Friday 19 February 2016

U.S. County Sheriffs STAND UP for the Constitution. Please Share.

This video was made in 2011 and is no less important today...


Original video posted by Joe Joseph on November 17, 2011

California Sheriffs Threaten Feds For Usurping the Constitution!

The Constitution is "non-negotiable." United we stand; divided we fall. All Americans need to hear what these Sheriffs have to say. They speak for all of us, not just the residents of the counties they serve - introduction by KafkaWinstonWorld  

+ + +

This is a fantastic video... I encourage ALL people all over the world to watch this (I have twice now because it's so darned good). It's is highly likely that you will see your own community mirrored in the testimonies of these BRAVE MEN who are standing against the U.S. Federal government agencies so that their own communities of people don't get screwed over.  Support these Sheriffs... Send them your powerful thoughts of Love, Courage, Tenacity... Go down to your local sheriff's office and discuss this video and see where your County sheriffs stand on these issues... You never know, your local sheriffs might not even be aware of this video or this movement that started to sweep the nation in 2011.

Please share this information with whoever you come into contact with...  TOGETHER we Co-create CHANGE...  Only TOGETHER can we achieve all the things for our world that we want to achieve.

Thank you for Co-creating these positive outcomes with the THOUSANDS of people all over the world who are going to see these posts today, these videos, and other blogger's articles on this subject. 

TOGETHER through our ACTIONS and through CLEAR VISUALIZATION of WHAT WE WANT, we are Co-creating "the world we want to see", as said by Mahatma Gandhi .

Please tell all your friends in America that SEACHANGE IS HAPPENING right now !!!  Please get behind your local sheriffs... because they have the CLOUT to stand up to the Federal government agencies !!! This is REALLY important news to get out there !!!    Thank you for assisting to spread this GOOD NEWS   : )

For our whanau here in Aotearoa and other indigenous nations around the world, please listen to Sheriff Dean Wilson from 10:00 mins onward when he is talking about the "Tribal Management Plan". It's a strategy that's being used in colonised nations worldwide, right?  ie: the confiscation of lands and then letting the infrastructure in those areas go into decay. Yeah... Definitely sounds like an 'Agenda 21' strategy to me, ie: the driving out of people from the natural areas and forcing people into small urban zones in the cities, aka "cattle management" or "The Hunger Games". This is all part of the 'Agenda 21' plan set up by the elites. Please also listen to Karen Budd-Falen at 49:00 concerning (Federal) governments STOPPING YOU using your own property !!  Sound familiar ??  - ref: Te Ture Whenua Maori land reform Bill (2015)

Article on the decomissioning of roads in the wilderlands

TAKE NOTE: Counties in California are TAKING IT BACK. 

Counties in Oregan are TAKING IT BACK.

ALL nations STAND UP... We can ALL Take It Back !! 

... and 'Yes'.  Our forefathers fought and died as well, in every nation of the world... NOW is the time to Take Our Stand as a LIVING MEMORIAL out of respect for all our forefathers' and foremothers' efforts who fought for all of our freedoms and the Quality of Life that we enjoy today. We owe it to our tupuna to TAKE IT BACK !!   Kia Kaha !!  - HOLD STRONG !!

"No other species on Earth has to pay to live on the land they are born on." 

- Michael Tellinger​, UBUNTU Liberation Movement, South Africa and worldwide  :)


Thank you  : )

Thursday 18 February 2016

Is President Vladimir Putin going to SAVE us? What is "Sovereignty"?

This is a Comment I started writing on Facebook today that kept expanding in its component parts...
I hope you enjoy and are able to take something from it.

I direct the following Comment to anybody who thinks Russia and President Vladimir Putin is going to "save" us...  And yeah...  I come across you every day when i'm out there on Fb:

Putin is a mentor and a model to us all... He is not putting himself out there as a "saviour". It's up to us all to "save" ourselves. It's time for the slaves of this world to get up off their knees and to step into personal sovereignty... of being a Full Human Being instead of a petty vassal. Get yourself in connection with Eternal Source - Creator - the One... That's how you get to be Sovereign (ruler of your own life) - by recognising that you are Eternal Being (you are eternal!) with a direct connection through your own consciousness to Consciousness itself: "Source". Work on your connection... and you are free !!

"Sovereignty" is not about filling in pieces of paper asking for permission to be free! That sort of behaviour just puts you on your ass again!

*begging... begging... Please let me...*

A Sovereign simply STANDS and says, "I am free". End of story. Do you ever see Vladimir Putin on his knees asking for permission for this or that? No - He doesn't. He uses his power of reasoning, chooses a plan, and goes ahead with what he knows is right. 
Putin knows the "game" that the U.S. hegemony is playing and he treats it like a naughty child. He ignores them... and occasionally, he talks down to them just like the 'naughty children' they are. What else honestly could anyone do? That's why millions of people all around the world admire Vladimir Putin... He is nobody's puppet... and you don't have to be either.

Free your mind (that's the thing that attaches to "matter" on the sub-atomic level and which constantly creates 'the hologram', ref: 'the observation problem' of quantum physics, Eckhart Tolle's book 'The Power of Now' and 'What the Bleep Do We Know?' movie), and everything else will follow...

Following is an excellent video that will help you see why people (many of us) are still on their/our knees... And why are you still on your knees? Simple: It's because WE OURSELVES have abdicated our own personal 'throne' and have asked somebody else to take care of everything for us. We have made ourselves beggars on the very Planet that is ours (to love, to give attention to, to give guardianship to and provide good stewardship for), and which in return, FREELY gives us everthing we need.

"No other species on earth has to pay to live on the planet they are born on..." !!  

- Michael Tellinger, Ubuntu Contributionism, Stone Circle Village, Waterval Boven, South Africa

Published on Jan 30, 2016

Time to spread the word to the Other 75%


"The Reality and the Fantasy - the berating of Putin"

U.S. Senator John Kerry: Look here Putin, if you're a really good boy and do as we say, we might even let you play with your own toys!

Russian President Vladimir Putin:  Yeah right!

FREE WORKSHOPS: Michael Tellinger, UBUNTU movement, South Africa.

Please Share this information TODAY  : )

Michael Tellinger put this notification up on his Facebook timeline only 23 hours ago. It's also up on the Ubuntu Party website, posted yesterday. I'm sure Michael has done other promotion for these workshops as well, but as Facebook is such a powerful tool, let's use the "tool" and help Michael get this information out.

Let's make a 'determination' to ABSOLUTELY get this word out to the entire population of South Africa, as best we can. People will travel far to go and see him, but first they have to hear about these events. That's where WE come in. You never know who knows who... so the idea is just to keep sharing, keep sharing... and then the information will end up wherever it is "meant to be", through our collective effort.

Obviously, please use any other tools (flyers, posters, phone trees and txt mssgs locally) as a means of telling other people about these workshops as well.  We can help Michael to bring in the crowds and make his workshops next week an incredible success. Let's get behind Michael and assist him by pulling off an incredible PROMOTIONS effort...

It needs all of us.
It is only TOGETHER that we are able to Co-create incredible nation-wide and world-wide CHANGE!

Photo: Michael Tellinger with South African community leader and founder of the  Mpho Ralengole who joined forces with Michael in January 2016 to forward the message of the Ubuntu Party SA throughout South Africa and the world.

Photo source:
Michael's Facebook photos

Michael's workshops are FREE...  Anything "Ubuntu" is not about money and never was, so the Workshops are highly accessible for EVERYONE!  Please Share this information to your Facebook Groups (where you have much larger audiences compared to your own timeline), and please directly Share and PM (private message) this information to your Facebook Friends.  Particularly, please Share this information (this link and Michael's links) to Facebook Groups with a large South African membership (including SA music, gardening, animal-lovers, social change Groups of all kinds) and especially Share or PM any of your Facebook Friends who live in any of these South African cities/towns or near to them.

Thank you all...  

TOGETHER we are changing the world right now 

- by taking action.  

TAKE ACTION and BE the CHANGE   : ) 

Here's Michael's Facebook post dated: Feb 18, 2015 

"UBUNTU Workshops In The Western Cape"

- - -  Hermanus, Cape Town and Bredasdorp

I will be running the first intensive UBUNTU Party workshops in three Western Cape towns on the 24th, 25th and 27th February 2016.  Everyone is welcome - there is no fee to attend.

These workshops are highly enlightening and inspirational and cover a full history of banking, origins of money, the UBUNTU philosophy of cooperation and our simple plan of action for the 2016 Local Municipal Elections.

The workshops are aimed not only at prospective representatives and candidates, but also at everyone who resonates with our message and wants to learn more about the UBUNTU Party and our plan of action to create abundance and prosperity for all.

I will cover some of the key points in our manifesto such as:

>> Free Electricity for every town and community - and how we can achieve it
>> Initiating diverse community projects and the creation of abundance
>> Turning our hospitals into true healing centres
>> Setting our scientists and inventors free
>> Dramatic stimulation of arts and cultural activities
>> The minority rule principle - how does that benefit our communities?
>> How to turn every small town into a powerful labour force owned by the people and not corporations or the government

Workshop locations 25th-27th February 2016

>>  ie: we need to get this info out FAST !!   : )   - Today !!  Right NOW !!   : )

(1)  Hermanus: Wednesday 25th Feb 2016.
Time: arrive 6 for 6:30
Venue to be announced.

(2)  Cape Town: Thursday 26th Feb. 
Time: arrive 6 for 6:30 
Venue: Novalis Ubuntu Institute, 39 Rosmead Ave., (between Ottery and Wetton Rd), Wynberg.

(3)  Bredasdorp: Saturday 27 Feb 2016 
Time: arrive 11:30 for 12 noon 
Venue to be announced.

No booking is needed - just bring yourself and your friends that want to be part of the 
true transformation of South Africa. I look forward to see you there. 

               - Michael Tellinger


... And i'm sure any donations will be gratefully received as venues usually come with a "hire fee" - so please offer Michael and Louise some rand on the day, or if you are not able to attend or if you live outside of South Africa, please go to the Donate page on the Ubuntu Liberation Movement website.  Thank you.  

Wherever we are in the world, we can all assist...  eg:  I'm in New Zealand not South Africa. We can ALL do something to assist - through our efforts or by contributing financially from the job that gives us an income. Financial assistance on the Ubuntu Liberation Movement website starts from as little as US$3 per month. The internet has brought us together as a Global Family.

Here's my CONTRIBUTION for example: I have no money (I live under the poverty line) but I do have a blog with around 500 visitors coming to look at my posts every day. Therefore, I gladly CONTRIBUTE many hours for Michael's causes (and other people's causes) by writing articles such as this. This entire article has taken me around 3.5 hours to research, to find and add the links onto, to find a great photo, to type up and to edit... and re-edit... and re-edit... so my CONTRIBUTION to the UBUNTU cause today to help with the Promotion of these workshops has a monetary value of around US$150 or more... but i'm not at all worried about that. I am motivated purely by the desire to "Be the Change I want to SEE" - Mahatma Ghandhi...  And for me, Michael Tellinger has the message for humanity about the world that "I WANT TO SEE".  So I support him fully... in whatever way I can.

So... All each of us need to do is just get a little creative:  Think about what you DOWHO you are (as a creative human being), where you GO and who you ASSOCIATE with already, and something will come to you about how you can CONTRIBUTE the very best of yourself for the Ubuntu cause... for the cause of Liberating Humanity from the debt-slavery system we are currently living under.

What is it that you do?  : )  What is it that you enjoy?  What are your talents, gifts and abilities?
- Then this is likely what you can best offer. This is your CONTRIBUTION  : )  eg:

>>  from taking photos or video to writing poetry, music or songs
>>  from creating posters and fliers and distributing these with your Friends through online networking
>>  from talking to your neighbours and the woman or man you meet at the grocery store this week (maybe the checkout operator or the shelf-stacker), to doing promotional blitzes on Social Media - Facebook and elsewhere, of this post, any promotional posters you see and Michael's links I have put up here for you to use right away.

We ALL need to find out where we fit in, and become a part of this rapidly-moving Global Awakening and CHANGE !!  

We ARE the CHANGE.  BE That   : )

"The only way to Create the CHANGE is to BE the CHANGE."

Thank you all.
Please feel free to leave a Comment below and tell us what you are doing. This will encourage us all.

- And if you simply want to copy-paste this entire blog post and add it to YOUR blog or other online outlet, please do so.  A reference back to this blog post is appreciated so that any of your readers can get in touch with me if they want to...  I have a direct line to Michael should any urgent issues need to be addressed.

Much love
Bronny NZ

Published on Sep 22, 2013
by Michael Tellinger YouTube channel

Michael Tellinger shares an extract from his full 2-hour presentation at the Global Breakthrough Energy (BEM) Conference in Holland during November 2012. This is part of his continued research into the origins of humankind, the vanished civilisations of southern Africa, origins of money, fraudulent corporate governments and the banksters that control them.
"Let us move from a money-driven society to self governing global communities driven by people and their passion for life and their god-given talents to create a world of abundance for all - - free from any restriction or hurdles to achieve what we want to achieve. 

"We live on a planet of abundance. Let us discard the philosophy of scarcity which only benefits the few. Let us reclaim our planet, a world of abundance on all levels of our human endeavour. It is much easier than most will ever imagine. We are the 99 percent - - the planet does not belong to the governments, corporations or the banksters. Let us take her back."

Join the UBUNTU movement wherever you are and let us share the message of hope and become seeds of consciousness to fill the hearts of everyone with love for all of creation."

Love and Light
Michael of the family Tellinger

Wednesday 17 February 2016

President Putin facilitates the "Space of Love" concept in Russia

In January 2015, Russia gave permission to go ahead with a plan that Anastasia suggests for all nations to do: For the governments of the world to gift to families of that country 1 hectare of land.

This is what she termed "a Space of Love" or a "Kin's Domain". This is an area of land that a couple, a group of retirees, or a "family" (a very wide definition here) would establish for themselves and their children and grandchildren, into perpetuity. This would involve putting up your permanent buildings and out-houses such as sheds, woodwork shop, chicken coops, fish farming processing plant, home dairy (cheese, yoghut, etc production), milking shed, piggery, etc... (whatever YOU and your family want!) and planting your permanent fruiting trees and berries, and your timber trees for future generations, and obviously, establishing your vegetable garden. In English-language terms, a "Kin's Domain" would be the family's or the group's "homestead".

Please visit my new blogs:  "Humanity! Take back your land!" and "Take back your motherland project".

Please visit my website:  The Motherland Project 
(in development)

Anastasia specified that the area of land GIVEN to each couple or family should be 2.5 acres (approx) or One Hectare (just as Russian Deputy PM Yuri Tretnev proposed pre-2015) - so people can plant their own crops, raise small animals, have space for their children to run around and learn about nature, keep bees, enjoy each other's company and welcome people outside of the family.

Anastatia envisaged (in "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" books published in Russian in 1996), that these "Kins Domains" or "Spaces of Love" would eventually return the whole world back to the "Garden Paradise" that it was originally: PEOPLE living on the land would work on creating a beautiful and useful garden on their "Kins Domain" and thereby, all efforts would return the whole world back to its original pristine condition...  A "garden of paradise".  For example:

This is Tim Wilmott's garden in England !! 
He created this tropical garden paradise over a 20-year period.  
See what humans can do?  ... Amazing !!!  : )

Source:  The Telegraph, July 2014

Please note:  The amount of ARABLE land on planet earth is 7,500,000,000 acres... (7.5 billion). You can easily Google these figures. That's the same number of acres as there are people on the planet - so right now, every man, woman and child could have guardianship of one acre...  RIGHT NOW !!  

And just to clarify: "Arable" land means fertile, good to grow trees, food and vegetables on...  ie: it's not rock or sand, but it's good soil.

Also, there are billions of acres of non-arable land on the earth as well, which is where towns and cities could be built (or remain), where manufacturing could happen, IT, commerce, government buildings, and all kinds of other infrastructure such as ship building, airports, logistics...

ie:  There would be no problems whatsoever in getting everybody on this planet on to land that is workable.  There is plenty for all !!  : )

Articles/Research paper:

In 2011 the dacha gardens of Russia produced 40% of the nation's food. - Natural

The History of Dacha Movement - Ringing Cedars of

"Global over-population" is a crock !!  - Co-creating Our New Earth


Note: Leonid Sharashkin is the translator of "The Ringing Cedars of Russia" books into English.

Anastasia's 'dream' is coming true...   

Homestead Act for Russian Far East – Putin supports free land handout


Homestead Act for Russian Far East – Putin supports free land handout

The Russian president has approved the idea to offer large land plots for free to anyone who resettles to the Russian Far East to start a farm or other business.

The initiative was first voiced by the deputy PM and presidential envoy to the Far East Federal District, Yuri Trutnev, who said that such a step would “strengthen the tendency of people’s migration to the Far East,” Interfax reported.

Trutnev told reporters that Putin called the idea right in principle and noted that similar programs had been successfully implemented in Siberia historically. Putin urged all responsible officials to be precise and cautious when detailing the conditions for land ownership, however.

Trutnev’s initial suggestion was to “create a mechanism for the free allocation of a 1 hectare (2.5 acres) plot of land to every resident of the Far East and to anyone who is willing to come and live in the region so that they could start a private business in farming, forestry, game hunting or some other enterprise.”

He added that the agreement could be signed for five years, and then it should either enter full force if the new landlord follows the plan, or be declared void if the land is not used. He also added that corruption in the process of distribution can be prevented if the land plots are far from big cities with their well-developed infrastructure and competitive environment.

The scheme has been designed to limit the possible selling of the land plots to foreign companies and individuals, Trutnev said. “We will give it a try,” he said. “I think this measure will prove to be effective.”
Please also see:

Russia gives away one hectare of farmland and forest to its citizens  - Siberian Times

China Eyes Land Giveaway Program in Russia’s Far East  - The Diplomat

Homestead Act for Russian Far East – Putin Supports Free Land Handout  - Good News Network


Monday 15 February 2016

VICTORY: Syria and friends push back ISIS aka U.S-funded mercenaries

A Syrian girl holds her national flag bearing a portrait of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad


"Syrian towns Nubl and al-Zahra in Northern Aleppo province had been occupied since July, 2012. After their liberation on the February 3rd (2016) and following improvement of their living conditions, residents are expressing their gratitude to Russia, Iran and Hezbollah."

Only about two weeks ago, the two strategically important towns were under the control of various rebel factions, including the al-Nusra Front. According to reports from locals, for more than three years they had to conquer fear and learn how to survive without enough aid, but with constant shelling in the background.

The Syrian Army, backed by pro-Iranian militias and Russia, which has been conducting air strikes targeting Daesh positions in the country, was welcomed with open arms by the residents that support the Syrian government and Bashar Assad. Streets are now decorated with posters of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah and Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei along with photographs of the Syrian President beaming down from the front of the town hall in Nubl and hanging outside its main mosque.

"Thank you Russia! Thank you Hezbollah! Thank you Iran!" a resident shouted on the street, as reported by CNN.

- Sputnik News

Hmmm...  Did we hear about any of this on the 6 o'clock news ???  It's probably not a bulletin the Zionist owners of the MSM would like to have broadly known. Those crooks make much more money by perpetuating war...

Please click on the link for the full article:

Caption: Time for Washington to Admit 
'Russia Is Right on Syria'

VICTORY !! ISIS in Full Retreat as Syrian Army Advances Towards Raqqa: No wonder the Saudis are desperate to intervene directly in Syria - Their pet terrorists are being routed

Mirror: Russia Insider Published 20 hours ago   ie: February 15, 2016

This is how we "Co-create Our New Earth" - by giving attention to what we want, not what we don't want.

Remember the saying:  "Energy flows where attention goes."  - James Redfield. Author of "The Celestine Prophecy" (1993)

Together, we can completely overturn this situation in Syria...  Please would you go to the link below and read this article that tells you about a mediation I did in 2012.  The most important bits are after the two pictures of the toruses/toroids - the black and white picture next to the purple toroid picture. The paragraph following is what i'm referring to. 

Please... Can you visualize this with me?  We are now a Critical Mass, just like James Redfield said in his book published 23 years ago.  We can help forward the "Awakening" to these lost men, these individuals on the ground who haven't seen beyond 'the illusion' yet.  We DO this when we send the thoughts and visualisations of that meditation straight into their hearts...  Let's Co-create the Change. Our time has come. This is the optimal time to ACT !!  Please join me and join with each other in your Thoughts right now. Together, we facilitate this change and all men on the battlefield will Awaken that they kill their BROTHER who IS THEMSELF... And then they will see the illusion of the money system and how it controls men (and women) to do things that they would not do under different circumstances.  Please send our brothers on the field this message today... into their hearts.

btw. You'll have to go find out what the visualization is, if you haven't read it yet... Just click on the link above  : )  Thank you.

Next stop: Raqqa

"The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies are pushing into ISIS territory at an alarming, almost reckless speed. No wonder the Saudis are desperate to enter the fight

"According to a military source in the Al-Salamiyah District, the Syrian Armed Forces established control over several small hilltops that surround the village of Zakiyah in southern Al-Raqqa after a fierce battle with the so-called “Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham” (ISIS) this morning."

For the full article please go to >>  Russia Insider

And here's a second article:

"ISIS continues massive retreat as Syrian forces advance towards Tabaqa"
By Leith FadelAlmasdar News 14/02/2016

"Recently, ISIS lost control of the Zakiyah crossroad that would allow them access to much of the Hama Governorate’s eastern countryside; this loss now leaves the terrorist group without a primary supply route to their stronghold at the town of ‘Aqayrib."

There's a more detailed map of the Syria region available here >>

So you can read the symbols on the linked map Please Select:


TWEET US @lummideast
Map of Syrian Revolution, Civil war in Syria, Russian war on Syria, ISIS war on Syria
Sides of conflict
Syrian army or Assad, NDF, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Shiite groups from Iraq
Anti-ISIS coalition, NATO, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, UAE
Rebels forces: FSA, Ahrar al-Sham, Al-Nusra - Al-Qaeda in Syria, other groups, Turkmen
Kurds: YPG, SDF
Islamic State
Non-aligned, Nature

EXPOSE: Turkey’s Erdogan Owes Syria $100Bn For Stolen Oil: Turkey & Israel Owes Iraq $1.5 Trillion For Stolen Kirkuk Oil

On "Political Vel Craft"

Erbil Turkey Ceyhan Israel Oil 4

Over the last two weeks, Russia has been destroying the “living pipeline” that has allowed Turkey to steal tens of millions of barrels of Syrian crude oil, much of it at peak market prices, while only paying their ISIS allies a pittance.

This process isn’t new. Turkey did this all during the Bush era, having cut a deal with US “manager” Paul Bremmer, a deal VT insiders helped manage for Bremmer and that I was witness to personally.

- Political Vel Craft

Please see the whole article here >>

John McCain ex-Vietnam veteran still has a lost mind

Putin definitely calls it right about John McCain who suddenly pops up out of no-where on the MSM news last night, telling the world America is going to war to back the Saudis. Good god... McCain... Just another NWO muppet. Putin had McCain totally pinned (analysed) back in 2011. And please note: No teleprompter!

Listen to Putin's eye-opening speech about US Foreign Policy and McCain he made four years ago

Published on Oct 1, 2015

This video goes back to a Russian TV show in 2011, when Putin's foreign policy wasn't quite as clear to the Russian public as it is today. Nevertheless, he makes his stance known on US foreign policy, and notably, his feelings toward Mr McCain.

Translation and description courtesy of Inessa S
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Translation courtesy of

Western media (MSM) demonizes Putin... WHY do you think that is ??

Putin Crushes BBC Smartass

Published on Oct 3, 2015

Another certified moron bites the dust  JOHN SIMPSON, BBC.

Western countries almost universally now believe that there’s a new Cold War. You, frankly, have decided to create that. We see almost daily, Russian aircraft taking sometimes quite dangerous manoeuvres towards western airspace. That was done on your orders; you’re the Commander-in-Chief (the U.S. NATO and its allies). It has been in reply to your orders that Russian troops were sent into the territories of sovereign countries – Crimea first, and then Eastern Ukraine. Now, you’ve got a big problem with the currency of Russia, and you say you’re going to need help, support and understanding from other countries, particularly from the West. So can I say to you, can I ask you now, would you care to take this opportunity to say to people from the West that you have no desire to carry on with the new Cold War, and that you will do whatever you can to sort out the problems in Ukraine? Thank you!

Translation courtesy of Inessa S
Link to the RI article
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Sunday 14 February 2016

Letter to the Vladimir Putin Fan Club NZ - Putin it right !! Facebook group

Here's the group...

Vladimir Putin Fan Club NZ - Putin it right !!

It's a great group. You don't have to be a New Zealander to join, but you do have to be a Russo-phile and it's best to have a sense of humour as well...  ; )


I just had a wee note from one of the administrators of the group explaining why I was removed - This isn't a problem by the way...  I have no attachment to being on the group.  However, I did want to let other members on the group know what was going on. The following are excerpts of the conversation and my summarising reply. Thanks.

Problem expressed:  Hi Bronwyn. I have removed you from the Putin group. The last straw was the recent post [unpublished as everything goes through an administrator], which has nothing to do with Russia or Putin.

My reply:  Did you actually read the description on the article?  I clearly said, "Admins: FYI. I don't expect for you to put this on the group but I want to let you know about this, because I give a damn."

Problem expressed: The group is not a bulletin board for your blog...

My reply:  I don't over-promote my blog... This is simply where my independent research is archived.  It's MY research and therefore the content doesn't appear on any other publication.

Problem expressed:  You don't really have the temperament for an Admin [referring to my lack of patience with people]

My reply:
  I'm not worried about not being an Admin and as I said to N. at the time, I was needed elsewhere. I'm happy I left the group in very good hands. [I resigned as a co-founder and administrator of the group in February 2015] 

... I'm far happier just doing research and creating blog posts. People in the end [on Facebook groups] just piss me off... all the inane chatter: Does my head in.  For my piece of the puzzle, I need to be quite fiery and a bit of a big mouth (opinionated) otherwise posts on my blog would never get written.

General comments in summary:

My main beef on a group like the Vlad group (which I do feel passionate about as a whole subject because so much incredible GREATNESS is coming out of Russia), is when supposedly 'awake' people (like N and M) continue to propagate the message of the U.S. agenda... Grrrrrr.....

Look at all the posts on WW3 that are going up  : (   

You know about 'pre-predictive programming' don't you?  

- It preys upon people's susceptibility in thinking the published word is true when currently a lot of what is being stated as true (via the US MSM propaganda machine, eg: CNN-Arabic division on WW3 being started by Saudi Arabia - N's post), is not physically happening at all !!  In fact, the US et al. have agreed to a PEACE PROCESS.  This shield-banging is just an IDEA !! And if you get enough people giving attention to the IDEA, then you get a tipping point for it to happen - a critical mass. This is a quantum physics fact, not a new age theory. Ref: What the bleep do we know? movie.

Things actually happen because enough people have believed it  : (   100 monkeys effect... and I personally DO NOT WANT WW3... hence taking such a strong stand.

That's why i'm a bit 'mad' (I confess) when it comes to quashing anything that is pre-predictive programming coming out of The Agenda... and unfairly so often (I see that) when most people haven't had the luxury of "time" over the last 5 years in the same way that I have, as a casual and part time worker, and as a student.

The following article is dated April 2015... Yes I find the 'game' very upsetting  : (

If I see people who should know better posting the propaganda of The Agenda, my tendency is to bitch-slap them into waking up. My bad maybe. And I don't choose 'favourites' either. You could be my worst enemy or my best friend. Blindness is blindness.

Actually, sometimes it works (you'd be surprised); and other times it doesn't (what a flaming genius to have worked that one out Bron!)  But you never know until you test the waters. When I feel so frustrated by the imperviousness of a mental construct that just won't move, I often feel i'm not left with much else...

How's your 'parle le français' ?

WHO or WHAT keeps turning up the HEAT !! ???? Hamilton NZ

(Getty Images)
Great article about pre-Christmas conditions in the South Island (very extreme and unusual)
News Talk ZB, Monday 21 December 2015

Residents of Hamilton NZ have been battling extreme temperature highs for this last month. The Waikato is traditionally known for its steaming high humidity as much of the area spans historic flood plains, wetlands and reclaimed swamp . Hamilton is built on a swampy delta that was long ago reclaimed, with the arms of hundreds of distributaries being redirected into what now is the mighty Waikato River (NZ's longest river). 

So while hot temperatures into the late 20sC (78-84F) are common, temperatures heading into the 30s spanning a week or more, is not at all common. These have been the weather conditions of this last fortnight (MetService chart below). Precipitation has been negligible.

These two articles about hot Waikato temperatures from 2013 and late 2015 give us an idea of what was previously considered "high", or unusual for the Waikato region. The November 2015 article i'm sure was written to assure people that warm weather was on its way again. We had a particularly long and cold spring (Sept-Dec) in 2015.

Here comes the sun again, and again, and again - Hamilton's heat dome is back - March 5, 2013
Sun comes out for Hamilton, dry conditions creep over Waikato - November 3 2015

This hot bout seems to have come to an end (for now at least) and 7am morning indoor temperatures are now back down to a comparatively chilly 19 degrees C (66F) this morning.  Night time temperatures for insulated older homes (like the one I live in) have been running between 20-23C for the last fortnight... And if you didn't quite hear that right: this is night time temperatures   (ie: 20-23C at 2am) !!  

For a Hamiltonian like myself living in a rambling 1920s weatherboard bungalow this last blistering fortnight with no air conditioner nor even a personal fan, has been crazily uncomfortable beyond measure - and is why I consider recording this event (just passed) noteworthy enough to write an article about.
(Note: I didn't buy a fan as i'm migrating to Sweden all things going well, in 2016)

... My next question (with me there's always a 'next question') is of course, "Why?"

Source  - "Science Mag" (a mainstream science pulication)
Article  -  "Astronomers say a Neptune-sized planet lurks beyond Pluto" by Eric Hand Jan. 20, 2016

Is this the cause of high temperatures all over New Zealand from September 2015 (in the South Island) and Jan-Feb in the Waikato?  

Is this the cause of continuing seismic activity that is affecting the Pacific Plate and is causing ongoing sizable earthquakes in Christchurch and elsewhere in NZ?

As I don't think the 10's of 1000's of cows directly living around Hamilton City (50km radius) are farting more than usual (ref: NZ 'emissions trading scheme' sets up 'fart tax'), and since fewer cars have been on the road because of summer school holidays plus two consecutive national and regional public holidays just gone, I dismiss the "CO2" argument.

My gut feeling is that the increase in heat - and earthquake activity on the planet (Christchurch got another big one 5.7M yesterday afternoon at 1:13pm date: 14-2-16 incidentally St Valentine's Day) - this increase in heat I feel has a cause behind it that is much bigger than most of us can comprehend...

Please see these YouTube videos and note the dates of publication for more about this "cause":

If you found this article interesting and the content important (as I do) please share this link with your friends on social media and raise the issue with people you are in contact with every day.  WE need to let people know what's going on. This information is not going to be broadcast on the 6 o'clock news. Getting this info "out there" really is up to ourselves... Thank you for your help.  We can only achieve such greatness when we all work together. I've done the 'hard bit' for the last 3 hour hours to get this piece together. You've got the easy bit... by just selecting "Share"  : )  Thanks.

Waikato River near Taupiri 1880

Hamilton NZ temperatures 14 January to 14 February, 2016:

Met Service:  Past weather

Peak wind gust:

maximum 65km/h
  • 31N
  • 35W
  • 26W
  • 37NE
  • 65NE
  • 39W
  • 22W
  • 30NW
  • 28W
  • 30W
  • 26W
  • 28N
  • 24NE
  • 37NE
  • 39W
  • 37W
  • 28SW
  • 46NW
  • 31N
  • 33W
  • 39NE
  • 37NE
  • 31NE
  • 37E
  • 35SE
  • 30NE
  • 30NW
  • 31SE
  • 24W
  • 28W
  • 35N
  • 39NE


highest & lowest 30°C / 10°C



total 29.8mm


Peak wind gust: The direction and speed of the highest gust that was recorded on the calendar day.
Temperature: The highest (orange) and lowest (light blue) temperatures that were recorded on the calendar day.
Rainfall: The total rainfall that fell during the calendar day.

Source:  NZ Meterological Service