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INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT/SECURITYWorldwide cleared mlti-disciplined specialties; security services
Security Services
IT / TECHNICAL SERVICESSystems Engineering, Test and Assistance Support
Functional and Program Analysis
Subject Matter Expert Augmentation
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For the last decade, ISIS has been a proven performer and provider of government trained professionals to the Military Intelligence (MI) Community worldwide, including Iraq and Afghanistan. We provide expert support and services to multiple governmental agencies, including the Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), US Northern Command (NORTHCOM), Special Operations Command (SOCOM), Central Command (CENTCOM), Training Doctrine (TRADOC), the United States Army Intelligence Center (USAIC), Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation (PEO-STRI) and Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).
In addition to our government customers, we work with multiple defense contractors including General Dynamics Information Technology (GDIT), Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, CACI, ManTech, Advancia and Access, to name a few. Our staff includes seasoned experts in the fields of Intel Systems Maintenance, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Maintenance, Human Intelligence, Counterintelligence, All Source Intelligence Analysis, Joint Intelligence Training, Military Intelligence Doctrine, Training Development and Instruction.
With security force services that augment the Government’s security capabilities, ISIS is regarded as an “extension of the Government” in the performance of security operations. Our daily missions have involved hundreds of security personnel at remote-hostile sites worldwide.
Full Security Services and Capabilities
Management Oversight
Personal Protective Services
Utilizing various protection techniques, ISIS personnel have successfully accomplished a variety of missions in Afghanistan and Iraq. These missions include, but are not limited to, VIP and Dignitary Protection, movement of large numbers of clients and security personnel to remote sites, convoy security, medical support, and the movement and destruction of captured enemy munitions and unexploded ordinance (UXO). Integral to the success of these missions was an exhaustive planning process which included the use of the TAPESTRY tracking system, detailed convoy planning, and a pre-planned emergency Escape and Evasion Plan.
Static and Site Security
ISIS personnel have provided management oversight for internal security and intelligence to forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, working in conjunction with the military and coalition forces to continuously gather, interpret, and expeditiously disseminate crucial information regarding the security situation for multiple bases, airfields, and their surrounding areas. Utilizing this information in conjunction with anti-terrorism support and analysis, personnel security details, and 24/7 security management, ISIS personnel have been able to provide comprehensive security packages to their clients.
Theatre-wide Security Services
ISIS personnel have met the obvious challenges of personnel operating in hostile and unfamiliar territory. We have ramped up and transitioned with incumbents large amounts of personnel (trained and certified), equipment, vehicles, weapons and ammunition, usually in under 30-45 days, for various hostile locations, while ensuring the integrity of weapons and identification cards.
These types of management and logistics challenges have given ISIS management and personnel the experience that is required by the government for excellent security and intelligence management to critical sites worldwide.
ISIS personnel have consistently overcome large challenges such as Multi-National Forces-Iraq (MNF-I) and Joint Contracting Command-Iraq/Afghanistan (JCCI/A) badging of personnel, CONUS Replacement Center scheduling, Training Certification and short timeline transition periods by having extensive resource facilities, proper management processes and relevant experience to overcome these challenges.
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ISIS’ complete spectrum of professional Technical Services ensures the successful definition, execution, and completion of mission-critical programs. We bring the requisite subject matter expertise to support our customers with their
information systems architecture, software engineering support, information assurance compliancy, systems design and development, and various Functional Areas. As a preferred IT Solutions and Subject Matter Expert provider, ISIS specializes in providing quality technical services in the areas of systems engineering, application development, software engineering, information assurance, certification and accreditation, systems architecture, design and implementation, and more. ISIS provides the full range of IT support, including current technology, new and emerging technology such as: Information Technology (IT)
Systems Engineering
Functional Area Support
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The following is a list of contracts in which ISIS performed as the prime contractor.
Click on each link to read a more detailed description. Mission & Installation Contracting Command GSA MOBIS 874 Global INFOSEC Partnership Conference (GIPC) Bureau of Land Management (BLM) ISIS subcontracted to the following prime contractors on various projects. Click on each link to read a more detailed description. GENESIS III Warfighter Focus 160th Signal Brigade Augmentation Support Mobile Training Teams- Cutural Awareness NORAD NORTHCOM Advisory and Assistance Services (N2A2S) Strategic Services Sourcing (S3) Training Support Services Systems and Software Engineering Services GSA ANSWER White Cell Mission Rehearsal Exercise Cheyenne Mountain Total Engineering and Integration Services (TEIS) Thunder Mountain Evaluation Center (TMEC) |
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Cage Code #1NQX3
DUNS #089304575

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