Wednesday 15 April 2015

AMERICA: Anti-Corruption Laws Passed !! This is BIG !!! Represent Us!

Please SHARE this post out on all your Networks. I've added a lot of videos here and background information and links for people to refer to.

People don't know yet that "Represent Us" exists. It's taken six months for me to hear about this since the election in Tallahassee in November 2014. And i'm usually seeing stuff all the time!  So PLEASE...  Don't leave YOUR Friends in YOUR networks uninformed. TELL THEM !!  SHARE !!  Thanks.

As the director of "Represent Us" Josh Silver says at the end of his video:

"We're on the verge of making history... 

and that begins with you."

First Anti-Corruption Act in US History Passes

Published on Nov 6, 2014

On Nov. 4th, 2014, voters in Tallahassee, Florida, made history by approving the first city Anti-Corruption Act in the United States by an overwhelming 2 – 1 margin. 

Your community could be next — Learn more at

The Tallahassee Anti-Corruption Act, Explained

Published on Oct 16, 2014

Big things happening in Tallahassee, Florida

Introducing: The American Anti-Corruption Act

Published on Nov 12, 2012

To read the act, sign your name, and learn more. http://www.Represent.Us
For details about the Act, visit:
From the Occupy movement to top GOP strategists, forces from both sides of the aisle are uniting to combat the corrupting influence of money in politics. The result? The American Anti-Corruption Act.

Represent.Us 2015 Strategy

Published on Jan 15, 2015

Want to fix corruption in your community? Raise your hand, and we'll help you make it happen:

 Citizens for Ethics Reform     Citizens for Ethics Reform

On Nov. 4th, 2014, voters in Tallahassee, Florida made history by approving the first city Anti-Corruption Act in the United States by an overwhelming 2 – 1 margin.
A small but dedicated group of progressives, conservatives, and independents put aside their differences to wage an historic battle against corruption in their community, and they won.  This first-of-its-kind municipal anti-corruption referendum seeks to limit the influence of big money in politics.
Click here to watch a 4 minute video by Represent.Us about this anti-corruption win:    Read more...

Left to right: Catherine Baer of the Tea Party Network, Josh Silver of Represent.Us, Peter Butzin of FL Common Cause

One city. One big win.
 Now it’s your turn.

On Nov. 4th, 2014, voters in Tallahassee, Florida made history by approving the first city Anti-Corruption Act in the United States by an overwhelming 2 – 1 margin.

A small but dedicated group of progressives, conservatives, and independents put aside their differences to wage an historic battle against corruption in their community, and they won.

They weren’t afraid to call the money pouring into our political system what it is: corruption. They went all in with comprehensive reforms instead of settling for half measures. And they did it all by sidestepping entrenched politicians and putting a citizen initiative directly on the ballot — no politicians required, just we, the People.  Read more...

Here's some background to all of this:

Something Insane Just Happened In The House

Published on Oct 31, 2013

Don't fight each other, fight corruption. Take action now at

The Bill is H.R. 992 — the Swaps Regulatory Improvement Act:

You can find the article this vlog is based on, including hyperlinked sources for all of the facts and figures above, at

What derivatives are, as explained by Planet Money and a man named Paddy (of APM Marketplace)

Please also see:

Senator Warren's Speech Dec 12, 2014: Smash CITIBANK !!

Sheldon Adelson: $1,000,000,000 controls both Houses of US Congress

Humanity is ONTO IT !! YOU ROCK !!  - Jan 7, 2015 Summary

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to stumble across this! I raise my hand! Thank you for helping make the change! Thank you for supporting humanity!


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