Hampstead Whistleblower Kids --- UPDATE -- Belinda McKenzie
March 12 2015
Published on Mar 12, 2015
Belinda wasn't at the Royal Courts of (In)Justice today so we went to Belinda to get an update on proceedings in regards to the Hampstead whistleblower kids and their mother.
Please sign the Petition at
Police Interviews of the children can be viewed and downloaded from
Legal Docs
Medical Docs
YouTube. Police interviews of the children are also on YouTube (for now)
Legal Docs
Medical Docs
YouTube. Police interviews of the children are also on YouTube (for now)
New deadline for judgement: 19 March
13 Mar 2015 — Hi Everybody
Here are 20 minutes LIVE update from Belinda:
1. the judge sat only for a short while, apparently regarding my email;
2. the judgement is scheduled to be handed down on Thursday 19th March;
3. Belinda filed an emergency application to get Barnet Council to return the children asap (posted below)
4. two 'emergency judges' saw the application - in Court 41 and Court 37 - so Mrs Justice Pauffley is not alone any more;
5. Belinda had a police van watching her house for an hour;
6. her email accounts with BT have been compromised which has happened before;
7. my solicitor was in the court;
8. the Russian Consul will support an application for contact with the children.
Here are 20 minutes LIVE update from Belinda:
1. the judge sat only for a short while, apparently regarding my email;
2. the judgement is scheduled to be handed down on Thursday 19th March;
3. Belinda filed an emergency application to get Barnet Council to return the children asap (posted below)
4. two 'emergency judges' saw the application - in Court 41 and Court 37 - so Mrs Justice Pauffley is not alone any more;
5. Belinda had a police van watching her house for an hour;
6. her email accounts with BT have been compromised which has happened before;
7. my solicitor was in the court;
8. the Russian Consul will support an application for contact with the children.
Belinda's emergency application for Barnet Council to return the children asap:
Belinda McKenzie, on behalf of the Hampstead kids, mother and partner, grandparents and Sabine McNeill, made application to Judge Keehan to give her an Order against London Borough of Barnet
- for the return of the kids to their mother
- assistance with repatriation in Russia with grandparents,
- for court’s protection of family witnesses at the schools and church from being kidnapped by agents of London Borough of Barnet,
- and local Police (who are the accused),
- and for Sabine McNeill’s safe return to UK.
Judge Pauffley was handed a copy of the application and it is for her to give the Draft Order sought later.
Judge Keehan’s Order must have been the reason for her Ladyship NOT to hand down the judgement as anticipated by the father and LB Barnet.
Why is this application interesting? Because it turns the tables:
- the Applicant is ‘our side’
- the Defendant is LB Barnet
- another judge is looking over Dame Pauffley’s shoulder
- the application asks LB Barnet in legal terms what the online petition asks in its way:

Meanwhile, back at the courthouse... Anonymous stand in the breach. Thursday 12 March, 2015
#Operation Death Eater - Hampstead Whistleblower Kids - #Anonymous
Published on Mar 14, 2015
Anonymous at the Royal Courts of (No)Justice 12 March 2015
Petition https://www.change.org/p/the-rt-hon-t...
UK Grand Juries http://icj13.webs.com/evidence
Notice of Cease & Desist https://whistleblowerkids.wordpress.c...
World Bankruptcy 1930 http://www.maxkeiseronfacebook.com/us...
Adoption Racket http://alicemooreuk.blogspot.co.uk/20...
Forced Adoption http://forced-adoption.com
Judge Keehan return the kids https://whistleblowerkids.wordpress.c...
Sexual abuse claims http://crimesofempire.com/2015/03/11/...
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