
Thursday 2 August 2018

USA-EU-NATO Collusion 2014 gave Turkey ISIS PMC funding. Bulgaria blockaded!

This information is more important than you can imagine. Why did the Obama administration USA, the United Kingdom, the European Union and NATO collude together against Bulgaria, while promoting Turkey as the country who should win the Russia-gas pipeline contract?  It's a big question. When this question is fully answered, we will find how deep the tentacles of the deep state had gotten into everything, internationally.

Thankfully, "she" didn't win. God bless President Donald J. Trump.

To make the connection with ISIS (private mercenaries - PMCs) and Turkey as a financial backer of ISIS, please see these articles published on this blog in 2014-2016.

F*ck the EU! Bulgaria Does a Complete 180, Comes Running Back to Bargaining Table With Russia

Vesti News - Published on Jun 4, 2018

After a 4-year break, Russian-Bulgarian relations saw a drastic thaw. It's been only a week since the visit of Bulgarian President Rumen Radev to Russia, but the country's Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, also arrived in Moscow with assurances of the most friendly intentions and a proposal to resume projects frozen by Bulgaria itself: the construction of a gas pipeline to Bulgaria (but now via Turkey) and the nuclear power plant in Belene.

Following are screenshots from the video with text underneath that can be translated. See "Translate" at the top right on this blog. Please share this article with your networks, and with your non-Russian and non-English speaking networks and audiences. The world needs to know how deep the corruption went, and to what extent the deep state created disruption in all countries around the world over the last 250 years - since 1776. Thank you.

 At the other end of the country, in the port of Varna...

 ... the pipes for yet another derailed Bulgarian-Russian project -

 - the South Stream gas pipeline - keep gathering dust, although

 ... its construction was about to begin a few years ago.

Volen Sidorov, United Patriots faction chairman: "American senators came here and said..."

 "Stop. It won't do." [ - American senators John McCain, Ron Johnson and Christopher Murphy.]

 The omnipresent McCain came to Sofia. [capital of Bulgaria]

Then an inexperienced member of the European Union, Bulgaria, tried to please Brussels and Washington...

 (same text as above)

 ... even to the detriment of themselves.

 Bulgarian grandfather: "No job, no enterprise."

 [Bulgarian man:] "Yes. Many moved abroad."

"I for one, am 27 years old, and I spend all my time in Denmark." [where he works]

[The city of] Belene had a small stadium built with EU money and has the EU flag waving over it.

What an alternative to a nuclear power plant and tens of thousands of jobs!  [Russian sarcasm]

Therefore, the whole of Bulgaria carefully followed the [Bulgarian] prime minister's visit to the Kremlin.

It's the first Russian-Bulgarian summit in almost 10 years.

Boyko Borisove, Bulgaria's PM: "We know about the difficult relations in the past..."

[Putin:] "It's a shame, and as far as I can see, Bulgaria as well regrets that the South Stream project was not implemented..."

 "... because it would have greatly benefited Bulgaria."

If the South Stream project had been initially implemented, Bulgaria would be a powerful gas hub...

[Bulgaria would by now have been] directly receiving gas from Russia via a pipeline laid along the bottom of the Black Sea.

But after the contract failed, Moscow and Andara announced the construction of the Turkish Stream:

[Specifically due to USA Senators McCain, Johnson and Murphy, and the EU and NATO #DeepState puppets 
colluding with each other, against Bulgaria !!!! ]

 And now Sofia asks that at least a branch of the Turkish Stream go to Bulgaria...

 ... while it was following directions from Brussels and Washington.

 The countries in charge of the EU put their own interests first.

[I would say: "The globalists in charge of the EU put their own interests first," since no EU "country" or "countries" is in charge of the EU. The "European Union" (a dictatorship) is a globalist entity that works for the globalist elite families. See "Swiss Pharaohs" in the menu on this blog.]

 [Reporter:] But it was clear several years ago that Bulgaria lost a most profitable contract.

 [Businessman:] "It was always clear. It's not just double standards, but insanity."

[Borisove:] "We had backed out of these projects for the sake of principle."

[undoubtedly, of wanting to show allegiance to the EU, since Bulgaria was recently made a new member].

 [Putin:] "We do understand however what this is all about."

 "Everyone has a clear understanding of what is going on..."

 "... and no one wants to see any failures or disruptions again."

[Putin:] "Gazprom's total loss due to the cancellation of the [Bulgarian] South Stream was around 800 million euros..." [ = US$ 927 million]

 "... which was written off as a loss."

This year is the anniversary of the liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman yoke by Russian troops.

["Ottoman Empire" = the expansive Turkish Empire of the 19th century]

 "Bulgaria is grateful to the Tsar liberator."

The monument to [Russian tsar] Alexander II in the very centre of Sophia is maintained and illuminated in the night.

 [Putin:] Bulgaria would get 400 million euros annually...  [ = US $463 million ]

 "... from the transit of Russian gas through the South Stream."

 [Putin:] "The volume of gas through Bulgaria, if the decision is made, will depend on the situation in the European gas market..."

 "... including the Nord Stream-2."

Despite all the difficulties, even now the economic ties between the two countries are developing.

Most Bulgarians are sure that a full-scale restoration of the bilateral relations is simply inevitable.

 Svetlana Sharenkova, chair of the Bulgaria-Russia forum: "We're genetically tied."

 [Sharenkova:]  "External influence and donations can't erase this connection."

[Is this a reference to the Clinton Foundation that receives "donations" in return for kick-backs from the USA tax-payers via the Clinton-Bush-Obama administrations since 1993 ?? ] #DeepState

 [Sharenkova:] "80% of Bulgarians want a steady and fruitful relationship with Russia."

See this article also:

- published on 6/10/14 by Radio Bulgaria -

After the meeting on Sunday with US senators John McCain, Ron Johnson and Christopher Murphy, Bulgarian PM Plamen Oresharski announced the suspending of South Stream [contract] until clarifying EC position. Photo: BGNES

[Excerpt]. Bulgaria found itself in unprecedented situation after it was threatened with sanctions by Brussels and Washington at the same time, because of the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline on Bulgarian territory. Moscow described the actions of the Bulgarian government as “energy blackmail against Russia”. Western media commented that the pressure exerted over Bulgaria was successful, while Russian media blamed the USA for making a smashing blow against the South Stream project. The events in Bulgaria took a sharp turn in just a day. The Bulgarian people could not comprehend exactly what had happened.  

- by Tania Harizanova

The answer to the Bulgarian people is: #AmericanCollusion !!!

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