Friday 30 November 2012

1 Hectare of Land (2.5 acres) Gifted Free of Charge to Each Family

Here is the answer:


A Dissertation
Presented to
the Faculty of the Graduate School
at the University of Missouri–Columbia

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy

Dr. Michael A. Gold, Dissertation Supervisor
MAY 2008

The undersigned, appointed by the Dean of the Graduate School,
have examined the dissertation entitled


presented by Leonid Sharashkin,
a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy,
and hereby certify that, in their opinion, it is worthy of acceptance.

Dr. Michael A. Gold
Dr. Harold E. Garrett
Dr. William B. Kurtz
Dr. Elizabeth Barham
Dr. Mary K. Hendrickson
Dr. James S. Rikoon

To Anastasia and to millions of Russian gardening families who are perpetuating
the ancient tradition of living in union with Mother Earth.

“The Earth needs our help. Tenderness and a loving attitude give it strength. The Earth may be large, but it is most sensitive. And it feels the tender caress of even a single human hand. Oh, how it feels and anticipates this touch!

“There was a time in Russia when the Earth was deemed to belong to everyone and therefore nobody in particular. So people did not think of it as their own. Then changes came in Russia. They began giving out tiny private plots to people to go with their dachas.

“It was no coincidence at all that these plots were extremely small, too small to cultivate with mechanised equipment. But Russians, yearning for contact with the Earth, took to them with joyous enthusiasm. They went to people both poor and rich. Because nothing can break Man’s connection with the Earth!

“After obtaining their little plots of land, people intuitively felt their worth. And millions of pairs of human hands began touching the Earth with love. With their hands, you understand, not with mechanised tools, lots and lots of people touched the ground caressingly on these little plots. And the Earth felt this, it felt it very much. It felt the blessing touch of each individual hand upon it. And the Earth found new strength to carry on.”

- Vladimir Megré, The Ringing Cedars of Russia


Leonid Sharashkin

Dr. Michael A. Gold, Dissertation Supervisor


Russia’s family gardens currently produce over half of the country’s agricultural output and represent a major sector of the country’s economy, involving two thirds of the population. Despite this prominence, household gardening has been viewed as a recent phenomenon, an adjunct to the country’s industrial agriculture, or a temporary response to the hardships of Russia’s economic transition. However, this study of the current status of family agriculture, Russia’s agrarian history, and the results of a 2006 survey of 1,500 families in the Vladimir region, show that gardens not only perform a wide range of economic, social, and cultural functions, but also represent a highly sustainable practice embedded in the region’s — and the country’s — environmental, socio-economic, and cultural context. 
The survey offers detailed information on the economic, agricultural, social, and cultural dimensions of gardening in the Vladimir region, including respondents’ adherence to a wide range of agrarian values. Based on the results, family gardening can be seen as a highly sustainable, diversified, and culturally important practice, which needs to be given due consideration by scholars and policy-makers.

Peru's Q'ero Wisdom: Hugely Important Information

Ian R Crane NZ Lecture #4 24nov2012

Published on Nov 29, 2012
Posted byMRNEWSguerillamedia

Please watch, read and Share. Watch from 48:28 regarding Ian's June 2010 experience in Peru with the Q'ero people.  It gives much of the "why" things are happening as they are at the moment in regards to Earth's Changes. Please pass this transcript on to every one that you know on whatever forums you have available to you. It's taken me 2 hours to transcribe this few minutes because Ian talks so jolly fast... and because i'm not a judicial court typist !!  I believe this is VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION that needs to be shared among humanity over the next few months. Please put this transcript and video out there. Please feel free to copy onto your forum. Please add a link to this page.  Thanks to Vinny Eastwood in Auckland, NZ. for posting this video on MRNEWSguerillamedia.  Kiwis do more than play rugby  : )

                    Q'ero Paqo despacho2 shamanism around the world katherine skaggs            

57:20  ... [the Q'ero people of the High Andes] live a very simplistic life. They work on the principle that Pacha Mama provides everything that they need. Every time they find themselves in abundance, then they go into 'ceremony' which is to build these beautiful mandalas, and then package them and then burn them.  And this of course was lost to the world, because these guys were totally lost to the world for 400 years. Because they had been chased up into the High Andes by the Conquistadors. Everybody believed that the Conquistadors had murdered them, but they were living up in the High Andes at 16 and a half thousand feet.

59:01  "... Everybody is where they're supposed to be..."

59:30 -1:04:30  Alberto... confirms that everything that they told me is exactly what they told him when he first started talking with them in the 1960's...  the stories that they tell are exactly the same.

The reason they came out of the mountains in the 1960's is because they had counted off 25 generations, because they believed that their mission was to stay hidden from the world for 25 generations, and on the birth of the 26th generation, they came down to the 'lower world' to share their insights.

Their insight primarily is that the world is about to go through enormous changes. But we have a role to play. And they want to make sure that everybody as much as possible, understands that we have to participate in this process... They didn't know any of this because they've been tucked away for 25 generations: They said that, "The way that humanity is living on the Earth today is not sustainable... "

So something has to change, but we have to participate in that process...  So they make they observation, they said:  
"First of all, we have to literally participate as though the existing paradigm was going to continue, AND the only way in which we can bring about change is literally getting physically involved and doing as much as we possibly can in whatever way we can to help bring about those changes."  

But they said, 
"That of itself is NOT ENOUGH. Because the other thing that we have to do is we have to VISUALISE... we have to visualise..."  

... they're very definite here, it's not "meditate", it's VISUALISE; it's literally create "the quiet space" and visualise the type of future you'd like to see...  and it doesn't have to be the same vision all the time... you could just be visualising something for yourself, something for your family, something for your community, your country, for the world, universe, whatever ...

They say,
" ... it's very important that we don't get an existential attachment to a particular visualisation. Because if we did so, we might limit the outcome."  

Because, we are limited in terms of our perception in this limited realm. So having too much of an attachment may actually limit the ultimate opportunity. And what they make the observation is, is that:

"If we do both...  if we make the time... sit down and visualise they type of change that we'd like to see...  NOT THE WAY IN WHICH IT IS GOING TO COME ABOUT...  just, the visualisation of the ultimate goal as far as we can possibly take it, what we will find is that things happen in our physical, empirical, material lives, which actually help us to bring about those changes."

... It was June 2010 was when I was with them... And they said that this process would absolutely accelerate exponentially with effect from November 2011...  They said, 

"If you practice, what you will find is that from November 2011 things speed up."  

So I said, "OK. What is it that's going to happen in November 2011?"  Now, Alberto absolutely confirms that this is unadulterated, it's unchanged from what he heard from them 50 years ago:

"What is going to kick in is this massive solar activity." 

Now... Alberto says that he actually wasn't able to corroborate this until 1972, when he got information from NASA that there was indeed some massive solar activity expected between November 2011 and May of 2013.  And then just after I came back from Peru, I read this, from an old edition of "New Scientist" and it said:

"Solar activity is known to influence human consciousness. Solar flares effect the central nervous system, the stomach lining, all brain activity including equilibrium, along with human behaviour and all psycho-physiological, mental, emotional, physical response... Solar flares can cause us to be nervous, anxious, worried, jittery, dizzy, shaky, irritable, lethargic, exhausted, forgetful, have heart palpitations, feel nauseous and queasy...  to have prolonged head pressure and headaches."

1:08:25   "The more we visualise, the more we can create the future."   - Amit Goswami

Anastasia of "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" says the same.  Here is a quote from Yuri Smirnov, Editor of "Space of Love" magazine on this subject of Co-creating and visualising Our New Earth:

We believe that a Space of Love co-creation is like childbirth. Two people, a man and a woman, meet. Each of them has their very own inner imagery, and so, two minds meet, with two dreams and two visions. And if they match in general, a deep mutual attraction arises based on mutual feelings, inspiration and the strong desire for a joint creation. Then, the two sets of visions merge into one joint vision and complementary thoughts of each begin to further strengthen this joint image-making activity. Thereafter comes a period of further comprehension, assimilation and development, joint planning, refinement and the adjustment of the now combined dream-imagery. And at last, when the dream has matured, it comes to birth in the world and the dream’s realization and embodiment begins.

We believe that nothing in our material world comes into existence accidently, or by chance. Everything is preceded by a sincere, pure and strong dream-desire - or just by the, oftentimes unwanted, unconscious effects of manifestation. Our conscious dream initiates a chain of events in the material world, tying together dream and reality, and will in time result in the dream's realization...   

- Yuri Smirnov

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The Cross of Changes

If you understand or if you don't

If you believe or if you doubt

There's a universal justice

And the eyes of truth

Are always watching you

-  Enigma

Welcome Visitors. We Are One.

Hello to everyone who has found this blog recently. Welcome. There has been a marked spike in visitors over the last two months. I am very happy to see that my collection of posts from other sites and the occasional original posts that I write are striking a chord with people from all over the world. Thank you for your visits. Your visits give me the motivation to continue adding to my blog in these most interesting days.  Thank you for your support. I send you Love wherever you are in the world, from Bron in New Zealand, the South Pacific Ocean. 


Looking back...

Please humour me while I recount the history (however humble) of this little site and recall the number of Views since I started this blog on 10 May 2012:

TUESDAY, 31 JULY 2012        

First 5,000 Views   

Co-creating Our New Earth  Stats > Overview  25 Jul 2012 15:00 – 1 Aug 2012 14:00

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There has now been nearly 10,000 Views  : ) 

friDAY, 30 november 2012    10am, 1 Dec 2012 NZ time. The "day" count ends in 3 hours 

20,000 views were exceeded overnight   : )

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Graph of Blogger page views

In Summary:  

  # Views           Time taken         Week #

5,000 Views       11weeks   -   Weeks  1-11
5,000 Views         7 weeks  -   Weeks 12-18 
10,000 Views     10 weeks  -   Weeks 19-28

A huge "Thank you" to everyone...

Great Lecture: Where does "Consciousness" reside?

Ian R Crane NZ Lecture #4 24nov2012

Published on Nov 29, 2012
No description available.

Iceland's Road Back to Democracy: Drake 20 N0v 2012

Iceland Totally Repeaces

Drake on Iceland ~ Posted on 11/29/2012

News that is music to your ears…

ICELAND. No news from Iceland?… why? How come we hear everything that happens in Egypt but no news about what’s happening in Iceland:</p>
<p>In Iceland, the people has made the government resign, the primary banks have been nationalized, it was decided to not pay the debt that these created with Great Britain and Holland due to their bad financial politics and a public assembly has been created to rewrite the constitution.</p>
<p>And all of this in a peaceful way. A whole revolution against the powers that have created the current global crisis. This is why there hasn’t been any publicity during the last two years: What would happen if the rest of the EU citizens took this as an example? What would happen if the US citizens took this as an example.</p>
<p>This is a summary of the facts:</p>
<p>2008. The main bank of the country is nationalized.<br />
The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market stops. The country is in bankruptcy</p>
<p>2008. The citizens protest in front of parliament and manage to get new elections that make the resignation of the prime minister and his whole government.<br />
The country is in bad economic situation.<br />
A law proposes paying back the debt to Great Britain and Holland through the payment of 3,500 million euros, which will be paid by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with a 5.5% interest.</p>
<p>2010. The people go out in the streets and demand a referendum. In January 2010 the president denies the approval and announces a popular meeting.<br />
In March the referendum and the denial of payment is voted in by 93%. Meanwhile the government has initiated an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis, and many high level executives and bankers are arrested. The Interpol dictates an order that make all the implicated parties leave the country.</p>
<p>In this crisis an assembly is elected to rewrite a new Constitution which can include the lessons learned from this, and which will substitute the current one (a copy of the Danish Constitution).<br />
25 citizens are chosen, with no political affiliation, out of the 522 candidates. For candidacy all that was needed was to be an adult and have the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly starts in February of 2011 to present the ‘carta magna’ from the recommendations given by the different assemblies happening throughout the country. It must be approved by the current Parliament and by the one constituted through the next legislative elections.</p>
<p>So in summary of the Icelandic revolution:<br />
-resignation of the whole government<br />
-nationalization of the bank.<br />
-referendum so that the people can decide over the economic decisions.<br />
-incarcerating the responsible parties<br />
-rewriting of the constitution by its people</p>
<p>Have we been informed of this through the media?<br />
Has any political program in radio or TV commented on this?<br />
No! The Icelandic people have been able to show that there is a way to beat the system and has given a democracy lesson to the world.</p>
<p>Please spread the news as Iceland is the role model now although sooner or later, the banksters will start demilishing their nationalized bank.

ICELAND. No news from Iceland? Why? How come we hear everything that happens in Egypt but no news about what’s happening in Iceland:
  • In Iceland, the people have made the government resign, the primary banks have been nationalized, it was decided to not pay the debt that these created with Great Britain and Holland due to their bad financial politics and a public assembly has been created to rewrite the constitution.
  • And all of this in a peaceful way. A whole revolution against the powers that have created the current global crisis. This is why there hasn’t been any publicity during the last two years: What would happen if the rest of the EU citizens took this as an example? What would happen if the US citizens took this as an example?

This is a summary of the facts:
2008. The main bank of the country is nationalized. The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market stops. The country is in bankruptcy
2008. The citizens protest in front of parliament and manage to get new elections that [lead to] the resignation of the Prime Minister and his whole government. The country is in bad economic situation. A law proposes paying back the debt to Great Britain and Holland through the payment of 3,500 million euros, which will be paid by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with 5.5% interest.

2010.  The people go out in the streets and demand a referendum [the people unceasingly beat on pots and pans outside the minister's homes all night and day].  In January 2010 the president denies the approval and announces a popular meeting.

In March the referendum and the denial of payment is voted in by 93%. Meanwhile the government has initiated an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis, and many high level executives and bankers are arrested. The Interpol dictates an order that make all the implicated parties leave the country.
In this crisis an assembly is elected to rewrite a new Constitution [this was done online by all of the citizens of Iceland] which can include the lessons learned from this, and which will substitute (sic) [ie: has replaced] the current one (a copy of the Danish Constitution).
25 citizens are chosen, with no political affiliation, out of the 522 candidates. For candidacy all that was needed was to be an adult and have the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly starts [started] in February of 2011 to present the ‘carta magna’ from the recommendations given by the different assemblies happening throughout the country. It must be approved by the current Parliament and by the one constituted through the next legislative elections.
So in summary of the Icelandic revolution:
  • resignation of the whole government
  • nationalization of the bank.
  • referendum so that the people can decide over the economic decisions.
  • incarcerating the responsible parties
  • rewriting of the constitution by its people
Have we been informed of this through the media?
Has any political program in radio or TV commented on this?

No! The Icelandic people have been able to show that there is a way to beat the system and has given a democracy lesson to the world.

Please spread the news as Iceland is the role model...

Thursday 29 November 2012

Bolivia: 12-21-12 Hatred and Capitalism Transmuted to Love and Community

Removing The Shackles


Bolivian Pres Evo Morales: Dec 21 is the end of hatred & the beginning of love

My Question is: How many other world leaders know and understand this? How many would admit to knowing this?

In MY opinion, the massive changes that are about to happen- politically and financially/economically - are due to the fact that the world leaders KNOW what December 21, 2012 means for humanity. The push to oust the cabal began in earnest in the spring of 2011, when the non-aligned nations met and said "NO MORE!" I believe that these people who began incredible change over, knew exactly WHY is was necessary to break the strangle hold of the Cabal over the people of this planet.

Here is the amazing words of Bolivian President Evo Morales to the UN in September 2012

excerpt from an English translation of his speech:
"And I would like to say that according to the Mayan Calendar the 21st of December marks the end of the non-time and the beginning of time. It is the end of the Macha & the beginning of the Pacha. It is the end of selfishness & the beginning of brotherhood. It is the end of individualism & the beginning of collectivism...­ the 21st of December this year."

"The scientists know very well that this marks the end of an anthropocentric­ life and the beginning of a biocentric life. It is the end of hatred & the beginning of love. The end of lies & the beginning of truth. It is the end of sadness & the beginning of joy. It is the end of division & the beginning of unity. This is a theme to be developed, that is why... we invite you, those who bet on mankind, we invite those who want to share their instances for the good of mankind..."

From Rumour Mill News HERE

The full speech in English can be watched HERE
(I'm sorry guys, I tried to embed it here, but I'm really useless at this techie stuff, lol.)

Earlier this year Bolivia's Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca made the announcement that December 21 2012 would bring the end of capitalism, egoism and division, bringing in an era community spirit and love.

"“the end of the Macha, the end of hatred, the end of capitalism” and the beginning of “la Pacha, the start of love, of community spirit”.

Saturday, July 14th 2012 - 07:39 UTC

Bolivia announces the “end of Coca Cola and capitalism” 
for December 21 December 21

The austral summer solstice, will mark the end of Coca Cola and capitalism and the 
start of a new cosmic era of community spirit and love, announced Bolivia’s Foreign 
Minister David Choquehuanca.
Foreign minister Choquehuanca anticipates a new cosmic era of community spirit and love

According to the head of Bolivian diplomacy on that day marked by the Mayan calendar as the end of an era, will not be the end of the world as affirmed by some prophecies, but rather the beginning of a new life full of changes and respect for Mother Earth.

For this reason the Bolivian government is preparing a special ceremony to celebrate the summer solstice day in the Titicaca Lake shared by Bolivia and Peru at an altitude of 4.080 metres above sea level. That day “will also mark the end of egoism, of division, it must be the end of Coca Cola” and the beginning of “mocochinchi” (a pop drink made out of dried peaches) and of “willcaparu” (a corn refreshment).

According to the “long counting” Maya calendar on 21 December 2012 will be the end of a civilization and the beginning of another one that implies spiritual transition towards a new cosmic conscience. The first of the seven Mayan prophecies says that on that day humanity will have to choose between disappearing as a thinking species which threatens to destroy the planet, or evolve towards the harmonic integration with the entire universe.

For Choquehuanca that day will signal “the end of the Macha, the end of hatred, the end of capitalism” and the beginning of “la Pacha, the start of love, of community spirit”. The Foreign minister announced that to welcome Pacha the Bolivian government is preparing a ceremony in the island of the Sun with the attendance of 50,000 indigenous members from different countries.

Choquehuanca made the announcements during a ceremony next to President Evo Morales and Vice-president Alvaro García in which a contract was signed to construct an airport in Copacabana, the main Catholic sanctuary of Bolivia, 120 kilometres west of La Paz.


"Hold Onto Your Hats" Change IS NOW !!! 29 Nov 2012

Mirror: American Kabuki site

The following video is an interview with POOF by Brian for the American Kabuki blog.  I am pleased to have Brian as part of the American Kabuki ground crew. I am sure you will enjoy his debut interview for the American Kabuki blog as much as I have.

Poof asked me to delay posting this video because some groundwork for the new financial system was not yet complete, which is why its being released 6 weeks after the fact. Poof informed me Tuesday that I could post this Thursday as the protocols would be completed. I apologize for the delay. I thought it better to delay this video than cause complications in implementing the new financial system which will benefit all.*

There are some interesting revelations in this video, things that I found hard to believe prior to the election but which seem to be bearing true 6 weeks later. There have been a number of positive actions by Obama since his re-election. Most surprising is POOFs revelation regarding the role of Timothy Geithner in all this. 

You may come to the same conclusion as I have about the current buzzword "fiscal cliff" in the cabal oriented media. Its THEIR fiscal cliff, not those of ordinary Americans.  The cabal has always sought to socialize their losses and privatize their profits.   There has been a concerted effort to place this phrase in the public mind by repeating it constantly in the media. I am surprised college students haven't yet created a drinking game for each time a TV personality says the word "fiscal cliff"!  One could get plastered from 15 minutes of watching CNBC!  The cabal wants you to believe their problem is your problem.  There is no cure for this debt, their cure involves centuries of deprivation and slavery to them.  Do you want that?  The math simply doesn't work. The only way out of this is a complete reset and restructuring which removes them from power, and they love power more than money.  No amount of budget cuts will cure this debt. There is no need to panic about the fiscal cliff, there is a new system in place to replace the old.  The old has to go.

PS: Cobra informed me Monday evening that the "Earth Resistance" (with Galactic technology) has confiscated and cleansed Rothschild and Rockefeller gold holdings hidden in their castles, banks, chateaus, and other locations.  Cobra said the source of the tungsten filled gold bars that came to light a few months ago was the handiwork of the cabal. It was an attempt to hide the fact they no longer even have the gold they once had.  The economy is truly running on air now.  

-American Kabuki

American Kabuki Blog Interview with POOF

Published on Nov 29, 2012
American Kabuki contributor Brian interviews POOF about upcoming worldwide banking changes.

Note: This video was made around 18th October 2012, but request was made to not release it. AK was only given permission this week to make this video public... Which is why there's reference to the "coming" US Presidential election.

This post and video make some pretty amazing claims !!  
All we can do is STAY AWAKE !!  


Update:  1 December 2012


A Wonderful New Morning is Imminent

The Morning After by Maureen McGovern

Uploaded on Aug 23, 2008

"Morning After" 

(from The Poseiden Adventure 1973)

There's got to be a morning after
If we can hold on through the night
We have a chance to find the sunshine
Let's keep on lookin' for the light

Oh, can't you see the morning after
It's waiting right outside the storm
Why don't we cross the bridge together
And find a place that's safe and warm

It's not too late, we should be giving
Only with love can we climb
It's not too late, not while we're living
Let's put our hands out in time

There's got to be a morning after
We're moving closer to the shore
I know we'll be there by tomorrow
And we'll escape the darkness
We won't be searchin' any more

There's got to be a morning after
(There's got to be a morning after)
There's got to be a morning after
(There's got to be a morning after)
There's got to be a morning after
(There's got to be a morning after)
There's got to be a morning after
(There's got to be a morning after)
There's got to be a morning after 

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Transformation Soon to Higher Consciousness

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

27 November 2012

Dratzo! We return! At present, we continue in blackout mode. We are busy establishing oversight committees to guide our Earth allies' organizations that are responsible for promulgating the new financial and monetary systems for your new realm. These committees will remain active only for the first six to nine months after the new systems come into force. The fiat financial systems still holding sway around your world are getting closer to collapse. The overwhelming debt accrued by your dark cabal is impinging more and more on the system's day-to-day operations. An enormous charade is being perpetrated for public consumption, by referencing only the amount of debt legally allowed to be carried on the books; in fact, this stated amount is about one quarter of the actual total debt. Your global economy is sliding quickly into the next series of crises that are to unravel it forever. Our earthly allies have wisely slid the new system into a position where it can take over when the 'death fall' happens. 

This death fall of your financial system will propel the 
cabal-controlled governments out of power.

Our primary responsibility is to shepherd all of this toward disclosure and first contact. Our liaison personnel have formulated a complex set of agreements that fits into the basic tenets set up by the nations that signed the Monaco and Paris accords in the spring of 2011. These nations uphold the termination of the Dumbarton Oaks monetary and financial agreements as well as the subsequent pacts established at various conferences since the end of World War II. These latter documents have now been replaced by those drawn up in the last two years by our sacred societies and a number of nations of the world. Several court cases and the existence of gold, silver, and platinum depositories, sufficient to cover the move to a new global hard-currency system, further legitimize these agreements. The primary stumbling block continues to be the major cabal-backed governments. However, these governments are being de-legitimized by a number of international court rulings.

As we mentioned before, your world's governmental system of nation states is in reality an illegal perpetuation of the illegal modus operandi of the Roman Empire. All the present governments of your world owe their original sovereignty to 'permission' granted by the Pope, acting as stand-in for the Emperor of Rome. This de facto form of Roman governance is now ready to accede to a more legitimate, common-law version, in which sovereignty is truly returned to the people (its citizens). This change is already being proclaimed by means of a series of agreements that were recently signed off on by a group consisting of the original chieftains and shamans of your world. These registered changes to your legal governance are now ready to shift the governance of your planet to a whole new level. Many newly appointed officials authorized by these ancestral groups are to take the helm in this new governance and ensure the instituting of the new financial system and the formal disclosure of our benevolent presence in your skies.

Disclosure is vital to what we consider as the best way to introduce ourselves to you. The dark cabal has long portrayed us as some sort of 'dark invader with a nefarious agenda.' This is far from the truth! We are here under the auspices of Heaven on a sacred mission of first contact. According to galactic protocol, as we have often told you, you are a society that our Science and Exploration teams deem 'not yet ready for contact.' As a result, this mission has presented us with many unique situations which required Heaven to grant us formal dispensations to enable us to push forward. Using these decrees as a guide, we reorganized this mission's priorities on many occasions but our objectives remained the same. Another non-standard aspect of this mission is the way these goals were to be achieved. Now, finally, we are getting to the point where the fruits of these labors are to manifest. First contact will bring you the means to return you to full consciousness and permit you to reunite with your spiritual and space families, with all the wonders of new knowledge and new adventures that that entails.

Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! Many events continue to make good progress. We are in constant contact with our Agarthan brothers as they coordinate the changes which are scheduled to take place shortly. Our Inner Earth brethren inform us that the many complex moves required to complete the formal alteration of your reality are still on schedule. We are watching as your present governmental systems begin an operation that is the forerunner of the official transfer of governance. These preliminary moves are taking place according to a series of international legal decisions governing the reasons for the changes. On the financial front, your present systems are in the process of a systemic failure, which for some time now has been quite evident to the experts who follow these trends closely. We are excited that the precursors of your new reality are manifesting, bearing in mind that these initial changes are merely the beginnings of what is, quite soon, to transform this dark realm.

Everywhere the Light is working miracles on our behalf and we graciously give blessings for this each day! Nevertheless, the dark is maintaining the illusion that nothing is changing, which is how they have operated for the past 13 millennia. We understand the way that change comes suddenly into being, and the alterations just ahead will happen in this manner. Our associates report that the dark is grudgingly permitting the prerequisites of this reality shift to go forward, thus precipitating the key moment when this multitude of changes actually happens. We are in joy that our space and spiritual families are overseeing these changes, with groups specifically assigned to manifest the changes regardless of what final shenanigans are attempted by the dark! The Creator and the divine plan have decreed this move to the Light and it shall indeed come to pass. Each of you has been blessed and is on a divine highway to full consciousness.

As the Light increases in intensity across your world, so the presence of our space brethren can become more marked. The craft you see in the night and daytime skies are here to be the heralds of this divine change. We too are ready to introduce ourselves to you, and our sacred associates are prepared to make their broadcasts, concerning specific sacred truths you need to know, shortly after the governmental and financial changes formally happen. In this way the Galactic Federation and your Light families can present themselves and explain the grand gift of Spirit which will soon transform you into fully conscious Beings of Light. This sacred transformation will reunify your physical, spiritual, and higher mental and emotional bodies. Then you will become able to create your auspicious new star-nation and be welcomed back with open arms into the galactic community which awaits you with joyous anticipation!

Today we reviewed the conditions that are shaping up rapidly to present you with an exciting transformation. The divine plan and the decrees of the Creator have brought us to the brink of this wondrous new realm. It is time to rejoice and prepare to welcome these events as they manifest before your eyes! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It!  Selamat Gajun!  Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)