Daily totals for Monday 6 April 2020 on Worldometer

SWEDEN: Are you a good little debt slave with your head down, trying to make ends meet, or can you see what's coming? I saw it in January along with a few others. We (my partner and I) shopped and stockpiled in early February. Thank God we did (seriously), since we became sick 2 weeks later - on 15 February. We are still getting over the last of COVID-19 in our systems (cough, digestive w diarrhoea, fatigue) because of wilful idiot Tegnell recommending for Sweden to continue with business as usual. THREE TIMES I re-contracted Coronavirus after becoming much better (after 1 week) because my partner was required to return to work - under stupid Public Health Agency recommendations !!!! I am aged 59. Yeah... right in the target group!
He's working from home now. I wrote a stern letter of complaint! > https://co-creatingournewearth.blogspot.com/2020/03/sweden-our-politicians-have-no-idea.html
Government needs to step up with universal income for 4 weeks so all workers can go into quarantine. Supermarket workers, nurses, emergency services should get it too as well as their normal wages - essential services need to stay open. This should be no problem for Löfven. The politicians did it in August 2015 for strangers! > That loan from the IMF is now paid off, by-and-large. Sweden is a wealthy country. People work hard. The Public Health Agency is an ass. The people deserve better! 28 days of isolation goes a long way to ensuring individual and family immunity. Please see this MedCram video > https://co-creatingournewearth.blogspot.com/2020/04/coronavirus-pandemic-update-42-immunity.html
Tegnell needs to be charged with negligence! He is incompetent! 180,000 deaths are predicted by one university professor. My prediction is 10,000-50,000. Both are bad. My birth country New Zealand went into quarantine two weeks ago when they quickly got 100 cases. Two weeks on... Cases: 1160. Deaths: 1. ONE! > https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/120869009/coronavirus-lockdown-halfway-point-no-time-to-rest-on-our-laurels-psychologists-say
Quarantine works. Nothing else will. Containment. Tracking. Confinement. That's also how Japan kept their death total to 0.7 people per million - although they were horribly affected by that bloody Diamond Princess cruiser. South Korea, also affected very early by one super-spreader who infected 120 people all on her own, managed to keep their death rate at 4 people per million. Astounding!
He's working from home now. I wrote a stern letter of complaint! > https://co-creatingournewearth.blogspot.com/2020/03/sweden-our-politicians-have-no-idea.html
Government needs to step up with universal income for 4 weeks so all workers can go into quarantine. Supermarket workers, nurses, emergency services should get it too as well as their normal wages - essential services need to stay open. This should be no problem for Löfven. The politicians did it in August 2015 for strangers! > That loan from the IMF is now paid off, by-and-large. Sweden is a wealthy country. People work hard. The Public Health Agency is an ass. The people deserve better! 28 days of isolation goes a long way to ensuring individual and family immunity. Please see this MedCram video > https://co-creatingournewearth.blogspot.com/2020/04/coronavirus-pandemic-update-42-immunity.html
Tegnell needs to be charged with negligence! He is incompetent! 180,000 deaths are predicted by one university professor. My prediction is 10,000-50,000. Both are bad. My birth country New Zealand went into quarantine two weeks ago when they quickly got 100 cases. Two weeks on... Cases: 1160. Deaths: 1. ONE! > https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/120869009/coronavirus-lockdown-halfway-point-no-time-to-rest-on-our-laurels-psychologists-say
Quarantine works. Nothing else will. Containment. Tracking. Confinement. That's also how Japan kept their death total to 0.7 people per million - although they were horribly affected by that bloody Diamond Princess cruiser. South Korea, also affected very early by one super-spreader who infected 120 people all on her own, managed to keep their death rate at 4 people per million. Astounding!
Containment. Tracking. Confinement... and of course, testing!
Sweden ??? Deaths: 59 souls per million, and daily rising.
Tegnell: Ignorance is bliss. He gets his pay day
Ignorance: All blindness will be corrected this year... 20/20.
Keep watching the data > linked. Worldometer. Nothing now can stop what's coming. The writing is already on the wall. Thanks Tegnell and your bunch of monkeys in Stockholm. The people will now pay 😑
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