Friday 22 March 2013

Lucid Dreaming With Reece Jones

This young dude is quite an expert in this area as he's been Lucid Dreaming since he was very young. It's fascinating stuff  : )   I wonder how Lucid Dreaming relates to Co-creation ???  I have an inkling that there's a connection between the two.  I haven't worked it out yet...  And ideas or suggestions on this will be gratefully received  : )

The 5 Layers of a Lucid Dream (original 2007 version)

Uploaded on Jun 21, 2007
Remember to click like or dislike.

To see the updated version of this video, go to:


  1. Lucid dreaming is being used for a various practical purposes. Psychologists use lucid dreams as a therapy to help persons cope with nightmares, trauma and phobias.
    what is lucid dreaming

  2. Thanks for this Matthew :) Interesting to hear about the 'remedial' applications for lucid dreaming :)


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