Monday 11 September 2023

A prediction for NZ Loyal. Something BIG is coming. NZ politicians... Rats running out of the nest!


Video: NZ Loyal - Health

N's reply on this video, now deleted was the inspiration for my following comments below. It  is paraphrased here: "You will never get any of this passed in parliament unless you can do a), b), c)," ... none of which I felt were particularly relevant to the current push forward by NZ Loyal supporters in getting NZ Loyal's message onto the streets, nor what I think is going to happen next... 

BronnyNZ said: I do believe you are speaking with a gross lack of insight N. You have not correctly assessed the political temperature of the nation. It is extremely cold to sub-zero. I am near daily going into the worker's heartland with NZ Loyal promotional material and billboards. The people are currently frigid with political disinterest. As soon as people realise that NZ Loyal policies are designed to set them free in every aspect of their lives, their faces light up. They then see the exit door to the insanity the last administrations of Labour-National-Labour have inflicted on the people. Like the mythological fiery phoenix, their spirit, energy and determination rise in a rapid crescendo. There is no turning back from what is about to happen N. There is NO turning back. The wheels are set in motion. 

NZ Loyal has a gathering army of individuals who are stalwart and vigorous in their action-taking, such as myself. My prediction is for an utter turning of the tide by 30 September. That is when the egregor that forces open clear-sightedness in the electors will reach a critical mass. After that, the unmitigated rise in support for NZ Loyal will be exponential. The criminals will have nowhere to hide at that point. Their terror will be palpable. Watch the news... many resignations... many MPs stumbling over their words. For the worst of the criminals in public-facing roles, those traitors of the people of New Zealand, new special laws will be passed that exact punishments proportional to harms done. You know what i'm talking about N. I certainly hope you will give better support to NZ Loyal candidates there in Christchurch than what you give to Liz today. Thank you.

Something VERY big is coming. I can feel it in my bones.

Keep pushing ahead people...  Every little nook and cranny in Aotearoa-New Zealand needs to hear NZ Loyal's message for them. Full steam ahead! All hands on deck!  God go with us all...

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