"A great address by the greatest leader alive today. Thank god he is challenging US hegemony and waking people up all across the world. Washington has gone to great pains to discredit him.
"Putin is a man of strength and VISION. He is not the ogre Washington would have the world believe. In fact I think THE OGRE IS AMERICA ITSELF and her lying, conniving, belligerent Politicians. This is a MUST READ.
"If Russia and China do form an Alliance against the West, the world might just stand a chance of being restored to it's former glory. America has RAPED enough countries.
"IF they form and ALLIANCE. Putin will NEVER kotow to anyone but he is a fair man and just wants a fair deal for Russia. Developing their internal trade and assets is a must in this day and age if you want to stay out of the grip of the IMF and other banksters. Russia is on the right track and the rest of the world would do well to sit up and take note.
"China does indeed have expansionist plans but then WHO DOESN'T???? America has certainly been going down that path for years, slowly but surely DESTROYING everything in it's path. Putin is determined to keep Russia out of it and he HAS and will continue to do so. Both Russia and China are not stupid. Putin is concentrating on his internal markets and China has been busily buying up gold for a ling time now and never more so than right now while gold prices have slumped."
- by Frankie Lingham, Aotearoa
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