FLAGS... We've got to discuss them. These first few posts mirror a conversation started by a friend on Facebook a few days ago. We've really got to get to the bottom of this...
Anyone else who has any knowledge at all about the significance of JK wanting to foist a new flag upon us right now... and how this involves Constitutions, Insignia, the TPPA... whatever you've got... I would appreciate your additions very much.
Flags are the modern version of the "aquila" or "eagle" / the "standard" of the Roman armies. A Legion would rally to the Eagle and protect it at all costs... You would lay down your Life for the Golden Eagle (also: an American gold coin (1985), the bird - America's emblem being the Bald Eagle (no accident), along with the Roman Eagle/ standard/ flag)
It was the Roman Empire (200BC-500AD) that began using Admiralty or Maritime law/ Commerce law to govern people on the Land. Maritime Law began to encroach on the Law of the Land/ Common Law, which is the law of "harm ye none, or repay in kind". Simple.
When the Roman Empire "fell" (it didn't fall btw, it just became the Holy Roman Empire 488AD-1805AD), the court system of the Romans in Britain continued and evolved into the insidious, dehumanising, institution we have today.
What we now have in our modern Courts is Admiralty Law. The "game" in Court is played like a game of tennis - back and forth, back and forth... Whoever has the most money to get to the end of the game, wins.
Under this Court-caught system, you are "charged" - ie: it's an energy thing, like an electrical charge. Your Energy IS being harvested (just like in The Matrix movie).
The Court has the "Power" (another "El" word... all deception, illusion, mockery, black magic, fraud, falsehood, debauchery of the real "El" - Elohim ), to make you "APPEAR" by magic - (witchcraft, necromancy) to raise the dead - because Who You Are in Law is a Fictional Dead Entity until they send you a Letter (the means of the deception through the Spell-ing/ witchcraft, magician's black arts) to
MAKE you "Appear".
You are made dead through the Cestui C'est Vie Act (1666) - a law passed in the English Parliament (written in the Anglo-Norman dialect of French, ie: incomprehensible to the ordinary speaker of Shakespeare's day) over the three days that the Literal "smoke screen" of the Great Fire of London was raging, just a few blocks away in the One Square Mile City of London. This is where the Crown Corporation runs its activities out from, in this moment right now, today ~ the Courts-caughts, the Prison Penal-penis system (because you get fucked over in every way possible and made "LESS THAN" - Living Man, Powerful Sovereign BEing in your Own Rite), the Globalist English Parliament, the Global centre for the Freemasons/ Knights Templar, the "Christian" church - Actually, just Roman Mithraism in another guise, the Banks and all the Financial Institutions - or should that be "Fine Ass You ALL" - knowing how they love to fuck each other over. Vile place.
These "tricks" and magic "Spells" (through letters and words) are the tools of the Court-caught which has its own language (l-eagle-ease or "El-Golden Eagle (Roman aquila) Ease" - or to round everyone up and make them face the El-Eagle, ie: Power of Rome through the Court-caught system) - which indicates clearly to us now exactly why it's so important for us to learn our "Spelling"... because if we don't, we might learn the TRUE meanings of the words if you "Spell" them according to their SOUND, which gives you the original meanings. After all, what is a Spell but an Incantation? And an Incantation IS "SOUND"... Voice... Vocal Declaration. So be Careful what you're Spelling !! Because you Might just be De-See-ving YourSelf.
Under Admiralty Law, you were "berthed" from the Vessel of your Mother, after coming through the Berth Canal, and a Berth Certificate (Manifesto was written up for the harbour master/ Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages). This was issued by the hospital (Hospitaliers were Knights of St John - all in cahoots) and signed by your parents who actually gave you up as chattel-cattle through that signature, which is your fictional entity - YOUR NAME - on the STOCK exchange... Because you are just a Bond in reality, to Them. You are just a convenience commodity for them to Trade. Your parents (we all did it because we were tricked) gave you to the State, and that Certificate/ Manifesto declares the "delivery" of that cargo-cattle-stock- debt slave (baby) onto dry land, and who is immediately put into Bonds - Stocks and Bonds - the cuffs and collars of that slavery we see people in busy-ness still wear to this day.
Now... When you commit a so-called wrong-doing against the Lores "THEY" decided upon, (the black magicians - who wear the black robs http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/robe - See why the "Spelling is so important. Please see the link) - these Lores "They" set up (but are not "lores" at all, because this by definition is "natural lore". Yet again another magick trick of the liars) ... When "They" set up these "Lores" that I-We never agreed to, they presume Owner Ship... the Ship's Owner... of the Vessel: us-you-me, because they are already in possession of the Berth Certificates... so this tells them they can do whatever they like, with us.
And if we do not "Owe Bay" http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=at%20bay (see link), "THEIR" Lores, they bring us back into the ship's Dock (at the Court-caught) and get us to make Repair-ations, or A-Mends to our Vessel (ship/ life/ actions) for our Dis-Owe-Bay-Die-ence (the Spell-ing is very important, so you see, i've spelt incorrectly here so you can see the Trick, the illusion, of the Black Magic-Ions of the deceivers of the "El" - Power - harvesting our Energy).
After they have Sentenced us with their Spell-ing BY their SENTENCES, they then tell us how we can be Bailed Out - how to get the troublesome water out the bottom of our ship which prevents us from Sale-ing out on their Holy See. We need THEIR permission, and the Re-Med-I they tell us we can employ. We are given a way to be floated again, on that Sea - Holy See that is Ad-Mire-El-T = Commerce Law under Rome today held by the Patrician families of the Vatican. Ie: This 'system' (toilet) spews People back out of the "gaming" room, the (tennis) Court, where they will continue on their way to make more Money for the system's Money-go-round, one way (legitimate or illegitimate work), or another (via incarceration).
The T = the Tree of Life, but this particular Ad-Mire-El-T is their own creation, and is a warped bastardisation of the RA-EL (real) Tree of Life. It is therefore a Death Sentence (Spell-ing) for us all.
Thank you so much for making your way through this preamble. It was important to bring all this up before we discuss "flags". Because wherever there's a Ship/ our bodily Vessel, there will also be flags which are used as identification. And we all deserve to KNOW who our Slave Masters are... so we can go and tie the bastards up for Treason and for ill-will and Harm Against Humanity.
"NZ Flag. Please research the NZ flag before assisting further progress in the direction that may lead us all away from truth."
This from the article:
"This is the flag given and approved by King William IV. People started calling it the United Confederation flag. It is a Sovereign flag recognising that all law is bound under customary law according to Article 2 of the Whakaputanga Declaration of Independence and unextinguished Native Title which still stands and exists today under this flag, which is based on the 1835 Whakaputanga Declaration of Independence."
Image source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=983611758332104&set=a.101728646520424.4156.100000498678192&type=1&theater
Anyone else who has any knowledge at all about the significance of JK wanting to foist a new flag upon us right now... and how this involves Constitutions, Insignia, the TPPA... whatever you've got... I would appreciate your additions very much.
Flags are the modern version of the "aquila" or "eagle" / the "standard" of the Roman armies. A Legion would rally to the Eagle and protect it at all costs... You would lay down your Life for the Golden Eagle (also: an American gold coin (1985), the bird - America's emblem being the Bald Eagle (no accident), along with the Roman Eagle/ standard/ flag)
It was the Roman Empire (200BC-500AD) that began using Admiralty or Maritime law/ Commerce law to govern people on the Land. Maritime Law began to encroach on the Law of the Land/ Common Law, which is the law of "harm ye none, or repay in kind". Simple.
When the Roman Empire "fell" (it didn't fall btw, it just became the Holy Roman Empire 488AD-1805AD), the court system of the Romans in Britain continued and evolved into the insidious, dehumanising, institution we have today.
What we now have in our modern Courts is Admiralty Law. The "game" in Court is played like a game of tennis - back and forth, back and forth... Whoever has the most money to get to the end of the game, wins.
Under this Court-caught system, you are "charged" - ie: it's an energy thing, like an electrical charge. Your Energy IS being harvested (just like in The Matrix movie).
The Court has the "Power" (another "El" word... all deception, illusion, mockery, black magic, fraud, falsehood, debauchery of the real "El" - Elohim ), to make you "APPEAR" by magic - (witchcraft, necromancy) to raise the dead - because Who You Are in Law is a Fictional Dead Entity until they send you a Letter (the means of the deception through the Spell-ing/ witchcraft, magician's black arts) to
MAKE you "Appear".
You are made dead through the Cestui C'est Vie Act (1666) - a law passed in the English Parliament (written in the Anglo-Norman dialect of French, ie: incomprehensible to the ordinary speaker of Shakespeare's day) over the three days that the Literal "smoke screen" of the Great Fire of London was raging, just a few blocks away in the One Square Mile City of London. This is where the Crown Corporation runs its activities out from, in this moment right now, today ~ the Courts-caughts, the Prison Penal-penis system (because you get fucked over in every way possible and made "LESS THAN" - Living Man, Powerful Sovereign BEing in your Own Rite), the Globalist English Parliament, the Global centre for the Freemasons/ Knights Templar, the "Christian" church - Actually, just Roman Mithraism in another guise, the Banks and all the Financial Institutions - or should that be "Fine Ass You ALL" - knowing how they love to fuck each other over. Vile place.
These "tricks" and magic "Spells" (through letters and words) are the tools of the Court-caught which has its own language (l-eagle-ease or "El-Golden Eagle (Roman aquila) Ease" - or to round everyone up and make them face the El-Eagle, ie: Power of Rome through the Court-caught system) - which indicates clearly to us now exactly why it's so important for us to learn our "Spelling"... because if we don't, we might learn the TRUE meanings of the words if you "Spell" them according to their SOUND, which gives you the original meanings. After all, what is a Spell but an Incantation? And an Incantation IS "SOUND"... Voice... Vocal Declaration. So be Careful what you're Spelling !! Because you Might just be De-See-ving YourSelf.
Under Admiralty Law, you were "berthed" from the Vessel of your Mother, after coming through the Berth Canal, and a Berth Certificate (Manifesto was written up for the harbour master/ Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages). This was issued by the hospital (Hospitaliers were Knights of St John - all in cahoots) and signed by your parents who actually gave you up as chattel-cattle through that signature, which is your fictional entity - YOUR NAME - on the STOCK exchange... Because you are just a Bond in reality, to Them. You are just a convenience commodity for them to Trade. Your parents (we all did it because we were tricked) gave you to the State, and that Certificate/ Manifesto declares the "delivery" of that cargo-cattle-stock- debt slave (baby) onto dry land, and who is immediately put into Bonds - Stocks and Bonds - the cuffs and collars of that slavery we see people in busy-ness still wear to this day.
Now... When you commit a so-called wrong-doing against the Lores "THEY" decided upon, (the black magicians - who wear the black robs http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/robe - See why the "Spelling is so important. Please see the link) - these Lores "They" set up (but are not "lores" at all, because this by definition is "natural lore". Yet again another magick trick of the liars) ... When "They" set up these "Lores" that I-We never agreed to, they presume Owner Ship... the Ship's Owner... of the Vessel: us-you-me, because they are already in possession of the Berth Certificates... so this tells them they can do whatever they like, with us.
And if we do not "Owe Bay" http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=at%20bay (see link), "THEIR" Lores, they bring us back into the ship's Dock (at the Court-caught) and get us to make Repair-ations, or A-Mends to our Vessel (ship/ life/ actions) for our Dis-Owe-Bay-Die-ence (the Spell-ing is very important, so you see, i've spelt incorrectly here so you can see the Trick, the illusion, of the Black Magic-Ions of the deceivers of the "El" - Power - harvesting our Energy).
After they have Sentenced us with their Spell-ing BY their SENTENCES, they then tell us how we can be Bailed Out - how to get the troublesome water out the bottom of our ship which prevents us from Sale-ing out on their Holy See. We need THEIR permission, and the Re-Med-I they tell us we can employ. We are given a way to be floated again, on that Sea - Holy See that is Ad-Mire-El-T = Commerce Law under Rome today held by the Patrician families of the Vatican. Ie: This 'system' (toilet) spews People back out of the "gaming" room, the (tennis) Court, where they will continue on their way to make more Money for the system's Money-go-round, one way (legitimate or illegitimate work), or another (via incarceration).
The T = the Tree of Life, but this particular Ad-Mire-El-T is their own creation, and is a warped bastardisation of the RA-EL (real) Tree of Life. It is therefore a Death Sentence (Spell-ing) for us all.
Thank you so much for making your way through this preamble. It was important to bring all this up before we discuss "flags". Because wherever there's a Ship/ our bodily Vessel, there will also be flags which are used as identification. And we all deserve to KNOW who our Slave Masters are... so we can go and tie the bastards up for Treason and for ill-will and Harm Against Humanity.
"NZ Flag. Please research the NZ flag before assisting further progress in the direction that may lead us all away from truth."
This from the article:
"This is the flag given and approved by King William IV. People started calling it the United Confederation flag. It is a Sovereign flag recognising that all law is bound under customary law according to Article 2 of the Whakaputanga Declaration of Independence and unextinguished Native Title which still stands and exists today under this flag, which is based on the 1835 Whakaputanga Declaration of Independence."
Image source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=983611758332104&set=a.101728646520424.4156.100000498678192&type=1&theater
1834. a year later they added the black lines. The United Tribes of New Zealand sovereign flag.
The corporation of NZ 1867 - 1869
Updated in 1902
The current New Zealand flag of 1902 is a corporate flag and represents slavery in that people born in this land are tricked into becoming New Zealand citizens and slaves to a non-constitutional system, not unlike piracy of the land. People have been tricked into standing under statutory law which is law that is based upon the greed of money and power. People are only collateral under this system, worn down by taxes, levies, regulations, rules and a di-vision-ary society that isolates people rendering them powerless - and the creators of that society, all powerful (in the place of the real creator.)
On Waitangi Day 2010, there was a hikoi of love which took the Whakaputanga o nga rangatira o nu tireni 1835 flag through the grounds of Waitangi in time to receive the 21 gun salute declaring the status of Sovereigns who recognise that flag as their own. It was filmed by TV One news and other news teams, however, when it came to television screening, the flag was nowhere to be seen as it is obviously such a threat to those who have been given power under the 1902 New Zealand flag due to ignorance. This flag does not have a constitution which means our Government is an illegal de facto Government.
The television news teams have tried to confuse people whoTino Rangatiratanga Maori flag live in our country by associating the hikoi of love with the Tino Rangatiratanga Maori flag, which although has had a place of healing in New Zealand, does not give people their Sovereign rights. Only the Declaration of Independence gives this to all people of New Zealand if they are to choose it with Maori being the kaitiaki (or guardians) of the land under Native Title - and NOT under legal title which means that it belongs to the Government (corporation).
It was evident to see what a threat it is to the corporations of New Zealand, as this peaceful hikoi was surrounded by police and men working for the National Intelligence Centre, who photographed every participant of the hikoi. The Whakaputanga Declaration of Independence flag represents the unity of all people of this country, all one nation and NOT a corporation of New Zealand with slaves and masters, rich and poor and divided states of consciousness.
Source: http://relatingtolife.com/index.php?page=95&name=The
Oh... And if you're looking for the Re-Med-I for the whole Court farce, you'll find those answers here (links):

The corporation of NZ 1867 - 1869

Updated in 1902

The current New Zealand flag of 1902 is a corporate flag and represents slavery in that people born in this land are tricked into becoming New Zealand citizens and slaves to a non-constitutional system, not unlike piracy of the land. People have been tricked into standing under statutory law which is law that is based upon the greed of money and power. People are only collateral under this system, worn down by taxes, levies, regulations, rules and a di-vision-ary society that isolates people rendering them powerless - and the creators of that society, all powerful (in the place of the real creator.)
On Waitangi Day 2010, there was a hikoi of love which took the Whakaputanga o nga rangatira o nu tireni 1835 flag through the grounds of Waitangi in time to receive the 21 gun salute declaring the status of Sovereigns who recognise that flag as their own. It was filmed by TV One news and other news teams, however, when it came to television screening, the flag was nowhere to be seen as it is obviously such a threat to those who have been given power under the 1902 New Zealand flag due to ignorance. This flag does not have a constitution which means our Government is an illegal de facto Government.
The television news teams have tried to confuse people whoTino Rangatiratanga Maori flag live in our country by associating the hikoi of love with the Tino Rangatiratanga Maori flag, which although has had a place of healing in New Zealand, does not give people their Sovereign rights. Only the Declaration of Independence gives this to all people of New Zealand if they are to choose it with Maori being the kaitiaki (or guardians) of the land under Native Title - and NOT under legal title which means that it belongs to the Government (corporation).
It was evident to see what a threat it is to the corporations of New Zealand, as this peaceful hikoi was surrounded by police and men working for the National Intelligence Centre, who photographed every participant of the hikoi. The Whakaputanga Declaration of Independence flag represents the unity of all people of this country, all one nation and NOT a corporation of New Zealand with slaves and masters, rich and poor and divided states of consciousness.
Source: http://relatingtolife.com/index.php?page=95&name=The
Oh... And if you're looking for the Re-Med-I for the whole Court farce, you'll find those answers here (links):
Anastasia is amazing..
ReplyDeleteBronny, it is the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666. Take a look at this link http://www.legislation.gov.uk/aep/Cha2/18-19/11
ReplyDeleteThanks for being a shining light for us.