Sunday 13 May 2012

Divine Intervention: David Wilcock

A heads up for Wednesday night, May 9, 2012 (12 midnight-4:00 a.m. Central Time) — David Wilcock will be the guest on Coast to Coast AM
( Topic: Divine Intervention
Intuitive researcher and filmmaker, David Wilcock, will discuss physical examples of divine intervention thwarting efforts to start WWIII. Additionally, he’ll report on an incredible 1,200 year-old thread of evidence that shows these interventions have been planned for a long time, and are part of an organized movement toward a golden age of humanity, which will include teleportation & time travel, and spontaneous evolution.
In the first hour, Col. John Alexander will talk about the reality of UFOs.
Looks like it is a good time to fasten our seatbelts. We’re in for a RIDE…!
Comment by zantor on May 8, 2012 on:

"Very few people are aware that a massive 122-nation coalition has formed to solve the problem - just in the nick of time – and they are backing a legal, public solution to end Financial Tyranny...  
A trillion-dollar lawsuit was filed as of November 23, 2011 - and the resulting investigation will provide a rock-solid legal framework to reveal the full nature of the problems we face... and arrest those responsible...  Bear in mind that the evidence backing this lawsuit, if made public, will completely expose what has been going on at the highest levels - by the people themselves, speaking in their own words. This would be the most dramatic public expose' of the group responsible for this Financial Tyranny since the early 1800s - as you will see"    

- David Wilcock  
13 Jan 2012 in "Financial Tyranny" Section I

DIVINE INTERVENTION: Section I -- Defeating Financial Tyranny 

Written by David Wilcock, Wednesday, 28 March 2012 18:18

Edited excerpts:
NEGATIVE FORCES ARE REAL - AND SO IS THE RESISTANCE  Whether we like it or not, everyone is now being confronted with evidence that the world is being controlled by powerful, occult, negative forces behind the scenes....
MASS ARRESTS  Multiple insider sources, each of whom have been "vetted out" for their credibility and trustworthiness, have now confirmed that mass arrests of thousands of key conspirators in this vast cabal are about to occur...
22 TRUCKLOADS' WORTH OF DOCUMENTS  We now know that the plan for mass arrests has been very actively in the works for at least 33 years. A five-inch thick briefing document was presented to our new contact in 1979 that outlined the whole plan...
EVERY EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO REASSURE AND PROTECT THE PUBLIC  The people who are about to do this are well aware of every concern you have -- as an informed reader of truth websites and materials...
THEY DIDN'T PLEDGE THEIR LIVES FOR THE COMFORT OF BANKERS  We now know that 90 percent of the US military are aware of this plan in some form -- and at least 60 percent are in support of it. Many more federal marshals, police, active and retired military, and civilians will help out once they realize what is happening...
IT MAY SEEM DIFFICULT TO BELIEVE  I do understand the difficulty of believing that such a massive, coordinated maneuver would even be possible...
EVERYONE IN THE PENTAGON IS NOW AWARE OF IT  Top insiders have now confirmed that everyone in the Pentagon is now aware that some form of Divine Intervention is happening -- regardless of what side they are on...
WE HAVE NEVER BEEN ABANDONED  Divine Intervention is very real.  You may be surprised to discover how extensive the intervention has now become -- and how far back in time the trail of evidence goes...
A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF THE INVESTIGATION  You can't fully understand the truth if you are still living in denial. Some of the strongest denial is from people who still believe that the "bad guys" are winning -- and are unwilling or unable to see the obvious signs of how the whole house of cards is coming down...
SECTIONS II AND III WILL CONSIDERABLY EXPAND THE INVESTIGATION  In Section II, we will explore the mysteries, shared by insiders at great personal risk, revealing how Divine Intervention is occurring -- to prevent World War III and defeat Financial Tyranny...
TIME-ENCODED PROPHECIES  Section III will add incredible context to everything we've discussed up until then... and you won't want to miss it. I myself didn't realize what we really had until I went back and did the "homework"...
BREATHTAKING REAL-WORLD CORRELATION TO THE PROPHECY  A very interesting real-world correlation occurred around the prophetic March 13th date...
THOSE WHO ARE OUTSIDE OF TIME  I have had many personal examples of "angelic" or "extraterrestrial" forces bending time and giving me accurate prophecies. Many of them have been documented on this website.

WE ARE ALREADY AN INTERSTELLAR SPECIES  Over the years I have built up a team of reliable and trustworthy intelligence sources -- people who have direct access to various parts of the highly classified insider world. The UFO cover-up has been a key part of this insider world all along. Modern computer technology is only one of many tools we have reverse-engineered from this "celestial endowment" of deliberately crashed discs. If events like Roswell hadn't happened, we may not have developed computer technology at all... 
UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES  Our opinions have been cleverly manipulated by a vast, occult conspiracy going back hundreds of years in the past - if not thousands. The higher forces ultimately are not allowed to intervene, beyond a certain level, before a given moment in time. That moment has now arrived -- as has been predicted for thousands of years.
IT WILL BE A PROFOUND SHIFT -- AND IT HAS ALREADY STARTED  That mass public will has finally arrived -- and the positive militaries of the world will help ensure it will succeed. If the rumours I am hearing are true, we will soon see mass arrests of many key conspirators in government, military, finance companies, defence contractors, media, pharmaceutical corporations and so on...
DRAMATIC NEW DEVELOPMENTS  I can now say from firsthand knowledge that this 134-nation alliance is supporting an imminent, massive geopolitical shift -- into freedom...
WE HAVE OVERLOOKED THE OBVIOUS SIGNPOSTS  Once we realize the human race is much, much more extensive than we thought, and that our relatives do indeed follow a Prime Directive, we will marvel at how many obvious signposts we have overlooked...
THE SIGNS ARE ALREADY THERE -- 450 TOP CEOs FLEE THE SINKING SHIP  The vast majority of trouble in the world is being generated by a highly occult, highly secretive elite, hidden away in the G5 countries -- and manipulating the financial system, politicians and militaries behind the scenes...
THE FORCED REBUTTAL  The mass resignations have not gone unnoticed to the readers of The Fiscal Times. This is a very real story -- causing very real anxiety...
STUNNING CHANGES ARE UNDERWAY  The 450 resignations are documented, proven, and cannot be shot down. This Fiscal Times article is our key to prove that this is real enough to be tracked by the media, and is in no way part of "normal turnover" in the corporate world. We applaud Fiscal Times for their bravery in covering this evolving story...
MASS ARRESTS HAVE ALREADY STARTED  Mass arrests have already taken place against senior staff of the Fox-owned Sun tabloid in England in three separate bursts -- now encompassing 21 top Sun employees under "Operation Weeting"...

JAMES MURDOCH STEPS DOWN AS EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN OF [FOX] NEWS INTERNATIONAL  Rupert Murdoch's son, James Murdoch, resigned from his position as ... indicating the extreme scope of the trouble...

THE "DAY OUT OF TIME"  It may also be significant that Murdoch announced his resignation on February 29, 2012.  As our graph shows, February 29, 2012 is the "Day Out of Time" immediately preceding the pivotal March 13th Mayan Calendar date -- where the cycles shift into full synchronization. This "Day Out of Time" has great significance in the Mayan system, as we will see in Section III...
TWO SENIOR MURDOCH JOURNALISTS ATTEMPT SUICIDE  Sadly, in addition to the mass arrests of 47 people and the resignation of executive chairman James Murdoch, two senior journalists were so threatened by this imminent exposure of wrongdoing that they tried to kill themselves...

RUSH LIMBAUGH AND THE FALL OF SHOCK-JOCK HATE RADIO  There is no question that News International owns and runs the right-wing hate speech industry in the US. They are now engulfed in a massive scandal on this front as well...
MOST TELEVISION NETWORKS FEATURE A VARIETY OF POSITIVE THINGS AS WELL  Most network and cable television stations feature a variety of content that is positive, in varying ways, for humanity. The vast majority of people working within these groups are honest, hardworking and positive -- and I know some of them...

HATE DOESN'T SELL ANYMORE  Advertisers are now fleeing right-wing hate programming in droves. Without the oxygen of advertising money, these programs will quickly suffocate...
"MUPPETGATE" IS ANOTHER PEBBLE FROM THE COMING AVALANCHE  Greg Smith, a former high-ranking Goldman Sachs employee blew the whistle in a New York Times editorial on March 14, 2012 --   triggering a revolutionary public awakening now being called "Muppetgate"...

A "TOXIC ENVIRONMENT"  This next excerpt from MSNBC reveals even more about how terrible it is to work at Goldman Sachs -- and the genuine darkness its employees find themselves in...

UK TELEGRAPH EXPLORES THE ILLUMINATI MINDSET  This next excerpt from the UK Telegraph discusses the Illuminati mindset within Goldman Sachs that has been revealed as a direct result of "Muppetgate" -- the day after a Mayan Calender shift-date that had been anticipated for years...

1 IN 10 WALL STREET BANKERS ARE CLINICAL PSYCHOPATHS  On March 2, 2012 - just two days after the critical Feb. 29th "Day Out of Time" in the Mayan Calendar -- the Huffington Post ran an article that seemed to anticipate the bomb Greg Smith was about to drop on Goldman Sachs. This might sound like the punchline to a joke -- but the destruction of the planet is no laughing matter, and these people must be stopped...

JP MORGAN STAFF WARNED OFF OF TALKING ABOUT "MUPPETGATE"  Goldman Sachs is one of the Federal Reserve banks. So is JP Morgan Chase...

SUDDEN, STUNNING PUBLIC DIVORCE BETWEEN JP MORGAN AND THE VATICAN  Just five days after "Muppetgate," JP Morgan announced they were cutting off the Vatican Bank's private accounts, permanently -- by the end of the month.  This is of monumental significance to our discussion. The Federal Reserve is literally dropping everything and running from any financial association with the Vatican - as fast as they can...

SCATTERING BEFORE THE AVALANCHE  All these Illuminati factions used to be on the same page -- but now, just like with the mass CEO resignations, they are turning on each other and scattering before the avalanche hits. Let's read more about this epic event...

A STRING OF SCANDALS PLAGUES THE VATICAN  Illuminati whistleblowers Svali and Leo Zagami have both said the Vatican is the "spiritual head" of the Illuminati. That's why this news is so significant within the insider world...

THE PUBLIC DIVORCE  Now that we have more background on this subject, let's continue reading about this staggering public divorce between the Federal Reserve and the Vatican...

THE "OCCULT ECONOMY" REVEALED  I was asked to write the epic Financial Tyranny piece by the "good guys" orchestrating the mass arrests. Some of this data has started gaining traction and coverage in the alternative media. This article by Activist Post features some of the juicier parts of our investigation, with credit...
LORD JAMES OF BLACKHEATH BLOWS THE WHISTLE  Furthermore, within days after we published Finanical Tyranny, Lord James of Blackheath publicly blew the whistle on 15 trillion dollars of fraud before the British Parliament - validating everything we had just reported.
Specifically, Blackheath discusses three sums of $5 trillion each -- corresponding to 750,000 metric TONS of gold. This is significantly more gold than has ever existed in the "legitimate", registered economy, which weighs in only around 120,000 metric tons. Lord James also reveals that his evidence includes an original, signed document from Alan Greenspan and Timothy Geithner -- which he has in his personal possession. This is an utterly explosive accusation -- and we have definitely not seen the end of it yet...
OFF-MARKET GOLD ON "DEPOSIT"  The "off-market" gold is much, much greater than the "legitimate" gold. Blackheath and his colleagues cannot comprehend what they are looking at, so naturally their first impulse is to dismiss the whole thing....

THE ITALIAN BONDS SCANDAL  Blackheath wasn't the only authority to step forward about massive financial scandals immediately after the release of Financial Tyranny...

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