Sunday 6 August 2017

John Podesta going down #Pizzagate #Pedogate Hampstead London UK update


This is a great summary of the Satanic sex abuse trauma suffered by Alisa (9) and Gabriel (8) Dearman-Gareeva, formerly students of Christ Church (Church of England) Primary School, Hampstead London. Hampstead is a very affluent suburb of London >> Lots of money !! Lots of politicians and people of influence - CEOs, Social Services managers, NGO managers, etc. THESE are the people who are shoving dildos up the bottoms of young primary school-aged children! SODOMY !! #AleisterCrowley - Anal sex allegedly opens the inter-dimensional worlds to the victim. It's actually just an excuse to engage in sadism and pedophilia in the most horrific ways  :(


Published on Mar 20, 2017
"HAMPSTEAD UNCOVERED - an SGT Report documentary interview."
To support Ella Draper's ongoing battle to locate and reunite with her children Alisa & Gabriel. Donate HERE

Included in this video are the testimonies of Alisa and Gabriel. These testimonies were recorded in August-September 2014 by their Russian mother Ella Gareeva (previously Draper) and her English partner of 12 months, Abraham Christie. The videos were released online in February 2015 by a third party.

The man the Children refer to as "Papa" is their English father, pimp, pedophile, snuff movie maker, actor, Satanic cult group leader

"Papa" means "Dad" in Russian. It is this man, the children's own "Papa" the children say have been their abuser from when they were 3 and 4 years old. This is a very bad man, and a very influential man with a large Satanic cult following in London, the greater UK and throughout pedophile circles world wide. Their biological father and perpetrator runs a child pornography operation producing videos and advertising children that pedophiles can abuse. He has to be stopped.

He attempted to gain Custody of the children of the children on February 1, 2016 but this attempt failed. See:

The last news about the children in mid-2016 was that they remain in foster care in the south of England - incidentally known honey-pot region for pedophiles. The children might still be being abused, even though they are in "care". From 48:00 on the video we see that the children are very possibly being paraded on a USA Superbowl advertisement.

UK police removed the children from their mother's home on September 22, 2014 (magic numbers) even though the children had NEVER named her as committing any offense against them. On August 6, 2015 a UK judge put the case off until February 1, 2016.

When we share this information on social media, talk about it to people face-to-face, print and distribute fliers, phone radio stations and write letters to newspapers and our local politicians, we put pressure on all of those organisations who are currently trying to suppress this information from going out abroad. We challenge the Media, the Politicians, the Police and we also challenge public opinion - whose tendency is to deny such things are going on in the world. It is up to ourselves - this community of awake people who now see this information - to maintain the pressure!

These evil people can no longer hide or silence this case. These children and thousands of children all over the world every week are being abused by Satanists and other groups of pedophiles. It's time we opened our eyes, and see the reality of what's happening right now in our world.



Only through the people (us) keeping the pressure on will we be able to defeat this Baphomet who continues to strike against humanity, right to this day !!

Please also subscribe to David Zublick's channel for updates about #Pizzagate #Pedogate in the USA.
This is an ongoing investigation.

Video. BREAKING: Damning Podesta PizzaGate Evidence Unsealed

Published on Jun 26, 2017
The House intelligence committee this week plans to interview John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign chairman whose hacked email account became central to Russian meddling in the US election last year. But will they question him about the murder of Seth Rich? Will they ask him about he and his brother Tony's possible involvement in a child sex trafficking ring? Will they ask him about their possible connection to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann? Will they ask him about the disturbing audio of someone who sounds like John Podesta abusing a child? David Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this special report!