More Pictures of Frankfurt Police Changing Sides
2012 JUNE 5
How About This? Police Change Sides!
From Occupy Frankfurt. May 19, 2012.
The German police took off their helmets and marched with the protesters - clearing the way for them. The police coming over to serve and protect the people… Blockupy Frankfurt. Police are escorting. Reports of an estimated 20,000+ protesters. Nice to see their faces…. and their humanity coming through…
German police officers escort an anti-capitalism protest march with some 20,000 people in Frankfurt, Germany, Saturday, May 19, 2012. Protesters peacefully filled the city center of continental Europe’s biggest financial hub in their protest against the dominance of banks and what they perceive to be untamed capitalism, Frankfurt police spokesman Ruediger Regis said. The protest group calling itself Blockupy has called for blocking the access to the European Central Bank, which is located in Frankfurt’s business district.
(AP Photo/Michael Probst)
#blockupy. Frankfurt am Main, 19. Mai 2012
Published on May 20, 2012 by Merzmensch
*Please read the updates*
Blockupy, Frankfurt am Main, 19. Mai 2012
Dokumentation der Frankfurter Gemeinen Zeitung, 2012
UPDATE 1. Dear friends! Thank you for your huge support and feedback. To the demonstration on this video: there were no rumpus or such, even if government warned the whole time. But there were some hundreds of arrests, mostly unsubstantiated, as far as I know. Just panic making. The fact is: this demonstration was really really peacefull.
UPDATE 2. I will made english subtitles this week for you. *coming soon*
UPDATE 3. Dear friends. Thank you again for your solidarity. I just have to say about the police: they weren't supporting demonstration. Really. They took their helmets off just because it was too hot weather. I don't want to destroy your hopes, I myself would really love if police would became supporters of protests (demonstrants even had pretty cool transparents "Dear police, honestly, when was your last pay raise?" . But till now it wasn't so. They arrested hundreds of people instead.
UPDATE 4. You can also see some cool pictures from this demonstration, made by my great friend:
Blockupy, Frankfurt am Main, 19. Mai 2012
Dokumentation der Frankfurter Gemeinen Zeitung, 2012
UPDATE 1. Dear friends! Thank you for your huge support and feedback. To the demonstration on this video: there were no rumpus or such, even if government warned the whole time. But there were some hundreds of arrests, mostly unsubstantiated, as far as I know. Just panic making. The fact is: this demonstration was really really peacefull.
UPDATE 2. I will made english subtitles this week for you. *coming soon*
UPDATE 3. Dear friends. Thank you again for your solidarity. I just have to say about the police: they weren't supporting demonstration. Really. They took their helmets off just because it was too hot weather. I don't want to destroy your hopes, I myself would really love if police would became supporters of protests (demonstrants even had pretty cool transparents "Dear police, honestly, when was your last pay raise?" . But till now it wasn't so. They arrested hundreds of people instead.
UPDATE 4. You can also see some cool pictures from this demonstration, made by my great friend:
Photo/news source:–german-police-says-some-10-000-are-marching-at-a-frankfurt-occupy-protest-rally
Associated Press Photo verified:
(Photographer AP Photo/Michael Probst)
Wall Street journal Verified
Washington Post verified
Nice to see the police give protesters a hand. I think I will plan on my next vacation to visit Germany. Such friendly people there!
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