I had a significant dream this week: I was talking with someone about who/what God is. We noticed a group of people just maybe 8 metres (25 ft) away. I began talking to my friend about the human body's cellular structure and what it might be that keeps all of those cells alive and in vibration within the body. It was concluded that the 'god essence' must be That which is present in all cells. There is no other explanation for why everything is in motion, animation and growth as it is.
Therefore, we are ALL God, or - we are ALL that which God/ Creator inhabits and therefore, are the manifestation of That - every human, every bird, every fish, mosquito, blade of grass, tree leaf, oxygen particle, all that is seen and not seen, eg: sound, light and interdimensional beings, and includes all rocks, diamonds, mercury and radium. It's all God. Otherwise, it wouldn't be able to Be.
ALL things only have LIFE/ existence, ie: "out of IS tense", which is the present tense - NOW - because we are occupied by Eternal Creative Resonance within every cell, within every particle, within every wave form... the Zero Point Field of Max Planck. We can ONLY be manifestations of That which already gives us Life, at the most fundamental level... at the cellular level. We are already embodied by the One, at a very fine level, all through our Beings - in the blood and the bone, in the tissue, the fat and the nerve endings. As we wake up, we will see who we re-al-ly Be. When we are ready to see what is Re-Alla-Te, we will then Ra-El-eyes who and what we Be.
By Bronny NZ

Santos Bonacci explains these things really well... I had a bit of time to listen to this for the first time yesterday. So glad I did. It explains a lot.
Published on Oct 29, 2012
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Syncretism /ˈsɪŋkrətɪzəm/ is the combining of different (often seemingly contradictory) beliefs, often while melding practices of various schools of thought. Syncretism may involve the merger and analogising of several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, thus asserting an underlying unity and allowing for an inclusive approach to other faiths.
Santos' Youtube -http://www.youtube.com/mrastrotheology
Santos' Website - http://universaltruthschool.com/

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