Wednesday 6 June 2018

DRAFT General Inspector's Report has Comey behind bars - TREASON !!

The former Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation James Comey has been repeatedly implicated in attempts to undermine President Donald Trump.

According to sources, the draft report recently issued by the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General describes the former director and his behavior as ‘insubordinate'. It exposes that his ‘higher loyalty’ may be to party loyalty, not to serving the United States.

Inspector General Michael Horowitz allegedly declares that the former FBI head acted outside his role.

Donald Trump and his campaign were right in saying that Comey attempted to undermine him. The former Bureau director’s leadership was repeatedly questioned. Comey was faulted for was his handling of the Clinton investigation.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein criticized Comey when he announced that the FBI would not be suggesting any charges in the Hillary Clinton email server investigation. Comey took many liberties when he went on TV in an attempt to clear Hillary Clinton’s name a few short months before the presidential election.

In a letter he wrote to Donald Trump which recommended firing Comey, Rosenstein pointed out that it is not the proper function of the Director of the FBI to make that kind of proclamation, nor to do so publicly.

According to the Department of Justice, the most Comey should have done was state that the investigation was completed and the findings had been turned over to federal prosecutors.

The draft report also criticizes a number of other actions by the law enforcement agency and its leadership, including how the director and Andrew McCabe mishandled the revelation that Huma Abedin’s laptop contained evidence likely related to the investigation. Horwitz criticized the FBI for ‘sitting’ on the laptop for weeks before investigating its contents and issuing a report.

McCabe was fired for being less than honest, or ‘lacking in candor’ concerning continuous leaks to the press.

The entire report will be fully released soon, this Friday or next Monday.

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