Sunday 10 March 2013

We All Matter

This is the best "feel good" story i've seen/ heard for a while.  It's wonderful when you find love in unexpected places...  We love you too Manka...  And I hope you remember your kind human friends next time you see them.  Thank you Victor from all of us.  What a GIANT of a Man you are...  in every way  : )  Thank you for saving Manka.  Every creature matters  : )

I wonder if Victor has read The Ringing Cedars of Russia books ??  This would explain his behaviour, if he has  : )

Russian Folks Save A Moose That Fell In The Water

Published on Mar 7, 2013

51-year-old helicopter pilot Victor Zavalipich was flying over the resort at Lake Arantur 30 kilometers from Yugorsk, when he noticed a dark spot on the ice.

Going down below, he realized that he's looking at moose that fell in the freezing water. to their surprise the animal ever so lightly turned its head toward them. the female moose looked frozen and exhausted, as they estimated it was already in the water for a few hours.

An adult moose weighs about 600 pounds, and, standing on the fragile ice, it instantly collapsed. To keep her from dying, Zavalipich went to the helicopter pad for additional help, ropes, ties and belts.

They later returned to the scene. The pilot and his three passangers struggled to get the half a ton animal out of the water. The operation lasted about one and a half hours.

Victor and his friends tried to warm up the moose, rubbing and stretching it's limbs, and covering her with their jackets until she came to her senses. During this time they came up with a nickname - Manka. And then, releasing into the forest, tied her blue ribbon to identify among others.

"Who knows, perhaps one day we'll meet again, said the smiling rescuers".


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