The Auckland ‘Aotearoa is NOT for sale’ Campaign
Aotearoa New Zealand is STILL not for sale!
A NATION-WIDE DAY OF ACTION is happening on Saturday July 14th, with marches and festivals occurring all around the country to demonstrate the continued widespread and coordinated public opposition to the sale of our national assets.
The movement continues after the committed and enthusiastic hikoi walked from Tai Tokerau to the steps of Parliament, the diverse and vibrant 8,000 strong crowd marched in Auckland and the inspiring groups in Nelson and 
other parts of the country took actions on April 28th. We have been out on the streets, talking to the people, collecting signatures for the referendum and listening to what you, the people, have to say about the National Government selling our assets under the so-called “Mixed Ownership” model.
other parts of the country took actions on April 28th. We have been out on the streets, talking to the people, collecting signatures for the referendum and listening to what you, the people, have to say about the National Government selling our assets under the so-called “Mixed Ownership” model.
The people DO have the power!
The teachers, students and parents around the country have just won a great success when their loudly expressed concern made the Education Minister Hekia Parata back down on the regressive proposals to increase class sizes. We can learn from and be inspired by this!
Now we will be joining in unity to once again to do more than just “like” a status on Facebook. While social media activism is important and spreads the message, this is an opportunity to really make a tangible difference by building on the viral messages and using our voices and feet to march on the streets. We will be coming together again, a range of people, groups, unions and movements to break down the walls between us, just as the prisoners of the Bastille broke down the walls of their jail on July 14 over 200 years ago, beginning the French Revolution against the opulence of their monarchs. We all have one message that binds us: “Aotearoa NZ is STILL not for sale!” All around the country, we will be putting aside past differences and showing the strength of the people as one on July 14, 2012.
Saturday July 14 will see a march and people’s festival with stalls and music happening in Auckland from 2pm, meeting at Britomart and marching with defiance up Queen Street to reclaim our streets once more. We will bring the march to Myers Park to enjoy festivities into the late afternoon. We warmly call upon all other areas of Aotearoa New Zealand to organise actions on this day as well, and coordinate with the Auckland group using this website to gain support, inspiration and information.
Keep informed, lend a hand and begin a dialogue. Use to find out what’s happening, join groups, talk to people around the country and get some support in setting up your own action for July 14.
We will not be divided like our assets. We will be united, we will not be silenced, we will resist this together.
[Admin for MP, LM et. al]
A new Press Release has been issued with additional information… check it out here.
Something is Happening…
[From Aotearoa Is Not For Sale website:]
First, let me apologise for not posting on this site sooner after the end of the Hui. I have been thinking very deeply about the profound implications of all that was discussed, and I haven’t felt prepared to write about it until now.
First, let me apologise for not posting on this site sooner after the end of the Hui. I have been thinking very deeply about the profound implications of all that was discussed, and I haven’t felt prepared to write about it until now.
All of the content was very well covered by Mr. News. Thanks Vinnie! Link to the Hui Video.
Rather than rehash what you can see for yourself by watching the video, I would like to share with you my personal takeout from this meeting, and what has happened since:
That night, I saw 60+ people who really cared about our future and the future of our children, come together to solve a major societal problem.
These people took an evening out of their busy lives to come out and try to figure out what to do about the crisis we face. We saw prominent MPs arguing strongly against this disasterous policy by the government, genuine leaders like Phil Twyford from Labor, Hone Harawira from Mana and Julie Anne Genter from the Green Party. Terrific contributions were also made by Penny Bright, John Minto, Joe Carolan, Mike Smith and others. The calibre of the speakers was outstanding, and it was an honour to be part of it.
There is a new climate of protest in the country, and the ANFS Campaign is at the forefront of this. Of course, we are not alone. The forced implementation of austerity is the ultimate end-phase of a generation of relentless exploitation. The poverty and desperation that has come in the wake of this is fueling opposition everywhere. We are simply the latest local manifestation of an ongoing resistence movement organising in opposition to the globalized economy.
The collective pressure we are exerting is beginning to have an effect. The smug confidence and smooth facade of control of the government is crumbling, signaling that the hard resistence that is building up in the New Zealand populace is starting to rattle the policy makers. The fact that 10,000 people protested Asset Sales on April 28 in Auckland has not escaped their attention. Nor has the fact that 5,000 people marched on the hikoi in Wellington. The 800 strong protest at the Student Blockade last week drew a snide insult from the Minister of Finance, John English. It seems that everywhere they are, we are there also, at their National Party conventions, and their press conferences, putting out our message along with others, “Aotearoa is NOT for Sale.”
There is a Sea Change going on around the world, and believe it or not, New Zealand is right on the crest of the wave. The global rise in discontent and militancy confirms the long-held secret fears of many elitist governments, that the 30 year long ascendency of the super-rich is coming to an end.
This Sea Change is now irrepressible. I am personally satisfied that there is no possibility this Sea Change can be stopped, whether the sale of our assets goes ahead or not. We are
now at the point where our “rate of change”, our ability to organise and build movements is beginning to accelerate past the rate at which governments can adapt and counter our energies. Though there are only a few tens of thousands of us now willing to commit to protest in New Zealand, for every one protester willing to march in Aotearoa, there may be as many as 20 silent supporters who have not yet had the opportunity or found the courage to participate but would like to. Inevitably, they will, if enough of us reach out to them. Provided we remain peaceful, we will continue to grow, in spite of, perhaps even because of the many thousands of arrests and attempts at repression we face in the wider global protest movement from which we benefit.
The ANFS Campaign must see itself as part of this movement, and must participate vigorously in it. Even though the consequences for New Zealand of selling our assets will be dire, not enough citizens understand the issue to appreciate how important it is thateveryone protest. Therefore, we have to contribute all we can to the climate of dissent itself if we are to continue to draw down support.
Consequently, what benefits the wider protest movement in principle benefits us. As it grows, so we gain support. This is why we have emphasised time and again that we are part of a coallition, and that this is an on-going campaign. As well, speaker after speaker at the Hui underlined the need to take this campaign right into the heart of electoral politics in New Zealand, a theme I will take up in detail in future posts.
To win, we must understand that the value we create is in the networks we build. Networks bring energy to bear, and are the foundation of all political gains. We win to the extent that we are able to organise, accumulate and maintain our support networks.
If you are not active, if you are hoping “someone else” will do it for you, if you are not engaged and involved, then really, don’t you think it’s time you woke up and smelled the coffee? We need your active participation. We need you at protests. We need you spreading the word. We need you initiating action. We need you networking. Please don’t just be a passenger or spectator. Please help. Please promote this site. Please contribute comments, articles, media, memberships and ideas.
Watch the video. There was so much covered, it will take us months to implement all of the plans and ideas that came from this forum. Over the next little while, I hope to discuss this further
. I would like to hear your thoughts on this as well. Please feel free to comment.
PS. Here is another excellent video – this video was banned from Ted, but has been released via other channels. If you know anything about the TED crowd, you’ll understand why this was banned. Enjoy!
The ANFS “Phase II” Hui…
The ANFS Phase II Hui was a great success… this page wil be updated soon. Meanwhile see the Livestream page to hear some of the speakers at the event.
Miriam Pierard, Aotearoa is Not For Sale
Miriam Pierard, Aotearoa is Not For Sale
Marion Peka, Glen Innes resident
Phil Twyford, Labour MP
Hone Harawira, Mana Movement MP
Julie Anne Genter, Greens MP
Joe Carolan, Socialist Aotearoa
Marion Peka, Glen Innes resident
Phil Twyford, Labour MP
Hone Harawira, Mana Movement MP
Julie Anne Genter, Greens MP
Joe Carolan, Socialist Aotearoa
Go to the Calendar Page for this event.
The March of 28 April, 2012
The march we planned and worked so hard for was a great success. An estimated 10,000 people came out and made their voices heard. Thank you to all who helped, and of course to the people of Auckland and many other regions for all of your tremendous support.
There has been a great deal of press coverage about the event. You can see that by going to our Media Watch Group.
Two days later, the team here is still recovering from all the excitement and energy expended, so we are a little slow off the deck. However the organising team did meet the following morning, on a Sunday, to begin plans for what comes next.
As we’ve always said, this is just the beginning. We are in this for the long haul, till we win. One protest march isn’t going to be enough to make the government change it’s mind, not when so many bankers and greedy, excessively rich overseas investors have already got their sites set on our prime properties.
So we need you to join the struggle.
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