Saturday 9 September 2017

Report: CIA USA "deep state" supply chain to Middle East exposed #ISIS. Verified!

This is a one-stop-shop article about this suppressed Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva's article. Included in it is additional background information about the Deep State and how to bring the Deep State down! To bring the International Deep State down (it's not only in the USA), which is a huge monster as very correctly illustrated in this cartoon image [on the link], requires that all of us engage. Ie: It is up to us all as individuals to be the bull-horn (mega-phone) for the people all around us, and for each of us to bring this material to the attention of our local community members, our families, and our Friends networks on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Steemit, Gab, etc). The MSM is not going to bring you this information... small bloggers like me, video channels, commentators etc, are in the spearhead, fighting against this monster. We cannot do it alone. We are entirely dependent on the backing of our readers and viewers to be our "distribution centres". Without you sending out our information far and wide, our articles, videos and commentary will never be seen. You might not have the time or talent to write or create a blog, but you have certainly got time to copy-paste an article link then click on "Send" or "Post". Too easy.

A great awakening of everybody is required, to bring down this Beast. As you continue to take action and share articles and videos like these with every medium available to you (eg: emails, phone conversations, dinner party and BBQ conversations, public presentations, fliers, and so on), then the International Deep State #TheBeast will absolutely be brought down! #TheBeastSystem The success of this eventuating will take all of us. All of our efforts are required.

Please listen to the wise words of former US Senator Cynthia McKinney (video at the end of this article): 

40:44 - "If you want to fix the United States [and the whole world, I hasten to add] then you have to fix yourself. Ultimately it boils down to us. [That's right former Senator]. We the citizens of the United States [and everyone in the whole world] must be engaged in the creation of the US [our own country] that we want. We cannot allow or believe in one individual that we cast a vote for... We cannot be led to believe that casting a vote alone is going to resolve our issues."

See phenomena #444  #4:44  (two separate links)

That's right Ms. McKinney. Absolutely right. It is up to us to become informed, take action ourselves in political process, be empowered, and Co-create together exactly the future that we want. #UnRig

Important: Read this excellent article on Intel Today for details and many more links.

This woman is a hero for humanity. Google *surprise surprise* won't allow the following video to be embedded on Google Blogger (this blog platform). Please either click on the video title or the image. The same applies for the Chris Simpson video below it... Google censorship. The 'deep state' (including the use of Google, Amazon, Facebook) is discussed in the third video below featuring Robert David Steele. Thank you.

Published by RT America on Sep 1, 2017

Bulgarian investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva says she was fired after reporting about how the Central Intelligence Agency ran weapons to Al-Nusra terrorists through Azerbaijan. Gaytandzhieva was let go for refusing to reveal her sources, she tells RT’s Anya Parampil.

Video: Journalist Interrogated, Fired for Exposing Deep State Secret Arms Program

Video Streamed live on Aug 28, 2017 by Chris Simpson

While MSM cracks down on truth tellers, Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva was recently interrogated and fired from her reporting job for her work on a story which exposed a secret deep state arms shipping program which supplied enemy forces in the mideast. - CS

CIA #DeepState supply of arms to "rebels" in Syria and Iraq #ISIS

- Notes from the above video.

A recently made public article (not published) by a Bulgarian journalist shows the detailed chain of transportation and supply of armaments and weapons into the Middle East.  It was found that there is direct involvement of American Private Military Contractors (PMCs) in training the rebels. It's all in the article researched in full and written by Bulgarian Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. She was later interrogated by the Bulgarian national security services, and then she was fired from her job !!!

The article discusses western supply of weapons to Saudi Arabia who then ships those weapons to the "rebels" in Syria and Iraq! #IslamicState  Supply to Yemen, Congo and Afghanistan is part of this network!

A week ago, according to Robert David Steele in the video below, Donald J. Trump #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp ordered the end of all these covert CIA deep state activities. Trump has now completed the paperwork to shut down the CIA supply of arms to the Middle East. It is unclear if this can be done in entirety since it is known that the CIA often contracts out aspects of its operations to private international companies. These private companies may continue for a while. They will all eventually be shut down, now that this information is coming into the public domain. Therefore, it is very important that you -

PLEASE SHARE this article. This is extremely important information. Thank you ðŸ’– 

End the Deep State Wars by putting this information in front of 
the people around you. It is you who ends the tyranny. 
There are no "saviors" except yourself. Please Share!

Video: What is the Deep State, really? Robert David Steele explains.

Published by Joseph Cotto on Sep 2, 2017

'Deep state' gets thrown around more than a bit in political discussions these days. Just what does it mean, though? Former CIA clandestine services officer, top Amazon reviewer, author, and media commentator Robert David Steele answers a most controversial -- and complex -- question on this week's 'San Francisco Review of Books on Sunday.'

Important video: Robert David Steele and Dr.Cynthia McKinney: Citizens Unite via #UNRIG!

Published by David Kamnitzer on Sep 5, 2017
Robert David Steele and Dr.Cynthia McKinney: Citizens Unite via #UNRIG!

Cynthia McKinney is absolutely right! The time of following others is over! It is time for YOU to step up, get informed, take action yourselves in political process, be empowered, and Co-create together exactly the future that YOU want.  #UnRig

Cynthia McKinney @ 40:44  - "If you want to fix the United States, then you have to fix yourself. Ultimately it boils down to us. We the citizens of the United States must be engaged in the creation of the US that we want. We cannot allow or believe in one individual that we cast a vote for... We cannot be led to believe that casting a vote alone is going to resolve our issues."

If you want to know more about the 1:11 and now the #444 and #4:44 phenomenon, please read the two linked articles and join my Facebook group The Resonance Unity Field Truth Sharing Project

Please also remember...  I do all this research on my own time and it takes hours... eg: 3 hours to listen to find and listen to these videos and write this content - just for this one article alone! I commonly write 3 articles a day. I currently have 4 "live" blogs (currently 'hot') that I am posting to. I have around 16 blogs in total at this time... all on different topics. Therefore: Please consider using the donation button at the top of this blog, on the right. I do this work full-time for humanity - of firstly educating myself on these topics, and then writing blog posts on that material. I do not currently have a job outside of the home, as I am compelled to continue to do this research so people can easily share these links on. I have a greatly supportive partner, but we still need to pay for our rent and put food on our table. In the meantime, we continue to scrape by on one income. Your support is greatly appreciated. It will ease our personal situation greatly.

Thank you, BronnyNZ (blogger) - "Working for the people"
Aotearoa-New Zealand

BA. History. Histoy research and analysis. University of Otago (1996)
DipPrimary Teaching

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