Thursday 15 March 2018

Shadow banning this blog? Adding AI? Ministry of Truth apps? March 11, 2018

March 11, 2018

What is this? Very strange... 

Update: Shadow-banned again today March 27, 2018. 

March 27, 2018

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A very weird thing happened on my blog on March 11, 2018. Suddenly, everything stopped. Visitors arriving completely fizzled for around 10 hours. Perhaps there's a techie out there who can explain this.

WHY SUDDENLY did my blog go blank - right across the board in all subject areas? Why were views humming along (as normal) at the rate of around 100 views per hour and then BAM !!  For around 10 hours there were between 8-12 views an hour, and 1 hour when there was 24 views (the small spike). This is very peculiar...

What happened out there?

Did the Mobile network go down? Did go down? These are two sources for a lot of traffic arriving at this site. Did some heavy shadow banning and censorship of "certain" articles go down on Facebook? Thanks Snopes...

Or did this blog get shadow banned in some other way?  

Thanks USA NSA and NZ GCSB... Members of the 5-eyes network.

And if so, why did the shadow ban get lifted? Did they not find what they were looking for?
What were they looking for?

Peculiar. Very peculiar  😕

A good 60% of visitors to this blog simply key in "co-creating our..." and they arrive here since the address is stored on their browser. Suddenly, all of these people were locked out.

Was this your experience on March 11? - last Sunday?  If it was, i'd love to hear about it. Leave a comment.

I've added some graphs below so you can see for yourself what happened. I've also added the stats for Referring URLs and Referring Sites for the week, to see if this adds to the analysis. Thanks for adding your thoughts to mine to try to make sense of this...

Very strange indeed !!

Please note: All times are New Zealand time, ie: 18 hours ahead of EST in the USA. When the date shifts to March 12, 2018 in the fourth image below, the time EST is 6:00am on March 11. So this weirdness happened from around March 10 @ 22:00 until March 11 @ 5:00 EST.

This will help pin-point if this was a world-wide web event, or whether this banning was expecially for me - or perhaps it was specific for the Blogger network. Perhaps Google was installing something on Blogger that tracks us even more vigorously than before. Maybe Google is starting to realize just how much information is going out into the world on little blogs like this one, where the author has much more to talk about than hobby topics such as "what my cat did today".

These are all parts of the discussion we can consider.
I'd love your feedback. Comments are open below.

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