March 9, 2016

“Let me get this straight. This blog is to prove that the children were not abused by a Satanic Cult. And your genius way of doing this is by getting James Hind, a Satanist, to be one of your main correspondence.

And you wonder why people still think this blog is run by the children’s father as part of the named Satanic cult?

May I also take this opportunity to remind you that threatening to commit [scienter] and or engaging in criminal acts, such as online bullying, hacking and DDOS attacks, is highly illegal and punishable with imprisonment.

For more on the subject see the following acts:

The Computer Misuse Act 1990
The Terrorism Act 2000
Malicious Communications Act 1988
Protection from Harassment Act 1996

As an ex-police military officer, I could quite easily refer this for further investigation. However; as a cyber crimes investigator, I am pretty sure Mr Hines does not have the resources or know-how to commit such offences and is just scaremongering.

Not that anyone reads his insane blog anyway! He is, perhaps, in need of some professional help to combat the issues he faced as a child?

I if this blog really does have good intentions, I strongly suggest it cleans its act up. As we see it, it damages the reputation of innocent people around Hampstead who have been wrongly accused.

The people of Hampstead do not want to be associated with people that harass others and who support Satanists.

The courts have already made its judgement and the case has been put to bed. We do not need internet trolls damaging our names any further.

Consider this a friendly warning from various people around Hampstead that are being directly effected by this blog and the damage it’s doing to us.

We have a lot of financial might to take things further if the harassment and illegal activities of this blog and related networks continue. You may think you’re doing the right thing, but you are damaging our reputations.

Please stop. This is not a childish game!”

Indeed, it is NOT a game.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

HOW to PRAY when things are really bad.


Do you feel like you're in a washing machine? Do you have a really difficult decision that you've got to make? Do you not know whether to step left or right? I've learned that whenever somebody takes me out of my 'centre', I just need to double-check in with myself again.

That might mean to just start listening to my own thoughts on the matter. It might mean digging in and start doing my own research on the topic. It might mean connecting to the Universal Intelligence/ Creator/ God... whichever name you'd like to use, and say:
"I don't know what's what here. I need some guidance. Please send me a sign, or a dream, or something. I'll keep listening and looking and being open to receiving your message. But I really need your help, and i'm not going to go away until I get an answer from you."

btw. When we talk to Creator, we need to tell him-her that we mean business. We need to follow through and physically stop and wait for the reply. This is what we need to do, if we say that sort of a prayer. Stop. Listen. Look. Be silent. Be still. Calm your mind. Wait. 

Wait for as long as it takes for you to get your reply. I have no doubt that you will receive. "Ask, and you WILL receive. Knock, and the door WILL be opened to you." - New Testament. This is absolute.

I did, the night before I left my ex-husband as I really didn't know what to do. I prayed that prayer... And I had to wait in the dark for nearly an hour, yes... with him sleeping in the bed beside me, until I got the guidance I needed. My prayer went like this:
"I'm not going away until you give me the answer about what I should do."

And then I just lay in the dark... focussed... listening... waiting...

Then an amazing series of images came into my mind that all were parts of one big story. It started off with a voice in my mind telling me who was talking to me, and what attitude I needed to hold within me as the message unfolded. I just lay there listening and "watching the movie" as it were (it was all symbolic). I just kept my mind silent and took everything in. I asked no questions while the 'movie' was running. I just looked, and listened, and tried to remember everything in detail of what I was being shown. I knew it was important, so I wanted to remember everything. I'm glad I did.

Just to be clear... This was not an audible voice, but more like when you remember a conversation you had with a friend. It was like that. The scenes were the same. Ie: I was not transported to some virtual reality that seemed actual... I was very aware of the bed I was lying on, the dark room around me (we were living in the country), and the breathing of the man beside me. I saw the images as if they were a memory flowing through my open mind. I just let them happen. I didn't control them. Somebody else was the director. All I had to do was let go, and let it happen.

When it was all finished, I said "Thank you". It's important always to give thanks. We mustn't take such experiences for granted. They are unusual... They have been given to us from the divine hand.

As it turned out, all hell broke loose the next day - He (my ex-) was banging my head on the living room wall, trying to choke me, and drop me to the floor which would have given me a permanent lower spine injury. I grabbed him around the neck to prevent this, as much as I didn't want to be near him in that moment.  All the while, I just kept that 'movie' in my mind, and did exactly what i'd been told to do by my guidance.

I was now in one of the scenes of the movie. I was staring straight into the bull's eyes - same eyes. I just had to get through this. I knew what the outcome would be, and it was very good! I just had to keep my mouth shut and keep the message and images i'd been given, in the front of my mind... even while he was abusing my body and trying to traumatise me. I am convinced that my prayer the night before saved me that day, and in the months to come...

I left him that day - but only because the right person (a nurse) arrived on my doorstep 30 minutes after he departed. If this person had not arrived, I would still have been in the house later that night. It likely wouldn't have been pretty. Three times after that (over the next 3 years), he tried to kill me. Each time, I was delivered by divine intervention.

I know absolutely this power, this "person", that is outside of us, flowing through us, wanting to communicate with us - that they are very, very real... "God". Prime Source. Creator. Our brother-sister and our friend.

I've had nine attempts on my life in total from when I was 3 months conceived in the womb up until 2012. The last four attempts was by a demonic entity. I finally learned my lesson on the fourth attempt and announced to the demon - "Hahahaha!!!! You can't kill me, can you? There is only ONE who has the power over life and death! And you're not it!" I've never had any repeat of this experience after I made that declaration.

I return now to the story of the day I left my ex-husband and the visions i'd been given...

The scenes showed me what to do and where to go over the next few months. I am sure that if I had not followed all the 'markers' those scenes had showed me, I really could have just been another statistic. One woman is killed every week in New Zealand by a family member. Would I be the statistic for that week? I followed my guidance to the letter, and three times I escaped death by my husband's hand.

Moral of my story: It is very, very important when we are in times of darkest distress, to reach out and be determined to get your answer. Don't go away, don't lose your focus, don't keep regurgitating all the possible solutions your mind wants to make up for you. Don't take your attention off getting your guidance - until you do receive it. The guidance you are given may very well save your life. Yes. That's how important it is to know how to pray.

In finishing... I want to tell you what that "voice" said to me before I saw those five symbolic scenes. Following is what I was told that night, revealing to me the identity of the "person" who was talking to me in my mind, right before those scenes started rolling - like a movie. I was kind of surprised at the self-identifiers I was hearing, because i've never heard or seen God talk about themself (an a-gendered being) in this way in the Bible. The concepts were new to me. Unusual... But in my desperation of needing guidance that night and praying to God and Jesus asking for help (I knew I was in a life-or-death situation), I simply had to be open to the idea that the message given to me was from my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Note: I was a born again, full immersion water baptised, tongue-speaking evangelical Christian for 12 years when this horror story changed my life forever.

Here is what I heard in my mind as soon as the first scene was revealed. I have never forgotten these words spoken to me.

"You have nothing to fear. I am with you always. 
I am in the sand you are walking on... 
I am in the air you are breathing... 
I am even in the sun shining down on you, out of the sky. 
I am with you. You have nothing to fear."

Source  This is more or less the scene in my "movie".

I was able to keep these words, "Have no fear. I am with you," as a mantra in my mind the next day as this very abusive man was attacking me, so I was able to keep my cool. In later counselling and when I did the DAIP course (Duluth Abuse Intervention Project) years later, I found out that it's actually really important for women to remain calm during their abuse. This mantra in my mind as I received his rage, kept me calm.

Why was he angry? - you might be asking. What had I done wrong?

I had called him out on his actions and his lies. I told him I was no longer prepared to compromise with him. I could no longer compromise with the affair he was having, the money he had stolen from his work place, the rent he'd stopped paying... His dangerous driving while I was pregnant and with our children in the car, his inability to have a meaningful conversation with me. I was no longer prepared to compromise my well-being for him anymore. I would no longer be diminished by him. That's why he dragged me into the house that day during his lunch break from his new job, and he beat me.

The mantra I had been given, "Have no fear. I am with you," gave me assurance in my bleakest hour that myself, my two year old daughter and five week old son (who I was breast-feeding), would all be kept safe. I just needed to keep saying this as an affirmation as his rage was blasted at me, and as I left him that day. That was in 1985. It took a decade and a half but we finally got away. Finally, the energy of him still tracking me, dissipated.

Note: 'assurance' is very different to 'hope',  Go to the link to see my article on the insubstantiality of the words "hope, trust, faith, belief." They are nothing. There is only "knowing". There is only "what is" and "what isn't". The rest is fluff. It is not real. It's a magic trick.

Parting words...

Trust your gut. Trust your feelings. 

And when you get really confused, 

ask for help. You WILL get it. 

Determine within yourself to wait and listen.  You will get your answer.

Thank you also for listening to my story.

Thank you - Bron

Image  The desert of my life is now the rock I stand on. The most terrible things in life have a very strange way of becoming the things that make you amazing further down the track. You are not alone.

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Monday 18 April 2016

The day the US Dollar died. Chinese yuan the currency of choice

February 3, 2016

The dollar is slowly losing its privileged place in international transactions.

What this means for the United States is anyone's guess...

Goodbye Petrodollar: Russia Accepts Yuan

- Is Now China's Biggest Oil Partner

Russia reaps the rewards of dumping the dollar

Saudi Arabia has been kicked to the curb. Saudi oil to China was around 20% in 2005 
while Russia's was less than 7%.  Not anymore.

BRICS Nations unwavering in TAKE-DOWN of US Hegemony

Articles from September to December 2014

Friday 15 April 2016

Who wrote the Epistles in the New Testament?

We need to think strongly about the possibility that the whole Bible has been manipulated by those same people (descendants, energies, mindset), who run the world today. Please read the following with an open heart. If you have not challenged youself yet regarding whether the "Holy Bible" is telling you the truth, you will have lots of fun when you read this.

Thank you.

Originally posted on one of my other blogs. Apollonius of Tyana

Please feel free to join the associated Facebook group, Apolonius of Tyana - The Nazarene


The following conversation flowed yesterday morning on our Facebook group:
"Apollonius of Tyana - The Nazarene".

It took some very interesting enlightening turns, as you might agree.
I hope you (a) enjoy, (b) think on it. Thank you.

Preamble to the conversation:

Mead in his "Apollonius of Tyana" (1901) actually said quite plainly that Apollonius went to "Arabia", meaning south of Roman Palestina (see the third map below), but didn't specify his age, nor the length of time he spent there. Apollonius was basically in 'the outback' Mead says, with various other aesthetics and people working on 'the inner life'. It's when I worked out Apollonius' age for the period he was in Roman Judea, that got my attention .

He was still "young" (mid 30s?) Mead says, when he began his trek into the Hindu Kush via north Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan, after which he went down into India. After his five years of silence at 'Pythagorean school' in Ægae (around age 23-28), Apollonius spent some years in "Arabia". This was before he went across the Hindu Kush mountains (around mid-30s). Therefore, the age Apollonius was in Palestina-Arabia was when he was around 29-34 years old. A strange coincidence?


That is: Apollonius was in Palestina-Arabia at the same time in history (34-37 CE) the supposed "Jesus" was in ministry, at around age 30-33. How easy it would have been for the "Church Fathers" (Roman elite families) in 325 CE at the Council of Nicea, to concoct a story about a healer-philosopher in Judea who seemingly arrived out of nowhere. The early years of this "Messiah" could easily be padded out with stories of the early years of other "saviors" - Mithra, Tammuz, Dioysus, and others. Rome had noted that as soon as you gave the people a savior, the people would stop thinking for themselves. This was desirable.

The lingering memory of a white robed, barefoot, good looking young man with very long (never been cut) hair, who brought a message of peace and personal sovereignty to the far flung hills and villages of practically everywhere inhabited right across the Roman Empire, could not be quelled. Rome had to do something. These ideas of "giving to Caesar what is Caesar's (money) but spend the rest of your life doing the will of your maker and serving your fellow man", were far too revolutionary! Rome wanted all!

In 325 CE as the Empire continued to crumble, those sons of the Roman elite families, the patricians - those early "Church Fathers", decided to merge the oral histories, now spread near and far amongst the common people, with their own State Sanctioned version of events about Apollonius. The creation of this "saviour" would "kill two birds with one stone" (if not four):

  • It would snuff out memory from the common consciousness of this name "Apollonius"
  • It would give the Jews their long-awaited Messiah - a divide and conquer tactic to break up the ongoing Jewish revolutions
  • It would keep the money rolling into the "temples" (churches) by way of tithes
  • It would keep the people coming to the priests (all born of patrician families originally), where they would hear in the confessional the people's most intimate secrets... including thoughts of insurrection. Very useful indeed!

It's highly possible that Apollonius did venture into northern parts of Judea as he roamed around the hills, finding small towns and villages as he went. But for the "Church Fathers" to concoct their stories, Apollonius needn't have travelled there at all. A generational memory of Apollonius in Roman Judea still remained. It's quite possible these mainly illiterate villagers had forgotten his strange name... so accepting this name "Jesus Christ" as being the name of this young man in bare feet and shiny white linen clothing who had visited their home towns some 300 years before, would easily have been effected by powerful Rome.

This map shows exactly where the territories were in Roman times... so we don't get confused. "Arabia" in the Empire was very small, and didn't go anywhere near south as the House of Saud does today.

Palestina-Arabia together comprise the province the New Testament refers to as "Judea".

This is "Judea" and its surrounding regions. It's such a small area - perfect for walking!


As Paul-Saul was a Jew, you would think the "Christian churches" that would have been of greatest interest to him, and who he would have been sending letters of encouragement and exhortation to, would have been those communities in Biblical Judea, 2nd century CE. So why don't we find an "Epistle to the Christians at Jerusalem" ?? - at Judea, at Idumea, at Nabatea, at Peraea, at Decapolis, at Gaulantis, at Phoenicia, at Galilee ?? After all,these are the places where "Iesus Christus" was said to have travelled and lived !!

Here's a map of "Anatolia" or some of us might know it as "Asia Minor".
Obviously, it's modern day Turkey.

This makes sense to me (now that i'm looking at his particular map) of why "St Paul" wrote to all of these communities in Asia Minor - because this is where Apollonius is from!

Why are ALL the epistles (predominantly) "to the churches" in Asia Minor? First we have the letter to the Romans (Italy obviously), then we've got two epistles to the people atCorinth (south Greece), a letter each to the Galatians (Galatia, Asia Minor), Ephesians(Ephesus, west coat Asia Minor near Ionia), Philippians (Phillippi, north in Macedonia),Colossians (Colossae, Asia Minor - 15 miles south east of the city of Pisidia), then two more letters to the Thessalonians (Thesolonica, southern Macedonia, on the coast).

This is where Apollonius came from !!!! How "coincidental" is that?

ie: Asia Minor-Anatolia, and Greece - the home of his beloved Pythagoreanism.

Of course "Paul" (A-paul-lonius ??) -

... or [in Babylonian Magic-speak] "A Paul from somewhere Greek-sounding, like 'Ionia',"

- would be writing to the towns and cities where he grew up and had studied, alongside his philosophical peers. There are NO letters to the people of Judea, which is in fact where you would expect to find the largest populations of Christians to be living, only a century after the crucifixion and resurrection of "Iesus Christus".

Therefore, we have to ask why NO particular attention was being paid to those Christians who stood right in the firing-line of Judaism, by this so-called "Paul"?

It is illogical that this Biblical "Saul-Paul" who (it is said) was a blood-line Jew, would not write to his fellow-Jewish Christian converts in Judea, in the first instance. Not logical !!


Here's what Apollonius said about the Jews. It appears that not much has changed:

"For the Jews have long been in revolt not only against the Romans, but against humanity; and a race that has made its own a life apart and irreconcilable, that cannot share with the rest of mankind in the pleasures of the table nor join in their libations or prayers or sacrifices, are separated from ourselves by a greater gulf than divides us from Susa or Bactra or the more distant Indies."

Note: Jewish people are told to not sit down to a meal with non-Jews (goyim)

And finally -

From the page of Flavius Claudius Iulianus in the 4th century: 

"Out of Galilee ariseth no prophet."

Fisherman in the Sea of Galilee, 1890-1900

Sunday 10 April 2016

Panama Papers Australian Documentary. Implicated: NZ, Australia, China

Top secret deals in Panama allows the rich to build vast banks of hidden wealth. Kings, criminals, presidents and prime ministers have been outed for dodging the rules and having assets stashed in tax havens abroad  - Journeyman Pictures

The Panama Papers: Secrets Of The Super Rich

Published on Apr 5, 2016
Journeyman Pictures

The Panama Papers: Secrets of the Super Rich
Master material coming soon

Top secret deals in Panama allows the rich to build vast banks of hidden wealth. Kings, criminals, presidents and prime ministers have been outed for dodging the rules and having assets stashed in tax havens abroad.

In the biggest ever leak of such information, 11.5 million documents handed over to a German newspaper last year reveal in graphic detail how shady Panama City law firm Mossack Fonseca set up more than 200,000 companies and trusts to form a vast network that hides the financial affairs of politicians, oligarchs and criminals. "What we're looking at here is really a parallel universe, where people can go to play and avoid the rules in their own countries", says Gerard Ryle of the International Centre Consortium of Investigative Journalists. "People have realised that they are the people getting ripped off here", said Australian Senator Sam Dastyari. In times of global austerity, the unprecedented exposé about a secret world of money making where the rules don't apply to the rich, is politically explosive. Though Mossack Fonseca has never been charged with criminal wrongdoing, "people are angry. People have had enough", says Dastyari, that the system allows the rich to dodge the rules everyone else must live by. In the wake of WikiLeaks, the Panama revelation has fueled beliefs that shining a public spotlight on this illicit financial underworld is the only way to achieve a fairer system.

ABC – Ref. 6724

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Saturday 9 April 2016

"The Waltons" 1970s mind-numbing programing - 21st century RFID FEMA

The VIDEO that WALMART DOESN'T Want You To See!! Future RFID Chipping Hubs...

Published on Apr 4, 2016
This video expose is styled as a documentary short, covering 5 unusual facts about Walmart store closings. Walmart has had numerous contracts with the U.S. government. One of these goes back to the early 2000s, when Walmart began a cooperative with the U.S. Defense Department on RFID technology. With the help of the DoD, Walmart has been at the forefront of biometric and RFID technology. In 2012-2013, Walmart introduced SoloHealth stations into their stores and announced that it was an Obamacare, also known as the Affordable Care Act, initiative. Most people overlooked that the SoloHealth stations came equipped with RFID scanning technology. Walmart was a pilot for these SoloHealth Stations, and collected data on thousands of people as a part of the test run...

Click on the link to read much more...

A little bit of history - by BronnyNZ

The nice comfortable characters written into "The Waltons" in the 1970s placated the American public, and created 'blinders' to that name as the "Walmart" massive retail chain gutted the livelihoods of small business owners right across the USA, forcing them to close down.

We now see very clearly, five decades later, an even more insidious role "the real Walton family" have been playing behind the scenes. That family has most certainly reserved a place for themselves in those bunkers (elite DUMBs). No damn wonder those stores are now wrapped in razor wire, as people continue to wake up. What are you going to do about this in your community?

The choices are endless... from pamplet drops and protests to create public awareness, to more stronger forms of letting your disgust and anger be known over what this family has done to the American people over three generations!! Get your local sherrifs involved... They know the deal. They want to help you.

Don't stay silent. Raise consciousness in YOUR community.

Also, please go to the "Ascension Song" article below to get a much clearer picture of the way humanity is collectively affecting our future timeline, and please see the supporting articles under it. Thank you, BronnyNZ

WONDERFUL CHANGES for the world via the Russian Federation !!

by Yuri Smirnov on Vedic Russia Retreat - Journey to Prisitne Origins


Vladimir Putin recently said that very soon Russia would become the biggest World's supplier of organic non GMO food. Below you will find some interesting news confirming that his words come true.

1. More than 300 settlements (ecovillages) of Kin's domains (family estates) are developing now in Russia. They go natural organic way and use permaculture principles on a big scale (watch the video):

2. Please read this wonderful research about people co-creating their Kin's domains (family estates) in Russia and how they manage to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones -

3. Learn about benefits of Pinus Sibirica (Siberian pine or Siberian cedar as it is called in Russia) 

4. For those of interest: sharing an article about amazing healing properties and applications of natural Siberian cedar resin (Pinus Sibirica turpentine):

5. Heirloom non-GMO seeds from Russian organic gardeners are starting and growing well. ))) 

Select the seeds you like from the list here:

This Sale notification was posted on April 3, 2016 on Facebook

"Heirloom seeds. Massive sale. 50% off."

Friday 8 April 2016

Welcome to our new group: Apollonius of Tyana - the Nazarene

This post was originally published on "Apollonius of Tyana" Facebook group


Hi there. Welcome to new members of this group. I started this group, and need to offer a few words of explanation about why I set it up, and a few perspectives from my personal point of view...

While this group might look "anti-Christian" or "anti-Jesus", it's not. I have a Classical Studies background, love this period of history (Greco-Roman world 500 BC - 500 AD) and was in the church (protestant) in my teen years and 20s for 14 years. I have very natural leanings to want to look into this specific period of history (1st century AD) and this man (Apollonius of Tyana).

I have, like millions of people all over the world, been researching the mechanations of the Globalist Corporate System (since August 2010), that is now slowly but inevitably crumbling. This is happening because The People of the world have chosen to SEE, and our studious efforts bring us to this place. PEOPLE are changing the status quo, not the "administration"...  Collective Consciousness (Jung), Critical Mass (The Celestine Prophecy), The 100 Monkeys, Co-creation (Anastasia of the Ringing Cedars of Russia books).

Following is just one of the (many) spiritual experiences I had when I was a born-again, water-baptised, tongue-speaking young Christian, here in New Zealand in 1975. I no longer go to church. I can't refute what happened (of course, since it happen to me) ;)  - and I don't need to be 'convinced' by anyone about WHAT happened (my testimony on the link). I just thought I needed to let you know there are many facets to this very rough 'diamond', and I suspect there will be many seemingly paradoxical facets to many of the members arriving here  ;)  ... and from whatever background you come, you are most welcome to join this discussion. Note: Attempted proselytization of any member here to any philosophy or belief is not welcome. Here's a snippet of my life story...  :)


I had an experience as a 14 year old (1975) where I used the Name of "Jesus" when a demonic entity was breathing in my left ear in the middle of the night. This happened around 2 years after I became a Christian. I was petrified... glued to the bed in a cold sweat. Just a little background...

Some of my family members were involved in seances (very scary trance-chanelling stuff) when I was 11, and this caused a psychological split in me - disassociation and the adoption of a different persona and name when I was at school... etc, etc. I hated being in that "family". It wasn't a family. I was terrified all the time. It was just "hell". I did everything I could for that year while they were engaged in that activity, to forget I was a participant (forcibly) in that world. All of this happened a long, long time ago now (1972). Anywhooo... I knew exactly what this presence was that was in my bedroom, and after a year and a half of being in my charismatic Baptist church here in the small town of Matamata NZ, had heard lots of sermons about "the power in the Name". Well... what else could I do? I had no other choice in that moment but to use 'the Name'.

I couldn't move my lips let alone say the Name... so I just started thinking the name: "Jesus... Jesus... Jesus... "  The breathing was still quite heavy in my ear, but while I was sweating bullets of perspiration, I just kept saying the Name in my head. After a while, I noticed the breathing had backed up a bit, to around 12 or 18 inches away (30-45cm). This gave me encouragement to keep going. I was then able to move my lips a bit, but still, no sound could come out, because I was so freaking terrified. But my lips started to move a little, and then I noticed the breathing had backed up a bit more, to around 2 feet away (60cm).

I was really encouraged by this, and managed a tiny little whisper...  "Jesus... Jesus..."  This was all I could manage, given the situation.  The breathing backed up some more !!!  It was working !!!  Eventually, after another 10 minutes or so, I could vocalise... and in the middle of the night, lying on my bed in a cold, wet sweat all over me, I eventually got to the stage where I demanded (yes, this frightened, afraid, little disenfranchised kid, demanding!) this demonic entity to "BEGONE" !!  And my goodness...  It worked !!

The whole experience lasted for around 20 minutes. It was freaky as. It's never happened to me again, thank goodness, so I just put it down to being "a test"  ;)

So that, if nothing else, tells me that there IS power in the name of "Jesus" (for some reason), and I still haven't worked it all out yet...


Maybe Creator doesn't mind by what Collective Consciousness name we call Him-Her...  ????  But even though i've had this experience and many others - including life-saving experiences when my ex-husband was trying to kill me over a 3-year period, but I avoided him on each occasion because I just kept trusting in the 'still small voice' when it gave me direction - it still doesn't stop me from wanting to go down this rabbit hole and try to get to the bottom of what those Roman "Church Fathers" (elites) did. Something went on. But I also know there's "power in the Name", and i've been "saved" many, many times in all kinds of different ways (emotionally, psychologically, physically), by (this conceptualization and actuation of) this "God" and "Jesus" presence.  Maybe I will never reconcile these two ends of the spectrum, but i'm quite happy for them both "to BE".  They are both parts of my experience, and knowing  :)

So don't worry... You're not alone in trying to figure out your corner of the puzzle for your own personal understanding. I'm right there with you!  We are all in this together  <3 <3  The unravelling of this tangled up ball of twine is not easy, on a personal level (experience, macro-systems indoctrination, personal belief systems, etc, etc,.) nor the academic-intellectual level. Entering into this topic may well require you read the "Life of Apollonius of Tyana" by Philostratus (8 books, at your leisure), and other texts of the period and later commentaries by acedemics.


I attach this other "miracle" that happened to me, just a month before my 17th birthday.

I've done some study now (informally) in quantum physics and now have some understanding of what "The Field" is (ref: Max Planc) and how various anomalies in quantum physics turn up, such as "the observation problem" and "pre-positioning". If you're interested in this side, please see "What The Bleep Do We Know?" and associated study materials. I was so blown away by all of this that I went out and bought the whole boxed set for NZ$70 or something ridiculous in 2008. The movie itself is no longer available on YouTube (in NZ anyway). You might have to purchase it for a nominal fee.

The movie comes out of the co-joint research of a dozen or so professors of physics, religion, philosophy, bio-engineering, and so on, including John Hagelin, Ph.D. - prominent particle theorist at the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic University, Amit Goswami, Ph.D., Dr. David Albert - philosopher of science Columbia University, Stuart Hameroff M.D, and many others.

Gregg Braden

Please also see the teaching of geologist and truth seeker Gregg Braden. This video is spectacular and describes what happened to me and the healing of my spiral fracture, extremely well.

This (Chinese) practice is not outside of "the realm of God" as "God" inhabits everthing in The Field, which is the entire domain of multi-dimensional existence:  The Multi-verse. I personally now term "God", as "Consciousness". This is the all-pervasive presence who we feel, talk to, and who brings ideas into our minds, and who helps us as we learn to manipulate matter within this hologram by using our thoughts. Ref: Eckhart Tolle, "The Power of Now"; Vladimir Megre, "Anastasia" (2004, Eng.) Book 1 of "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" series - 10 books.

I feel that "Consciousness" is not dualistic in its thinking (oh yes! It's sentient and intelligent), ie: there is no 'right nor 'wrong' in the philosophical sense; there is only 'experience'. Therefore, there is no judgement (some people call this 'unconditional love'), and there is no heaven or hell. This is actually where I sit in my beliefs right now  :)  I just needed to let people know where i'm coming from so you can understand more as to why I set up this group.

Please also, feel absolutely free to share your own experience, and what brings you here to the "Apollonius of Tyana - the Nazarene" Facebook group  :)  Please feel free to join. Love to all, Bron

Here are some more links, for your interest:

The Creation Of The Religion Of Christianity

- This Falling Away of 2 Thessalonians 2 study will focus on the fall of the Roman Empire, which led to Satan creating the Roman Catholic Church.


Please be mindful for the purposes of this discussion of "Apollonius of Tyana - the Nazarene", that the "Jesus" being talked about in this video who thousands of early "Christians" did not renounce, may in fact be none other than Apollonius of Tyana, the Pythagorean Nazarene who taught the Indian philosophy-religion of "Chrishnaism".  RW Barnard pp.115-116

Please let the labels (names) go...  We know there was a man who revolutionized history, religion, philosophy and politics in the first century AD. Just exactly who that man was, we are not yet sure...

- Was it the Jewish Jesus of Nazareth (a town in Galilee) whose life of 33 years (alarm bells - Masonic power number) is directly modelled after the Horus (Egyptian) and Mithras (Babylonian) mythologies?  - or could that man have been the Greek Apollonius the Nazarene (a religious, philosphical order) whose life of 93 years was well documented as a fact all across the Mediterranean world? - unlike his usurper - the created, made up, fictitious Roman "Iesus" who archaeologists to this day are still struggling to find artefacts for.

Bill Cooper tells the TRUTH about Christ & the Church

Published on Oct 13, 2013

TheTruthIsFullOfLies, when you find the truth, you will also find a lot of lies.

I am going to do this until you either wake up or I die a martyr. If you don't wake up then I would rather be killed as this world will not be worth living in...

Back up channel Subscribe!

"The truth is extreme, to make it moderate is to lie." - Aaron Hawkins

"Many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at." - Anonymous

"Anybody listening to me will realize that these are indeed Historic Broadcast's and by making them I have sealed my fate" - Bill Cooper

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." - Joseph Stalin

Matthew 5:11-12 "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you."

Jude 1
3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.
4 For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Universal Law Trumps all others.

1. No man or woman, in or out of government shall initiate force, threat of force or fraud against my life and property and, any and all contracts I'm a party to, not giving full disclosure to me, whether signed by me or not are void at my discretion.

2. I may use force in self-defense against anyone that violates Law 1.

3. There shall be no exceptions to Laws 1 and 2


An ESSENTIAL STORY to tell your SONS. This is one wise man!

Johny Bineham

Please think about the answer to this question before you play this video:

What does every woman want?

Cathar Love 1 - Prince Arthur's Most Difficult Challenge.

Uploaded on Apr 2, 2010
Insights into some interesting and unusual aspects of love as well as the answer to what every woman truly wants!

Loving choices change your environment

Cathar Love 67- Cathar Basics 1

Published on Oct 27, 2014
Describing the essence of Gnostic Catharism for a Different Age. A Universal Catharism that an interplanetary visitor would be at home with rather than millennium aged cemented religious beliefs.

Monday 4 April 2016

China bullion exchange opens on April 19, 2016

Ah-ha !! Check out the video below for another part of the reason why there is going to be a distraction created on April 19, 2016 around the opening of these 'Temples of Baal'. Could this all be distraction?

We've all seen this before when Netanyahu bombed the crap out of Palestine on 14-7-2014 which was the date the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) was signed into being at Fortaleza Brazil that directly challenges the IMF.

I know it's also the important Baal sacrifice day (undisputed), but we need to think about these multi-international Temple Gate openings in terms of where all the MSM, the 'alternative' (MSM-paid for) news, and real alternative news channels will be pointing their cameras... Then guess what?  The real news gets missed. And what's the real news ???  

The opening of the Chinese exchange on April 19, 2016 

that may very soon have the COMEX on its rear end.  

Is it any coincidence that the date the new Chinese billion exchange is being launched is April 19, 2016 ?? That's is the very same day the 'Temple of Baal' will be opened in NYC, London, and other cities all over the world - a huge distraction operation I think you will agree. 

The launching of the new Shanghai exchange comes straight after the opening of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) on January 16, 2016* (see below), and the opening of the BRICS New Development Bank (NDB) on March 7, 2016. 

The China bullion exchange will undoubtedly take over from the (US) COMEX as the preferred platform for metals trading in the world. COMEX is well known for its inability to deliver.

The AIIB will take over the role the World Bank has been playing up until now, as the "big bank" to which all smaller banks in the group defers. Eg: JPMorgan Citibank, Bank of America, Bank of England, ASB, ANZ, Westpac, BNZ, etc, etc, all over the world, all defer to the World Bank, as they're all members of that banking cabal. The World Bank is located in Brussels, Belgium. Hmmm... hasn't Brussels been in the news a lot recently? Coincidence? Similarly, the AIIB could well provide 'oversight' or become the 'top tier' bank that supports an alternative banking group in the future which has broken away completely from the Rothschild-dominated World Bank-IMF- Bretton Woods banking system. 

The NDB is taking over the role the IMF used to play, of granting loans to the nations of the world to assist with infrastucture developments, post-WW2

Please listen from 9:00 on the following video about COMEX and the new Chinese "ABX" exchange. 

"There's going to be a re-set in the system..." - Bill Holter

Also, there's a second video after the Bill Holter transcript that we really need to take notice of. It's about these 'Temples of Baal' and includes a call for us all (globally) to take action against the installation of these gates/pillars all over the world. 


* Please note: 16-1-16 are magic numbers (reduced to 7-1-7) and is my birth date incidentally (16-1-61). Is this why I can keep up with the Babylonian Priesthood and see their tricks so clearly, because my astrological chart is so heavy in Saturnian energy? It's not easy to live with, I hasten to add. I have four large bodies in Saturn-ruled Capricorn (Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Saturn) and one significant smaller planet conjunct to these four (within 8 degrees) which sits in Aquarius the humanitarian (Mercury - fast messenger).

This 'Babylonian Priesthood' are the priests of Egypt, Babylon, and Rome-Greece (via Cleopatra the Macedonian Greek), who collectively ruled the Mediterranean East for thousands of years, both before and after the Roman Calendar reset on the year 1AD or 1CE (Common Era). The sceptre of power then went to Britain who has ruled the world since 1600 CE with the opening up of the 'Indies' - The British East India Company initially, then the Americas, then Australia including NZ which was originally meant to be another state of Australia.

By all accounts, we are still under the rule of Rome via the Roman Catholic Church. The break-away of the Church of England (Anglican) from Italian Roman Catholicism was a formality that left England in the clutches of The Vatican still. The Church of England stopped the "Mary Worship", the worship of the "Saints", idol worship, allowed the drinking of the Sacrament (the wine) and obviously, allowed divorce - which is apparently why Henry VIII "protested" against the Catholic Church. But essentially, the Church of England still sits under Rome. Please see the Nicean Creed of the Church of England. This still gets said by Anglican parishoners every Sunday. The "catholic" (general) church at that time was most certainly the Roman Catholic church that prevailed all over Europe. Just a few of the traditions got thrown out, that's all.

The Roman patrician (landed) families it seems, usurped the story of Iesus Christus and overlaid their story of "Mithra" the Sun God on top of a real prophet named "Apollonius of Tyana". He is an historic figure who was a Pythagorean of the Greek school of philosophy.

My blog here for Apollonius:

Saturn rules Capricorn. The Saturnalia in ancient Rome occurred 17-23 December. All sorts of debauceries happened while people were standing in queues waiting to go into the theatre. Yup... they penetrated each other liberally during Saturnalia (lots of sodomy). Only men and slaves (both sexes) were allowed to go to the theatre - That's how bawdy these shows were that wives and daughters (legitimate mares) were not permitted to go. Slaves and catamites (young boys aged three and upward who were used for sexual purposes) gave head under their master's tunic or cloak while they waited in line to see the latest Comedy or Tragedy. Ironically, i'm a Classical Studies major or I wouldn't have heard about all these goings-on. I graduated in 1996, long before I knew what was really going on in the world. There are no coincidences. Having this background makes "dot-connecting" much easier.


Published on Mar 31, 2016

Bill Holter from JS Mineset is back to discuss the current state of global economic affairs, and I have one simple question for him. Where is the collapse!?

Transcript notes for our foreign language friends

SGT: Bill Holter is back to talk to us right now. Where's the collapse?
Bill: The collapse is unfolding before our eyes. We started to unwind in January and February, then there was a 'bounce' (bounce back) that happened around the G20. There has been speculation that there has been something done (manipulations) to take pressure off the system.
Bill: Unemployment in the USA is actually at around 23%.
SGT: 45% of the US's "assets" are student loans
5:00 Bill: Obviously it's not an asset. Problem: When you consider other people's liabilities as an 'asset'. It's valueless. I think that's what the 'great awakening' is going to be... When people find out that somebody else's liability is not really your asset.
SGT: The guys holding the 'winning chips' won't be holding winning chips if the guys who are supposed to pay their debts can't pay their debts - in relation to the derivatives chain
Bill:  Let's go back to the first question, "Where's the collapse?" Just look all over the world:  China's exports were down 23% and their imports were down around 15% for the first two months of the world. This is a prime example of global GDP. Global GDP is contracting.
SGT: This 'funny money' printing from the central banks is not working, but this is the only plan they have.
7:20 Bill:  You can see the real economy is declining. It's just a matter of time until you get that 'panic moment' in markets... It's my opinion that it will take around 48 hours [for repercussions to go around the world].
8:20 Bill:  Gold is money... Gold is a physical asset. 
9:00 SGT: Gold is going to a price that will surpass even what Jim Sinclair sees to the upside... The price-discovery index is trending towards physical. The COMEX is ancient history and does not know it. Is the COMEX ancient history?

Bill:  Let's move away from the COMEX and then come back to it. This upcoming month [April], the ABX which is a physical exchange in Shanghai is going to be opening on the 19th ... It's interesting that just yesterday, there were 30 more countries announced that they are going to join the AIIB [Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank]. Also, the CPIS (Chinese Inter-bank... ahh... ) it's their banking 'clearing' system has been ramping up, and they have some changes over the next month proposed, to make it more international. It seems to me that these things coming together at the same time is not a co-incidence. So I would keep an eye on April 19 - that is when the ABX the physical exchange in China is supposed to go 'full blown' (operational). We've talked about this for 6-9 months now, but there is a firm date of April 19 now. So going back to your original question: "Is COMEX irrelevant? COMEX very well could be irrelevant any day that you wake up, based on a big physical trade going through the ABX that could clean the market out. 

12:15 SGT:  What is a paper contract worth if the contract can't be fulfilled? [in reference to gold]
Bill:  The answer is obvious is zero. It's not worth anything. That goes back to what we were talking about before, 'assets and liabilities'. If a liability can't be performed on, it's worth zero. That which is somebody else's 'asset', makes that asset worth zero. 

13:10 Bill: Basically, we believe there is going to be a re-set in the system. There's going to be a 'bank holiday'. When that happens, you're going to need to be able to transfer your weath [gold or silver] from the current system to whatever the new system is.  And if your wealth is sitting in a bank [cash], or sitting with a broker [stocks], or sitting in municipal bonds, or whatever, and we go through a 'bank holiday' where things are devalued, re-valued, 'bailed in' or whatever term you want to use, your wealth is not going to get from here to there - and especially if there is a revaluation or a new currency introduced. If that happens then your capital will be greatly diminished, moving into the next system. But if you're moving gold or silver from this system into the next system, you're transferring your wealth in whole

14:15 SGT:  Let's talk a little bit about silver.  2015 turned out to be a record year for total US and Indian silver imports. Combined US and Indian silver imports didn't just surpass the previous record set in 2014, they smashed the record by 20%.

14:35 Bill:  Physical silver is already broken down, so in an [economically broken] society, silver will transact. You can't transact in gold, because you can't get change. The consumption of silver and the consumption of gold we know, is greater than the annual gold production [globally]. So where is the silver coming from?  My theory is this...  Because China has been a silver nation for 2000 years, I think the silver that's been hitting the market has been let into the system by China to keep the system up and running long enough for them to empty out Western vaults with their 50 tons per week of imports of gold. That is, China is giving up silver to get gold. That's just my opinion.

17:05  Bill: There will be a 'monetary event'  ... I think you're going to see a mass rush out of currencies and into anything 'real'.  The ultimate 'real' is silver and gold. 
17:55  Bill: There's going to be a 'monetary event' where basically the world panics out of other people's liabilities - and that is currency. All currency today is the liability of that nation. 

18:50 SGT: This is the devastating effect of fiat currencies run amok. What people need to understand is if they don't protect themselves and take some measure against the inevitable collapse of the US fiat dollar, they will suffer the same fate of the Venezuelans.

19:30 Bill:  On a macro-stand point (point of view), we're talking about global currencies. I believe it's going to be a global event, it's not going to go country by country. It's going to look like one great big hyper-inflationary panic event, where people move out of paper.

21:15  Discussion about the American election.

Published on Apr 2, 2016


Temple of Baal to be opening in Times square New York and London on April 19th ... this must be stopped.


Saturnalia - Saturn - became the 'horned one' - Satan and later Baphomet who modern day Satanists worship. 

This is a big, big topic. But don't be afraid to go down the rabbit hole. The more people who are educated in these occult secret Mystery Religions (official term) and traditions, the more people who will be able to see the tricks of the Babylonian Prieshood (the money magicians) when they are next attempted. Thanks for your efforts.

You will ultimately find there are only two things the money magicians want to do to humanity... One is to do with the corporeal human form, and the other is to do with the Roman goddess, Juno Moneta. They're both depicted in this Roman artwork, the Warren Cup which is held in the British Museum.
