Tuesday 26 March 2013

We Are Organising a Protest !! Your Help Needed...

Here's my response to Marc's call out for "What's the plan?"

(1) My immediate reaction is to get a website up and running...
    ~ Check !! - done: 25 March '13.   You're lookin' at it   ; )

With the website set up, all of the Hamilton protest events ~ including initiatives that have been discussed already by other Group/s, can be advertised. Hamilton people can then choose which event they can get to on the day. 140,000 population... I'd put a 'target' up of around 1,500+ participation (1%)

(2)  Make contact with all minor parties this week and invite their participation and planning.

(3)  Phone the City Council and 'book' Garden Place or similar public space to hold a rally from 12pm
      ~ Check !! - done: 26 March '13
         We have Garden Place from around 10am until around 3pm. Power on site.

(4)  Search out a PA system from 12pm - 2pm

(5)  Look for acts/ bands through Hamilton muzo contacts

Once we have these fundamentals, we have the foundation for a really great rally, with guest speakers from the different political parties, street entertainers/ buskers/ drummers/djembe, etc.

What do people think ?? How does this sound for starters folks ??? : ) 

DREAM BIG, right ?? : )

Facebook Group: "Hamilton Aotearoa Is Not For Sale" linked here:

Original source:

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