Friday 31 January 2020

Watch: Brexit Party MEPs triumphant on last day in Strasbourg

January 16, 2020

Nigel Farage reflects before speaking at the #Brexit celebration in London

January 31, 2020

Streamed 9 hours ago as Nigel Farage was transported to Parliament Square in London where a huge Brexit celebration was held, hosted by the Brexit Party. 10s of 1000s of people attended. Revellers continued banging on drums and ringing the bells of freedom until well after midnight.

Please note... for all of his good words and actions up to this point, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson did not offer up any resources for the Union to celebrate Brexit!  Johnson's contribution was to shine a countdown clock on his residence at 10 Downing Street, make a speech and mint a 50p coin! That was it !!!  Not even Big Ben will chime !!!  Therefore, the celebration you see here is patch-worked together by a party that has zero representation in the UK parliament, the Brexit Party! - That is the reason for the absence of a professional production feel to the celebration... because the Brexit Party did all of this off their own bat!

The UK administration couldn't be assed to !!! #Disgusting !!!! :-(

Countdown clock on Number 10 Downing Street to celebrate Brexit Day | ITV News

January 17, 2020

Nigel Farage's AWESOME Farewell Speech to the EU !!! January 30, 2020

January 30, 2020

The thing that happened at the very end of this video illustrates completely and utterly why all member states of the EU institution need to LEAVE the institution  #NationalSovereignty  Note: If you don't know what national sovereignty or nationalism really is, look it up. Ie: It has nothing to do with Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party (1920-1945). For more about the double-agent Hitler who worked for his masters in so-called neutral Switzerland, please see articles in the menu on this blog, Swiss Pharaohs #SwissPharaohs #SeanHross

January 31, 2020 #BREXIT !!! The Nigel Farage Show: Brexit Day | Watch on LBC

January 31, 2020

Sunday 26 January 2020

A RETROSPECTIVE: The Syrian crisis explained by Treka, a Syrian comedian !

October 18, 2017

Clips of Donald Trump are taken from before his presidency, and before he started draining the swamp. Huge progress has now been made. All countries including Saudi Arabia have now tasted US sanction policy and US military strikes and intervention #Baghdadi #Soleimani  - Please make sure you view this material retrospectively. The situation in Syria is now very different. eg: ISIS has been torn down in all of its forms... including being mislabeled "moderate rebels" by the US-UK MSM propaganda machine.

Monday 20 January 2020


Enlargement. Click on images to see detail.
Not photoshopped.
I have slightly altered contrasts to help people see the form better, that's all.

Image from the video below: Google Earth

HIDDEN HISTORY: In Search of Book of Enoch TITANS 

- SGT Report. January 19, 2020

January 19, 2020

Fascinating information. Please share with your networks.

Sunday 19 January 2020

Q3579: Future proves past. America will be unified again! The future is in our hands!

Screenshots from video following...
Please see archived Q posts here:

HAUNTING! Q3579: Future Proves Past, America Will Be Unified Again! THE FUTURE IS IN OUR HANDS!

January 19, 2020

James Red Pills America says: WARNING: VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED! This video was supposed to be published yesterday, but I ended up having technical difficulties and had to wait until today to publish it. PLEASE, Patriots, PRAY for the Yellow Vests who where involved in violent clashes with riot police yesterday. NOW, To ALL Digital Soldiers of The Great Awakening, you do NOT want to miss this BONE CHILLING video, where the Future, indeed, proves the past! Recently, Q reminded us in #Q3579 that the #FutureProvesPast​ and that soon, America would be UNIFIED. Then all of a sudden, it hit me! That Q post reminded me of something I once heard from an old recording made long, long ago about the very things which we are enduring today in the world, Patriots - and it has a PERFECT correlation, when paralleled with that same Q post! In the recording were the words "...and the power they took from the people will return to the people..". Patriots, those HAIR-RAISING words were spoken so many years ago, but the entire message in the recording sounds as though it came from President Trump himself, while speaking about the Deep State Cabal! Next, Pastor James tops it all off with a mix of awesome Patriot & Unity music videos, for one AWESOME, Power-Packed Video! Booom! Join me, Pastor James of #JamesRedPillsAmerica, for something you won't find on the #FakeNews media! BUCKLE UP, GRAB THE #POPCORN & ENJOY THE SHOW, PATRIOTS! You do NOT want to miss this awesome video with #PastorJames​! REAL Conservative content from January 19, 2020

"...and the power they took from the people will return to the people.." - Charlie Chaplin, The Great Dictator ---------

Reply from this blogger: Yes... This indeed is a great video Pastor James! You out-did yourself this time. I'm only 1/2 way through it and already, i'm going to share it to my blog for my network to see. I hope other bloggers do the same, and all people through Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets. VERY NICE JOB! Thank you! Love from BronnyNZ, an expatriate New Zealander now living in Sweden.


Click on the following video, even though the video looks like it's been removed #SeriousShadowBanning ... the worst i've ever seen  :(  Please help TVVC beat the algorithms. Please share. Thanks.

January 19, 2020

Thursday 16 January 2020

Correcting The Myths of Socialist Sweden | Aron Flam & Henrik Jönsson

January 14 2020

IRANIANS Refusing to walk on AMERICAN flag. IRISH Trolls. BREXIT Celebrations!

January 16, 2020

Great insightful, concise commentary. Please support Stefan... Please share this video with your networks. Let other people know about this great little channel coming to you from somewheres just outside of Stockholm. Thanks! Love from Sweden - BronnyNZ (an expat kiwi living in Sweden)

Tuesday 14 January 2020

The Meghan and Harry show! - Takes heat off Prince Andrew and his pedo-activities! The Queen knew months ago !!! Ammunition held in reserve to distract the public (us). Windsors knew Epstein-Andrew filthy laundry would eventually be inspected! #Vile Weapons of mass distraction... and isn't it working well? #PedoAndrew

TVVC is being heavily shadow banned by YouTube. Example: Empty YouTube video preview below (as you can see).  Ask yourself: Why is that? What is TVVC channel saying that YouTube (deep state agent) wants to hide?  Therefore: Subscribe to TVVC channel on YouTube. Please see how VV has been blocked out of his own channel by YouTube in mid-December at the end of this video. This YouTube channel is a re-start. 70,000 subs were lost from the original channel. So much for being a public platform with every tax break under US law, right? Lots of law suits coming soon! (I am sure)

Bottom line: Do you want the real news? Sub to TVVC then! Content is always very well-researched with often alarming information and very often with different perspectives! Very interesting commentator. You won't find this information anywhere else on the internet - substantiated with proofs and research you can easily do yourself. TVVC: Insider! (I believe - solid infornation). Note: This is an independent endorsement. I'm not paid to say any of this! 

Please view video here of this Meghan-Harry white-wash story which is intended to replace the Prince Andrew-Jeffrey Epstein pedophilia horror story in the news cycle. Expand your thinking. Think logically! (link) >


January 14, 2020

Thursday 9 January 2020

Monday 6 January 2020

Australia - The Perfect Firestorm. Created By Design - by The Crow House

January 2, 2020

Please keep sharing this Crowhouse information with your networks. It's very important to keep putting this information out into the world... controlled genocide of Australians.