Kia ora whanau, all up and down Aotearoa...
I'm toying with an idea of collaboratively creating a no bullshit news agency "Aotearoa News". NZ news is going down the tubes, as tens of thousands of us observed during this last election. Information was bent and buckled to the liking of the journalist or the editor - I guess in an attempt to shock people and sell more copy or video. I am sick of this bs.
Here in Aotearoa, I see the need to collaboratively form a news agency that is not dollar-driven with hungry investors snapping in the background wanting their cut. I want the REAL news... and I suspect that YOU want the REAL news too... not someone else's fabricated version or so-called "interpretation" of what's going on.

TV3 News
The idea I have is to bring together THOUSANDS of OUR eyes and ears, with brains ticking over, fingers typing, and people taking photographs... That's YOU !!
The "Aotearoa News" co-operative is a place where we will all learn how to go about putting "news" together (yes, there is a formula) and getting it out there as a very professional finished product. "Aotearoa News" is a place where we can get our articles published that come from GRASS ROOTS NZ - a place where NZ'ers who are currently blinded by the msm headlights, can come and get the Truth... No bs.
And "no"... you're not going to get paid. "Money" is part of the old system. We are Shifting the Paradigm (please Search: Michael Tellinger, Ubuntu, New Earth Nation). The 'money system' is well on its way to collapsing. So contributors need to be on board with this and go back (in heart and mind) to the old pre-money ways of thinking which is: co-operative, collaborative sharing of skills, talents, insights, capabilities. That's also why there needs to be thousands of us... so WE as Contributors can still go out and earn the money we need to keep our households afloat during this monetary "transition".
What you WILL get is: your name out there (or nom de plume if you prefer), a great group of people to work and collaborate with (new friendships), and be one of our whanau who bring TRUTH to Aotearoa. Once you get on this buzz, nothing else can compare... Bringing Truth to people is its own reward.

We NEED the stories only YOU can tell And we need the expertise of ALL who want to contribute... especially for analysis and putting complicated information, eg: spreadsheets, into plain English - all that info. the non-specialist reader would have trouble to interpret.
We need people on the ground who have NEVER written before, but who have a PASSION for AOTEAROA.
- You might be busily squirrelling away on your local community project, your organic food co-op, within your local activist group or teaching disadvantaged kids how to surf - so YOU have a finger on the pulse like no-one else does in YOUR area. Yeah... We TOTALLY need you !!
WE NEED to find a way ahead for Aotearoa. We need to cut a track... and a part of being able to create our new Future Together effectively is COMMUNICATION !!
We need to be able to see what everyone else is doing - community building, protesting, making council submissions, learning to build earth ships and establish community gardens... and we need to keep an eye on what our poli- poli- poli- politicians are doing, our local body councillors, DOC and our DHBs. So some of the reporting will be dead fun while some of it will be dead boring. But that's the nature of my request... For YOU to go and collect the data, to take it back to your place, write it up, edit your photo, suggest your headline and submit it to our editors. If everyone wrote just ONE article a week, we would have PLENTY of material !! See the vision... ???
This is to be a NO bs "Aotearoa News" co-operative of The People, a service that's very much needed right now - especially since NZ foreign-owned media Fairfax and APNZ have very recently started to out-source as much as they can, at a dramatic rate, to India and other places in the South East of Asia. Yes. That's right. BECAUSE of the internet (Trade Me, online news, bloggers, etc.) our current news outlets can't make money. They are letting many of their staff go in NZ... hundreds of them. Only skeleton reporting crews will exist in NZ VERY SOON. The whole "media industry" in NZ is in decay... It leaves me to wonder if NZ WILL have a bona fide "for the people" news service in the future, or just some "pretend ones" that sell you fabricated bs purely for the purposes of making money - which is what they've got in the U.S. right now. And WE NEED a bona fide news agency. I'm proposing for it to be called "Aotearoa News". Other input is welcome. This is just "step one".
Help me do this... ?? It can only happen if we ALL (to whoever hears this call), IF WE ALL pick up a paddle and give it a go. I'm sure our waka will go 'round and 'round in circles for a while... Par for the course. But in the end, we'll learn from our bumblings and stumblings and we WILL get the waka going straight... hopefully, WELL BEFORE the next election
Who's on board?
Contact me.
Friends Requests welcome.
Let me know how you see yourself fitting in.
And please SHARE this post to whoever you know that might be interested.
Kia ora whanau. Arohanui,
Bronny NZ
Please contact me on:
OR: Please leave your expression of interest in Comments below.
You can request that your reply on this blog will remain unpublished, so long as you request "Private message" or similar. Thanks.
Update: 28 September 2014, 11:01
This IS happening right now. The People of Aotearoa are taking this idea up in Full Gusto.
If you feel the call to be a Contributor, please come to this Group on Facebook (linked) or contact me below. Thank you.
Image credit to "scott chur buddie" on:
You can request that your reply on this blog will remain unpublished, so long as you request "Private message" or similar. Thanks.
Update: 28 September 2014, 11:01
This IS happening right now. The People of Aotearoa are taking this idea up in Full Gusto.
If you feel the call to be a Contributor, please come to this Group on Facebook (linked) or contact me below. Thank you.
Image credit to "scott chur buddie" on:
ReplyDeletePeople in the United States are most welcome to steal my idea and use this template in your OWN State. You are permitted use of this Intellectual Property under the following provisions: (1) this retains a "Non-commercial" status, ie: you are NOT allowed to make money off it, (2) the idea is MINE and it can not be patented. This date 23 September 2014.
Thank you. Bronny NZ.
I AM the administrator of the account "Bronwyn Llewellyn" fictional entity in law.
I can edit and proofread, and I'd like to help in this way.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on the news Idea. The News readers of this and other countries are only reading what they are told to read. The owners of the corporations who own the news agencies pull the strings. Truth should always be told. Roy- Ubuntu Waikato NZ