Article by Free from Harm. "When I first saw this image, I momentarily mistook it for a cemetery, one of those filled with long, neat rows of unmarked graves or "unknowns." How fitting, then, that what it actually is is a photo of dairy calves in hutches. Calves born to dairy cows are torn from their mothers within hours of birth, in order for humans to steal the milk intended for them. Male calves are sold to auction to be slaughtered for veal or cheap beef, while female calves are typically raised in "calf hutches," little plastic igloos or dog-house-type structures with a few feet of fenced in dirt in front. They live this way, in complete isolation, for the first 2 to 3 months of their lives. They do not leave the hutches to run or play, and in order to prevent the possibility of young calves spreading sickness amongst themselves (a potential profit loss), they are not even allowed to touch each other. This, during the time when they are most in need of touch, most of all from their own mothers, with whom they would normally be grazing, nuzzling, and experiencing the greatest bond any mammal ever knows.
"There's death in every glass of milk, and that's not just the slaughter of male calves. Although a cow’s natural life span is 20 plus years, dairy cows are generally slaughtered (referred to as “culling”) between 3 and 5 years of age, when their over-worked bodies stop producing as much milk. In October of 2012, roughly 12,400 dairy cows *per day* were slaughtered in the U.S. alone. According to the USDA, most dairy cows are slaughtered for reasons associated with their ability to profitably produce high-quality milk and calves: “reproductive problems, udder or mastitis problems, poor production unrelated to disease, or lameness or injury. These reasons for culling are not usually related to ill health or systemic disease…”
"To learn more about the practice of separating calves from their mothers that is the basis of all profitable dairy production, please see our post:
"Breaking the Mother-Calf Bond: The Untold Story of Milk":
To learn more about the dairy industry, INCLUDING ~
Practices on SMALL and so-called HUMANE FARMS:
For help ditching dairy cruelty, please visit our Guide to Going Dairy Free:
"Apparently" this is GOOD farm practice !!!! ????
This is how we dairy farm in New Zealand....
No wonder our dairy produce is sought after all around the world.... !! Happy cows : )
I Love New Zealand.... <3