Monday 9 May 2016

World War III ended at 8:59:59 PM on April 30, 2016

HOLY COW ... !!  This post references a number of other sources.

Neil Keenan is an international businessman and over the last seven years he has challenged the cabal system, endured and earned his way to become a “World Patriot” for humanity.

Firstly - Kauilapele's blog:  Read this.

Neil Keenan Update 5-8-16: “UPDATED: Obama Out / Cabal Surrender / Currency Revaluation In Progress”

Secondly - Keenan'a blog:  Read this.

Obama Out / Cabal Surrender / Currency Revaluation In Progress


Neil Keenan said:
“Let the history books say that World War III ended at 8:59:59 PM on April 30, 2016! For 20 years this silent battle has been ongoing and finally came to an end on the above mentioned date. This war may not seem over, seeing there are still many cabal members who do not wish to relinquish their weapons, but in essence, it is over with. As a result, we should be much safer than before. 
“…a major US player in brokering assets made the call that convinced Neil to put this notice out… the information came from the Dragon Family, whom Neil really trusts,… it was his call that assured Neil that he must let you all in on the secret before there isn’t one any longer… the focus is on the following, amazing Intel that Neil wants to share with you, as it is something of an “anointment” and gift to him. 
“Message to Neil Keenan from the Dragon Family: On the evening of April 30th in Washington, DC just before President Obama was scheduled to speak at his White House Correspondent’s Dinner (WHCD), there was a secret back room deal that took place. It was a deal which had Obama and the cabal cornered. They were given an offer they could not refuse… they realized they had no choice but to surrender and sign the agreements, as overseeing “President” Dunford would push Obama aside and publicly announce the changing of the guard and the New Republic in front of all the world’s press corps. Little choice did they have! 
“Citibank was… forced to… become Basel III compliant. Security Forces which earlier had been pulled from holding back the Citibank redemption locations were returned by midnight as 800#s and sovereign rates authorized for the Sunday, May 1st release.
“What was even more strange was when Obama spoke at the April 30th White House dinner where it seems like he was stuck with the old script and didn’t have time to change it before his scheduled talk… [Obama] “It is my honor to be at my last, and perhaps the last, White House Correspondent’s Dinner… hahaha”, and he next says, “The END of the Republic never looked better!” 
“… Well, at least he said, “I am just counting the days before my death panel!” Then in the final act, he said the well-fitting, “I have only 2 words to close with… Obama… Out!”… he continues and quickly raises two fingers to his lips (Masonic secret degree sign-his obligation that enjoins secrecy) and with his other hand picks up the portable mic, raises it over his head, and then intentionally drops the mic out of his hand to the ground. 
“This was a very significant closing statement or a sign-language message from Obama to his “fellow men’s club”! 
““The historical RV is now happening… is scheduled to start worldwide in harmony with the Chinese market opening on Monday at 6:00AM CST (or 6:00 PM EST on Sunday in the US). International rates are scheduled to change on Forex without fanfare as well with sovereign rates showing concurrently on the off-sight redemption centers. Private transactions will take place first so do not be concerned with the date that applies to them. The plan is to keep everything appearing “status quo” without bringing attention to the change-over in government, currency, banking, and, ultimately, control of the Republic.”

Here is the video in question.

Yes indeed... There are a number of "oddities" in this video!

President Obama at the 2016 White House Correspondents' Dinner

Published on May 1, 2016

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Here is Neil Keenan's response to the intel he received in late April-early May.

You can see he's at a loss...  He's quite 'blown out of the water' and is at a loss for words.

You will want to watch this video twice. The flow gets lost, but there's also a lot of information in here.

Video:  NFK May4 

Published on May 6, 2016

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Benjamin Fulford's article here:

Major movement on multiple fronts including US regime change and serious political turmoil in China

There are serious and undeniable changes now taking place at the highest levels of the world’s power structure. First, as already noted by Neil Keenan and others, US President Barack Obama told the Washington Press corps at the Whitehouse correspondents dinner on April 30th that “the end of the republic has never looked better,” and that “It is an honor to be here at my last—and perhaps the last—White House Correspondent’s Dinner.” Here is a link to the White House Press release containing these comments.
Furthermore the White House put out a detailed plan on May 6th for a “peaceful transition of power.”
CIA sources say the plan is still to keep Obama as the face of the regime and use him to transition to a Donald Trump presidency but that Obama was no longer living in the White House and that the powers behind the throne had changed.
One very visible sign of the US regime change is the fact that “1500 Yale Skull and Bones documents will be released to expose [US Secretary of State John] Kerry, the Bushes, and other cabal members,” Pentagon sources note. 
This disclosure is a clear sign the Satanists have lost at the highest level of the US power structure.
There will be more about the US situation below but there is another major development we wish to discuss first. Last week this writer attended a meeting in Yokohama, Japan of the senior lodge members of a 55 million member Benevolent Asian Secret Society (Hongmen). 
The meeting discussed future peaceful plans for the lodge in Japan. There were also detailed discussions about a new international financial system that will replace the current system over the next few years. Specialists from many different fields attended the meeting. 
Finally, the society expressed a desire to work, based on the principles of peace, in a “mutually beneficial manner with the International White Dragon Society.” That is all we are allowed to disclose for now.
The White Dragon Society was also contacted last week by two representatives from the government of mainland China. One, representing the Chinese Communist Government’s security apparatus, said that 12,000 tons of gold were now being offered at a 13% discount on the same conditions as the 8000 tons previously discussed in this newsletter. The gold is in 12.5 kilogram ingots and is available for immediate pick up in Hong Kong. Furthermore, if the offer is not accepted by May 16th, the Chinese will take unilateral action on this issue, he says. The WDS has recommended that they make a move against the US dollar if the current controllers of the dollar system refuse to accept this gold.
Since Henry Kissinger’s fraudulent hijacking of the dollar system has ended, as far as we can tell there are two current claimants for the position of M1, or controller of the US dollar system. One is Neil Keenan and the other is believed to be the eldest surviving son of former Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos who now lives in Canada and is represented by a David P. Crayford. If either of them can pull it off, we suggest they conjure up some dollars and take delivery of the gold. It is a good deal: solid gold in exchange for paper and numbers in computers. If neither of them can pull it off, we suggest that General Joseph Dunford step in and arrange this deal.
There is also a faction in the US that has been buying up historical Asian bonds at cents for the dollar, according to the Chinese sources. The money they receive for handing over the bonds will be frozen, Pentagon sources say.
Those who still think the US dollar does not need to be backed by gold or other real world assets need to take a look at the chart in this link showing how the end of the dollar gold peg resulted in a debt disaster for the US.
The end of the gold peg triggered a more than 40 year looting spree of the American people and US trade partners by the Khazarian mafia, WDS members agree. The Chinese offer of gold will put a permanent end to this looting, a WDS official says.

Meanwhile, another Chinese official to contact the WDS represents a faction inside the Chinese politburo that is opposed to Chinese President Xi Jinping. The source says there is a major power struggle taking place in China. President Xi Jinping’s mandate is not...

Continued on:

This article might have something to do with this story as well...

China bullion exchange opens on April 19, 2016

Other related links on this blog:


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