Michael Tellinger, Founder of the South African Ubuntu Party:
"All my life I have been appalled by the human suffering and misery that prevails on our beautiful planet. Suffering that seems to continue as if there were no solution to the plight of humanity.
"I remember as a young child, being deeply affected by the suffering around me, wondering why there are poor people and rich people. Why some people are homeless and hungry while others live in luxury. That feeling has never left me personally and I know that there are millions who feel the same way.
"In 2005, I had what could be described as an ‘awakening experience’. Like millions of people around the world I began to realise that there had to be something more to this life than the strife and misery that most people experience on a daily basis. I began to look around for the reasons of the human misery and suffering, trying to find a simple solution to it all.
"It became clear that humanity has become a deeply divided species – divided on every possible level we can imagine. Divided by country; by flag and religion; education; where we live; what job we have; what car we drive; what clothes we wear... the division is endless and far more severe than most of us realised. And most importantly, in our relentless quest for modernisation many of us have become separated from mother Earth.
"It became obvious to me that this human division is in direct conflict with the laws of nature and the resonance of unity consciousness that seems to be the foundation for all of creation. Our division is also the main reason why so many of us live in perpetual fear. Fear of death; fear of our neighbours; fear of the unknown; fear of cancer or disease; fear of authority; fear of losing our jobs... We seem to fear everything in our lives that should be joyful.
"So, I studied the works of the great prophets and teachers of the past and realised that they all tried to teach us the same morals. To stand united; to love each other and honour each other and live in harmony with all of creation. In fact, these are the same values that we try to teach our children while growing up.
"But suddenly, at some mysterious moment in our lives, things change. We stop paying attention to those higher consciousness values, and we fall into the routine of life and become entangled in the struggle for survival. At this point we realise that we need to earn this thing called “money” to be able to survive and to live on our very own planet that we were born on. How is it possible that we should need money to live on a planet that we were born on? I realised that this is nothing more than pure SLAVERY. And it has nothing to do with evolution or the natural order of things.
"This is indeed the great trap that has been set for us. But, by whom?... we need to ask! The answer is simple... By those who control the creation and the supply of money to every single one of us. The global banking elite that have taken the world hostage and made each and every one of us their slaves. We are caught up in a silent and relentless war against the common man. A silent war of economic slavery that has been so cleverly woven around us that most of us are not even aware of..."
"I remember as a young child, being deeply affected by the suffering around me, wondering why there are poor people and rich people. Why some people are homeless and hungry while others live in luxury. That feeling has never left me personally and I know that there are millions who feel the same way.
"In 2005, I had what could be described as an ‘awakening experience’. Like millions of people around the world I began to realise that there had to be something more to this life than the strife and misery that most people experience on a daily basis. I began to look around for the reasons of the human misery and suffering, trying to find a simple solution to it all.
"It became clear that humanity has become a deeply divided species – divided on every possible level we can imagine. Divided by country; by flag and religion; education; where we live; what job we have; what car we drive; what clothes we wear... the division is endless and far more severe than most of us realised. And most importantly, in our relentless quest for modernisation many of us have become separated from mother Earth.
"It became obvious to me that this human division is in direct conflict with the laws of nature and the resonance of unity consciousness that seems to be the foundation for all of creation. Our division is also the main reason why so many of us live in perpetual fear. Fear of death; fear of our neighbours; fear of the unknown; fear of cancer or disease; fear of authority; fear of losing our jobs... We seem to fear everything in our lives that should be joyful.
"So, I studied the works of the great prophets and teachers of the past and realised that they all tried to teach us the same morals. To stand united; to love each other and honour each other and live in harmony with all of creation. In fact, these are the same values that we try to teach our children while growing up.
"But suddenly, at some mysterious moment in our lives, things change. We stop paying attention to those higher consciousness values, and we fall into the routine of life and become entangled in the struggle for survival. At this point we realise that we need to earn this thing called “money” to be able to survive and to live on our very own planet that we were born on. How is it possible that we should need money to live on a planet that we were born on? I realised that this is nothing more than pure SLAVERY. And it has nothing to do with evolution or the natural order of things.
"This is indeed the great trap that has been set for us. But, by whom?... we need to ask! The answer is simple... By those who control the creation and the supply of money to every single one of us. The global banking elite that have taken the world hostage and made each and every one of us their slaves. We are caught up in a silent and relentless war against the common man. A silent war of economic slavery that has been so cleverly woven around us that most of us are not even aware of..."
Michael Tellinger on the social structure called UBUNTU:
"Africa is recognised as the cradle of humankind and it is in this birthplace of humanity that we find the basic solutions for our bright future. A bright light of hope and possibility for each and every one of us.
"In 2005, I called it Contributionism – a social structure where communities live in unity providing for each other, looking after each other – where everyone contributes their God given talents towards the greater benefit of all the people in their community.
"A global community where money is completely out of place and unnecessary, because of the principles of Unity Consciousness that triumph.
"Most of our ancient cultures had a saying that “if it’s not good for everyone, it’s no good at all.” In Africa, they called it UBUNTU. But this philosophy was shared by hundreds if not thousands of ancient cultures all over the world.
"It is on these fundamental beliefs of absolute equality and working together for a common purpose of abundance for all, in united communities that thrive on all levels of society, that the UBUNTU Party was established... A natural order of things in total harmony with nature, our planet, and all of creation.
"This does not mean going back to the dark ages or living in caves devoid of technology as some may think – in fact it means completely the opposite. Abundance in all spheres of life, beyond our wildest imagination.
"We simply cannot continue on the path we are on any longer. If we are to survive as a species, we have to discard all that is in conflict with our own survival. I would like to welcome you all and share with you the joy of UBUNTU. A new social structure, for a new world of Unity Consciousness..."
- by Michael Tellinger
"In 2005, I called it Contributionism – a social structure where communities live in unity providing for each other, looking after each other – where everyone contributes their God given talents towards the greater benefit of all the people in their community.
"A global community where money is completely out of place and unnecessary, because of the principles of Unity Consciousness that triumph.
"Most of our ancient cultures had a saying that “if it’s not good for everyone, it’s no good at all.” In Africa, they called it UBUNTU. But this philosophy was shared by hundreds if not thousands of ancient cultures all over the world.
"It is on these fundamental beliefs of absolute equality and working together for a common purpose of abundance for all, in united communities that thrive on all levels of society, that the UBUNTU Party was established... A natural order of things in total harmony with nature, our planet, and all of creation.
"This does not mean going back to the dark ages or living in caves devoid of technology as some may think – in fact it means completely the opposite. Abundance in all spheres of life, beyond our wildest imagination.
"We simply cannot continue on the path we are on any longer. If we are to survive as a species, we have to discard all that is in conflict with our own survival. I would like to welcome you all and share with you the joy of UBUNTU. A new social structure, for a new world of Unity Consciousness..."
- by Michael Tellinger

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