Thursday 27 September 2018

The Pharaoh Lineage "The Priests of Amen Ra. Connections to Switzerland."

March 3, 2012

#SwissPharaohs on this blog

#ThePriesthood on this blog

LIVE: Brett Kavanaugh vs. rape accuser Christine Blasey Ford senate hearing - Deeply emotional @ 1.50 hours in. You're going to need your tissue box : (

Here is a man who is exposing the most personal parts of his life - his relationship to his parents, his social and sporting life as a young person, the fact that he remained a virgin well after leaving high school... In his words: "a matter of respect, faith, and caution".

This man is in a world of pain, all because the evil people in the Democrat Party cannot accept that their candidate in 2016 lost !!  ... And now this man and his family has to pay, because Hillary Rodham Clinton and her network of pedophiles, child traffickers and money launderers are about to be fully exposed in the highest law courts in the land? You're kidding me, right?

This shows how low the Democrats are willing to stoop to hinder the process of exposing their vile corruption. They are indeed - vile !!

NOW !!  September 27, 2018

Wednesday 26 September 2018

4Chan Ends Michael Avenatti's Career

September 26, 2018

New beginnings and big changes afoot. Numerology 5x1=5 and 2x5=10=1

I just "bumped" into this number synchronicity on this blog. Very unusual. Numbers on this blog change very quickly. I was synchronistically "in the right place at the right time to see it".

This is a message for me personally, and for humanity, right now. Take from it what you will...

Nikki Haley: World leaders respect Trump. "They love his honesty."

September 26, 2018

Note: I personally don't agree with Haley regarding Kissinger. Everything will come out in due course.

Sunday 23 September 2018