Sir James Goldsmith (1949) (1954)

Question: Who is the Queen Elizabeth look-alike?
Answer: Apparently, Isabel Patino ???
Child = Isobel Goldsmith
Then with Ginette Christiane Lery = Alix Goldsmith Marcaccini and Manes Goldsmith
And later on still.... with Lady Annabel Goldsmith
= Jemima Goldsmith = Zac Goldsmith

= Ben Goldsmith .... and a love child ??


Ohh my god! It's too uncanny... It's sending chills up and down my spine!
It appears that Diana Spencer is actually Diana Goldsmith !! Diana's mother apparently was having an affair with James Goldsmith in 1960-61 when she was married to Earl Spencer.
Please join the dots with the help of the links below... The second link below adds a bit more of the raw detail and how Kate is part of the Goldsmith crew as well.
The plot thickens !!! It's definitely ALL coming out in the open NOW !!
So Britain not only has GERMANS on the throne... The bloodline is also full of Jews. My, my, my, my, my....
How are the people of Merrie Olde Englande going to take that as they keep awakening #GreatAwakening
Is Sir James Goldsmith Diana Spencer's Father?
The photos are fascinating. I am impressed.