Seen just now... 00:18 EST Saturday

Angel Number 111 signifies that an energetic gateway has opened up for you (us or "everybody"), and this will rapidly manifest your thoughts into your reality.
Angel Number 2000 also brings a message of ‘Divine Timing’. Things are happening behind the scenes that will prove to be of great benefit to you in the near future, but certain factors need to fall into place before the desired results can come to full fruition. Even though you may not be experiencing these opportunities just yet, know and believe that they are on their way into your life and you will be most pleased with the outcomes. Your angels ask that you stay peaceful, positive and patient in the interim and have faith and trust in the Divine and angelic energies.
From: Sacred Scribes on "2000"
The next two screenshots are taken from this article:
PROOF: The butchers of the babies (Satanic ritual) are Swiss Pharaohs
Seen @ approximately 5:45m EST Wednesday June 20, 2018
Seen @ approximately 5:30am EST Wednesday June 20, 2018
Repeating Angel Numbers - 1's and 9's 19, 119, 191, 199, 991
The combination of 1’s and 9’s indicates that your goal is almost complete, or that you are coming to the end of a phase in your life. It is an indication that one door is closing and another is opening as a product of your positive thoughts, efforts and actions.
The message of the 1 and 9 combination is to allow the 'old' to be released so it is able to be replaced with the 'new'. The angels ask that you not look upon the changes as a ‘loss’, but rather as a new beginning, opportunity or adventure.
JoanneSacred Scribes
The message of the 1 and 9 combination is to allow the 'old' to be released so it is able to be replaced with the 'new'. The angels ask that you not look upon the changes as a ‘loss’, but rather as a new beginning, opportunity or adventure.
JoanneSacred Scribes
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