Saturday 28 February 2015

MULTI-SHARE Your posts on FACEBOOK. I'm now BLOCKED over-Sharing !!

Full Story of Kids Whistleblowing Satanic Sex Cult in Hampstead London UK

Published on Feb 12, 2015

This is not a hoax and the recent exams showed the kids have been sexually abused. 

The case has been DROPPED by Barnet Police as of 11/02/15.  - Sabine McNeill

Please copy this text below and send out toe 10 or 20 Groups or Friends on Facebook.  Thanks.

This is a very good compilation video made from the original videos that got removed from YouTube. PLEASE prepare people properly (emotionally) and give people the background to all of this before you put this video in front of them.


Here is an associated blog page that has a lot of background information. Please share this also if you'd like to:


We MUST KEEP GOING with sharing this information to 16 MILLION people in London alone.  Please join Facebook Groups that are based in England and London, and add this information to these Groups.  This is the ONLY WAY we are going to get this information out to wider networks on Facebook.  Otherwise, we just end up talking to ourselves !!

Less than 3% of your Friends see Posts to yours and your Friends Timelines on Facebook.  Fb re-set their algorithms back in February 2014 to < 3%. "Sharing" to our Timelines is NOT Efficient !!  :(   We MUST JOIN GROUPS in England and London, and put this information on Groups.


I went too hard and "Multi-Shared" on 95 Groups on Tuesday. That was not ideal.  Note:  Do ALL MULTI-SHARES from the SHARE button on your OWN Timeline.  You never have to leave your own Timeline to Multi-Share.  I was feeling very frustrated at the time as nobody seemed to be seeing what I see when it comes to Facebook "Sharing" versus "Multi-Sharing" by using Groups.  I therefore advise you to share to 10 Groups ONLY, each time you send a different post out.  And please make sure you include  London and England groups, as well as your usual 'global' groups.

You will have to do Research to find these London and English groups.  Use Hampstead, London and UK maps. In Hampstead, there's LOTS of hospitals (try social clubs, etc.) , universities (try faculties, etc.), schools (try parents' groups, etc.), churches (try prayer groups, etc.), medical centres, kindergartens, hairdressers, tattoo parlours, corner stores, Citizens' Advice networks, community support groups...  and they will ALL have a Group or a Page on Facebook.  YOU have to go and Search for these by using Maps and your white Search bar at the top of the Facebook page.

Major cities in the UK:
Cities in South England:
Greater London:
London suburbs:
Another view of London suburbs:
Hampstead map #1:
Hampstead map #2:
Hampstead map #3:
Hampstead map #4:

You can do ALL "Multi-Sharing" from YOUR OWN Timeline, and reply to any Comments from the 2nd Share button that will show up under your post - only laptops, PCs, some tablets and other devices can see the 2nd Share button.  It won't show up on most phones. You need to do your Shares on your "regular" Share button before the second Share button will show up.

Please sent this video out...  and please share other videos, and blog links as well, in Comments on English and London groups you are joining:

Other blogs and websites:   (Sabine McNeill)  (Sabine McNeill)

Background posts on this blog:


Sign The Petition Here:

Thank you, Bron  xx

Full Story of Kids Whistleblowing Satanic Sex Cult in Hampstead London UK

Thanks for your help.

NEVER give up,

Bron xx

Original PETITION Message. #WhistleblowerKids and #AbuseSurvivors

SPREAD THE WORD! Sign The Petition Here:

Return #WhistleblowerKids and #AbuseSurvivors 
to their Russian Family!

Sabine McNeill
London, United Kingdom
McKenzie Friends

My dad lies to my mum. He doesn't only see us on Saturdays. 
He sees us every single day in school where they do sex to us. 

That is what a 9 year old girl told her Russian mother about her paedophile British father after revealing a very disturbing secret of both the girl and her brother being sexually abused from their early age.

The mother was already deeply concerned by the children’s increasing aggression towards each other, their growing unhappiness and suppressed anger. What she could not imagine was the underlying issue, which her children could not speak about: because they were threatened to be killed if they talked.

The mother reported the crime, and Barnet Police who interviewed them ordered medical examinations that confirmed sexual abuse and violence. The Police, however, closed the case as “no crime confirmed” without even considering the results of the medical forensics and investigating the case properly.

A week after the crime had been reported, the children were taken into police custody and 6 days later for some unknown reasons retracted their allegations. They were held isolated “in care” by the Local Borough of Camden and since then Barnet.

Four months later the Local Authority still has not managed to provide evidence for the grounds on which they retain the children. There is obvious fabrication of facts against the mother and her then partner, gagging and bullying her, as well as generally unfair treatment in the courts.

The two judges so far have covered similar cases: Judge Vera Mayer who was involved in the case of Melissa Laird transferred the case to Mrs Justice Anne Pauffley in the High Court, who was involved with the Hollie Greig case.

Private meetings between the Local Authority’s barrister and the Judge are going on behind the mother’s back, which violates the ‘Code Of Practice’ and, of course, indicates a certain common agenda between the Judge and the Local Authority.

Incredibly, the alleged abuser-father has more contact with the children than the mother, while the Russian grandparents and the older half-brother have hardly any.

Even more incredibly, the Metropolitan Police covers up Barnet Police and it is clear that all legal proceedings are doomed to fail.

A 12-day fact finding hearing is scheduled to start on Tuesday 17 February at the Royal Courts of Justice in London - in the secrecy of family courts - without the general public or any media - a day after the weekly Empowerment Monday demonstrations.

Here are other posts about this mother and grandparents fighting for their children:

Only international exposure 
can help return these children 
from a truly unbelievable evil system of 
corruption and cover-up!

Hence we urge you to sign this petition so that the decision makers can hear your opinion. Please get the children out of 'care' and back to their mother!

>> Other relevant videos by Russia Today and Voice of Russia UK:

John Hemming MP on UK's bent forced adoption laws

White foreign children targeted for forced adoption

Sexual Abuse a National Epidemic

Friday 27 February 2015

CONFIRMED! NO HAMPSTEAD Child should know about this - But they DO !!

15:00 The video below COMPLETELY CONFIRMS what the Hampstead children have said in their video testimonies. Please send this link to whoever you can in your networks. Thanks xx  WE are the ONLY media these children have.  WE are the media.  Spread this information, far and wide.

US video. 1990s video. (below)

REAL SATANISM - Exposing The Occult Of Satan  (USA)

Published on Jun 13, 2014


Dave Roever presents Exposing the Satanic Web. Satanic symbols, slogans, hand signals.

Look around - if you know what you are looking at, you will see them everywhere. This is not a passing fad. 

You will see KIDS and Adults who were once entangled in the Satanic Web. 

As practitioner or as victims, they will not only tell you what a living hell is like, but they will also tell you how to be free. 

You will also see Professionals, experts who work with the aftermath of Satanic activity. 

They will show you how easily you, like a butterfly in a spider's web, can be entrapped in The Satanic Web.

+ + + + 

The following documentary was BANNED !!! 

It's old, but if you want to an idea of how DEEP this rabbit hole goes in our modern times, you need to watch this video. Thanks. Please Share.

BANNED Discovery Channel Documentary Satanism and Pedophilia EXPOSED

Published on Aug 11, 2013

SUBSCRIBE ~ For Ongoing Exposure To The Truth.

A full Documentary on organized Satanism and Pedophilia exposed by Former FBI Chief Gunderson.

This documentary was slated to run on The Discovery Channel but was pulled before it was ever broadcast. Poor quality, but STUNNING!


  • Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • February 20
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Sorry, I'm not re-posting those documents on the Group. I don't feel comfortable about that at all. If you want to send the information to individuals on the group, please do so via messages or personal emails. Thanks.
  • Sabine K McNeill
    Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Ok. Maybe we can talk tomorrow?

  • Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    ok. I'm in NZ. What times can we connect?
  • Sabine K McNeill
    Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Ok... great. Exactly 12 hours apart. I have 10:36am. Is now ok for you?
  • Sabine K McNeill
    Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    ok. I'll set up. I won't be long.
  • February 20

  • Monday
  • Sabine K McNeill
    Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • Tuesday
  • Sabine K McNeill
    Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.

  • I'm all yours love. Point the way
  • Sabine K McNeill
    Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Yup. Coz I know this "reality" is all actually a hologram anyway. Yes. It's very real and nasty when we're here, but quantum physics tells us we're collectively creating this shit with our Thoughts. So no... I might make a LOT of noise, but generally, i'm laughing in another part of me, because I know the "game" of this holographic illusion.
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Nice. Thank you for the link. I'll check it out tomorrow. It's time for me to get off here now xxx Big day. I posted on 95 Groups last night and there's around 140 Shares gone out. That's why Fb snapped me too. They don't like the Truth being told on their gear. They want to keep us all dumbed down.
  • Thursday

  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Hi, I'm closing "Bring A & G Home". The shills are having a field day. It's irretrievable. The whole culture of the group is utterly changed in just 2 days. I'm sick of the chit-chat. While people are talking, fighting and arguing, they are not sharing the information out to England and Greater London. I have put people's work on my Timeline, so you can come and pick it up from there. I'm not going to be a party to people sitting around and talking amongst themselves. I'm writing to a few people who i'd like to continue to work with, if you're open to it. I still want to do something, but i'm not going to spend my life moderating on a group that is rife with speculation and positioning. Fb have got what they wanted by removing me. But Fb don't have a clue of Who I am. Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.
  • Thursday
  • Sabine K McNeill
    Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • Today
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Sure. Good travelling xx
  • Sabine K McNeill
    Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Ok. Do you want me to put this up on (1) my Facebook ?? (2) my blog ??

  • Sabine K McNeill
    Sabine K McNeill
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
    This message has been temporarily removed until we can verify the sender's account.
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Sure. I'll take notes if you don't mind. I'll set up.
  • Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Bronwyn Llewellyn
    Ok. I'm over there. Please write me a message in Skype to let me know you're ready.
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