The following was written by Peter Springare in Swedish language. Translated by Google Translate.
Published February 3 at 11:18am (local time) · Örebro, Sweden
I'm so fucking tired... What I will write here below, is not politically correct. But I don't care. What I'm going to tell all you taxpayers is prohibited to say for us state employees. It renders the loss of career and loss of individual salaries. Although it is true. I don't care about all of this, will soon still retire after 47 years in this activity. I will now and every week explain in detail what it's like for me employed as an researcher/investigator of serious crimes for squad police in Örebro. It will not harmonize with BRÅ perception [the state statistician] or other leftist criminologists' perception in the public debate.
I'm so fucking tired... What I will write here below, is not politically correct. But I don't care. What I'm going to tell all you taxpayers is prohibited to say for us state employees. It renders the loss of career and loss of individual salaries. Although it is true. I don't care about all of this, will soon still retire after 47 years in this activity. I will now and every week explain in detail what it's like for me employed as an researcher/investigator of serious crimes for squad police in Örebro. It will not harmonize with BRÅ perception [the state statistician] or other leftist criminologists' perception in the public debate.
Our pensioners are on their knees, the school's a mess, healthcare is an inferno, the police have been completely destroyed, etc, etc. We all know why but no one dares or wants to peddle (tell) the reason. Sweden has always lived on the myth of the magnificent ultimate society that has osinnliga resources to be in the forefront when it comes to being the only politically correct option in a dysfunctional world that bend over himself, through the destructive behavior of various religions name.
Here we go! This I've handled Monday-Friday this week:
Rape, rape, aggravated rape, assault, rape, extortion, blackmail, abuse of judicial procedure, unlawful threats, violence against the police, the threat to the police, drug trafficking, aggravated drug offenses, attempted murder, rape again, extortion again and beatings.
Suspected perpetrators:
Suspected perpetrators:
Ali Mohammed, mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christopher... what is it true. Yes a Swedish name snuck on the outskirts of a drug crime, Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again.
Countries representing the weekly all crimes:
Countries representing the weekly all crimes:
Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects, we can't be sure because they don't have any valid papers. Which in itself usually means that they're lying about their nationality and identity.
Now we're talking just Örebro municipality. And these crimes occupy 100% of our investigation ability.
Now we're talking just Örebro municipality. And these crimes occupy 100% of our investigation ability.
So, that's what it looks like here, and has been like this for the past 10-15 years. I'll return next Friday with a statement for the past week. [on his Facebook Timeline]
Editing (tidying up of the Google English translation) done by BronnyNZSE
I'm so fucking tired... [as translated by Google Translate]
Actual Swedish meaning: "I am so freaking tired of having to lie all the time," as stated by Swedish journalist Celia Farbia. See the video below.

Original text in Swedish by Peter Springare
Jag är så jävla trött. Det jag kommer att skriva här nedan, är inte politiskt korrekt. Men det skiter jag i. Det jag kommer att torgföra till er alla skattebetalare är förbjudet att torgföra för oss statligt anställda. Det renderar i utebliven karriär och utebliven individuell lön. Även fast det är sant. Jag skiter i allt detta, ska snart ändå gå i pension efter 47 år i denna verksamhet. Jag kommer nu och varje vecka framgent att redogöra i detalj för vad som sysselsätter Mig som utredare/förundersökningsledare på grova brottsroteln polisen i Örebro. Det kommer inte att harmoniera med BRÅ: s uppfattning eller andra vänstervridna kriminologers uppfattning i den allmänna debatten.
Våra pensionärer går på knäna, skolan är ett enda kaos, sjukvården är ett inferno, polisen har totalhavererat etc etc. Alla vet varför men ingen törs eller vill torgföra anledningen, p g a att Sverige alltid levt på myten om det präktiga ultimata samhället som har osinnliga resurser för att vara i framkant när det gäller att vara det enda politiskt korrekta alternativet i en dysfunktionell värld som slår knut på sig själv, genom destruktivt beteende i olika religioners namn.
Nu kör vi; Detta har jag hanterat Måndag- fredag denna vecka: Våldtäkt, våldtäkt, grov våldtäkt, överfallsvåldtäkt, utpressning, utpressning, övergrepp i rättssak, olaga hot, våld mot polis, hot mot polis, narkotikabrott, grovt narkotika brott, mordförsök, våldtäkt igen, utpressning igen och misshandel.
Misstänkta gärningsmän; Ali Mohamad, Mahmod , Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, igen , igen , igen är det sant. Ja ett svenskt namn smög sig in i utkanten av ett narkotikabrott, Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, igen och igen.
Länder som representerar veckans alla brott: Irak , Irak, Turkiet , Syrien, Afganistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syrien igen, Somalia, okänt land, okänt land, Sverige. Hälften av de misstänkta kan vi inte veta säkert eftersom de inte har några giltiga papper. Vilket i sig oftast innebär att de ljuger om nationalitet och identitet.
Nu pratar vi bara Örebro kommun. Och dessa brott upptar vår utredningsförmåga till 100%.
Så här ser det ut och har sett ut de senaste 10-15 åren.
Återkommer nästa fredag med en redogörelse för den gångna veckan



Published on Feb 9, 2017
Alex Jones talks with Swedish journalist Celia Farber about the ongoing immigration crisis in Sweden.
Alex Jones talks with Swedish journalist Celia Farber about the ongoing immigration crisis in Sweden.
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