Christine Lagarde on The Global Economy (Full Speech)
January 15, 2014 -IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde talked about world's economy on National Press Club luncheon.
_ _ _
THAT'S Weird !! WHY would anyone in Christine Legard's position talk about THESE NUMBERS in the opening sentences of a really important speech to the Press !!
The maker of this video says the "standing up too early" sequence has nothing to do with the cryptic message. I beg to disagree. By Legard acting on this "impulse" to stand too early, it gives her the opportunity to state VERY CLEARLY to the world's TOP Media execs, journalists, analysts... AND to the whole world: "As you can tell, I do as i'm told" [surprised murmer in the background from her handlers]. Is this a Statement she's making, or an Apology?
She also says, "Clearly i've FAILED" [accompanied by an even bigger murmer/ chuckle/ "cough" - the Truth is trying to come up]. Deduction: So had she been standing in the wings, waiting for the "nod" to initiate, eg: a NWO program in 2013 ... but she got the timing wrong?
Please remember: this is a holographic universe. What she is manifesting (saying) in the NOW, has already taken place in the unseen Energy Field. She is COMPELLED to say these things, in accord with the Truth that already exists in The Field.
The black Magic-Ions standing behind the curtain would have been absolutely spitting tacks when these two HUGE Truth Bombs went out into the public.
More "bits" I picked up from the first 30 seconds: You can see the Press are a "Club", very clearly. We have THUGS like this in NZ as well... often called names like "Motorcycle Club"... and so on
Generally, these are lost people who gain a sense of great power and importance when they can extort whatever they want from other people. In NZ, there's a "National Party Club". It makes most extortionists look tame.
Don't you think it's funny how they're an "(im)Press - upon an unsuspecting public "What WE want you to DO and THINK" - Club." ??
And what IS with that "Club" part ?? Isn't that a weapon... ?? - so you can hit people over the head with it and make them UnConscious ??
It's also funny that we have a term: "Press Ganged" which means: "A company of men [or women] under an officer detailed to force men into military or naval service."
AND... Look who Angel Keen-on-Grilling SERVES... Isn't that what you do in tennis ?? You SERVE ?? Or maybe it's what you offer on a plate... "to serve". So this is a GAME of some kind, is it? - or maybe, an offering on a plate... Like a religious offering you would make on a plate, to appease the angry "gods" who have SO MUCH power over you... especially by way of your Mort-Gage, your "Death Pledge"
The people/ entities that this group of high-ranking journalists SERVES (in the above link), are those who stand "FOR TALKING". They are PRO- Talking... PRO- FESSORS.
ie: The double-speak... The legalese... You know ~ politicians, court judges, the police, lawyers... are ALL FOR (pro) TALKING/ 'acknowledging' (fateri), aka "fightery".
ALL of these ROLES (characters/ persona = masks) performed in accordance with governmental ACTS (dramatic performances) are VERY MUCH into their PRO-FESSIONS - For Fateri/ Fightery
These PRO- Fessers... (Well ~ they WOULD like to tell you the TRUTH, but they've learned that WORDS are Magic SPELLS) ... WOULD be giving up a LOT of POWER, as Professionals, IF indeed they DID , "FESS UP".
They serve the CAPITAL. Isn't THAT the Money System ??
Capitis = head. Therefore: Capital punishment = giving your head ??
Wow... THIS Worm Hole just gets deeper and deeper
There's LOTS of clues in here
Ok... My TRANSLATION of the dialogue is complete.
Who out there has the skill of INTERPRETING the numbers for us?
Christine Largard (CL) opening speech at Press Club, 15 January 2014
CL: Numbers: Outline for 2014: "Happy New Year."
We are 1/2 way between the Western New Year (Roman) and Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year)
>> A shift from Roman to Chinese predominance perhaps?
References East-West union, or duality = war
Note: Two Chinese banks opened in NZ recently. A third Chinese bank will open soon.
Subject: The Global Economy. What we should expect for 2014.
Numerology: Think about "The Magic Seven".
>> She is opening the circle.
This begs the question: WHO ARE "The Magic Seven?"
CL: MOST OF YOU will know... [is she speaking to other Magic-Ions ?] ...that "7" is QUITE a Number: themes, religions.
Hint: You can compress numbers as well
CL: Think about 2014 is 2 x 7 =14
"This is an example."
>> So what are the other "examples" that she is REALLY referring to ??
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 perhaps ??
>>> 1929 ?? 1+9+2+9 = 21 = 3 x 7
29 October, 1929
>>> 29-10-1929 = 33
[Masonic/ Kabbalah number]
The Wall Street Crash was the U.S. Stock Market crash of October 29, 1929. ref:
Wall Street Crash
On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city
>>> 6-8-1945 = 33
[Masonic/ Kabbalah number]
>>> That's a bit of a "co-incide-ence" right? : (
Schist !! : ( : (
CL: 2014 will be a mile stone and hopefully a Magic year in many respects.
100th anniversary of the first World War in 1914
70s = "7" anniversary of the Bretton Woods Conference that gave birth to the IMF (thieves)
25th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
>> East-West union referenced again
7th anniversary of the financial market jitters [jeeters/cheaters] "greatest Global economy..." [corrected] "calamity" of 2007.
>> No. She said it right the first time. Great for her and her cohorts.
"The Crisis Still Lingers." An affirmative statement. ie: "It Is"
CRISIS = ISIS = Terrorist Threat propaganda will continue to be perpetuated
My "WISH" - Lagarde's acknowledgement she's a Magic-Ion...
"That after those 7 miserable years, we [will] have 7 strong years."
>>> Biblical reference to Joseph in Egypt. She reversed the order of events in the imagery. In the Bible/ Torah, there were 7 years of plenty FOLLOWED by 7 years of famine.
>>> WHAT ARE they intending to do with the illusory "time contiuum" ??
The story of Joseph who was a captive in Egypt, and his dream interpretations...
Genesis 41 = 5 = instability, change, moving house, being uprooted
Genesis 41:1-7. 4+1+1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 33 :(
>>> Oh schist :(
Ok... now to calculate all the number mentions in the verses.
2 years
7 cows fat
7 cows thin
7 cows ate the others
2 dreams
7 grain
7 grain
7 grains ate the others
= 46 + 33 (from Genesis 41:1-7 figures added above) = 79 >> Prime [God source] number
"Then Pharaoh [sovereign I AM] woke up; it had been a dream." (Gen 42:7)
ie: The People Wake Up !!!
79 = 7 + 9 = 16 = 7 : (
Is this a co-incidence ??? :-/
You can't make this shit up !!
What ARE the Magic-Ions trying to do with the holographic "time" continuum ??
I mean... "Time" is illusory anyway, so whatever tricks they pull out of their hats, isn't really going to effect things in the broader scheme of things anyway. But it COULD mess people up who don't have a clue and keep finding they're in the same situations they'd experienced yesterday, and last week, and last year.
The TV series that just started on NZ TV last night "Resurrection" is priming us for experiencing some very strange effects, derived no doubt from the Magic-Ion's causes.
CL: I don't know **weather** the G7 will have anything to do with it or **weather** it will be the G20.
I certainly hope that the IMF will have something to do with it.
"NOW" [no longer making magic. Back into The NOW]
"Is this WISHFUL thinking? No."
>>> Effectively closes the circle. This is Lagard's declaration she is no longer acting in the capacity of a Magic-Ion for any part of the rest of her speech.
>>> Note: this sort of SPELL-ing requires quite a lot of energy. Generally, you could only SPELL-CAST in a public assembly for a relatively short amount of time... Unless you're like Barry and have a tele-prompter right under your nose :-/
CL: "But it will not happen randomly without US together [Magic-Ions] making the RITE decisions."
-- Christine Lagard
THAT'S Weird !! WHY would anyone in Christine Legard's position talk about THESE NUMBERS in the opening sentences of a really important speech to the Press !!
The maker of this video says the "standing up too early" sequence has nothing to do with the cryptic message. I beg to disagree. By Legard acting on this "impulse" to stand too early, it gives her the opportunity to state VERY CLEARLY to the world's TOP Media execs, journalists, analysts... AND to the whole world: "As you can tell, I do as i'm told" [surprised murmer in the background from her handlers]. Is this a Statement she's making, or an Apology?
She also says, "Clearly i've FAILED" [accompanied by an even bigger murmer/ chuckle/ "cough" - the Truth is trying to come up]. Deduction: So had she been standing in the wings, waiting for the "nod" to initiate, eg: a NWO program in 2013 ... but she got the timing wrong?
Please remember: this is a holographic universe. What she is manifesting (saying) in the NOW, has already taken place in the unseen Energy Field. She is COMPELLED to say these things, in accord with the Truth that already exists in The Field.
The black Magic-Ions standing behind the curtain would have been absolutely spitting tacks when these two HUGE Truth Bombs went out into the public.
More "bits" I picked up from the first 30 seconds: You can see the Press are a "Club", very clearly. We have THUGS like this in NZ as well... often called names like "Motorcycle Club"... and so on
Generally, these are lost people who gain a sense of great power and importance when they can extort whatever they want from other people. In NZ, there's a "National Party Club". It makes most extortionists look tame.
Don't you think it's funny how they're an "(im)Press - upon an unsuspecting public "What WE want you to DO and THINK" - Club." ??
And what IS with that "Club" part ?? Isn't that a weapon... ?? - so you can hit people over the head with it and make them UnConscious ??
It's also funny that we have a term: "Press Ganged" which means: "A company of men [or women] under an officer detailed to force men into military or naval service."
Guess what? That's EXACTLY the role of "The Press" in our modern times... (19th-20th centuries) ... to find "sympathisers" who are WILLING to go to war for those who own the news outlets... the banks... the armaments manufacturers...
Those days of Media Control over the Collective Consciousness (public mindset) are ABSOLUTELY numbered! We State and Intend this RIGHT NOW.
This black magic trickery and illusion through the Mass Media Propaganda Machine ends !!! RIGHT HERE... Right in THIS Decade !! Right NOW !!
: : As Above, so Below.
: : We make manifest on the Material Plane that which we Order in our Minds TO BE SO.
The Universal Energy Field can not disobey the strong focussed Thought of a Mind Intended with Clear Imagery upon an outcome.
: : WE INTEND for the Global Media Structures now in place to be crushed underfoot into a great pile of rubble that can NEVER be built up again.
: : WE INTEND and visualise the public WAKING UP RIGHT NOW and with their Real Eyes, see that the Huge Global media outlets controlling the world's news and "in-formation", have colluded together and are telling US ABSOLUTE LIES !!!
If what I am saying here is jibberish to you, please watch the video below. It's about the Quantum Field... Yes... Physics (for science dummies, like me). Easy-watch.
Thank you
What the Bleep Do We Know!? is a 2004 film that combines documentary-style interviews, computer-animated graphics, and a narrative that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness.
This is a good example of how the Law of Attraction is REAL and people can use it to change their Lives!
HAHAHAHAHA !!! Isn't it funny that Legard (the guard) thanks Angela Grieling-Keene for welcoming her to the rostrum. Isn't that the Angel who's keen on interrogation until it gets to the bottom of the bull s***
aka: "keen on grilling" ??
Scroll down for Angel Grilling Keen on this link:
Guess what? That's EXACTLY the role of "The Press" in our modern times... (19th-20th centuries) ... to find "sympathisers" who are WILLING to go to war for those who own the news outlets... the banks... the armaments manufacturers...
Those days of Media Control over the Collective Consciousness (public mindset) are ABSOLUTELY numbered! We State and Intend this RIGHT NOW.
This black magic trickery and illusion through the Mass Media Propaganda Machine ends !!! RIGHT HERE... Right in THIS Decade !! Right NOW !!
: : As Above, so Below.
: : We make manifest on the Material Plane that which we Order in our Minds TO BE SO.
The Universal Energy Field can not disobey the strong focussed Thought of a Mind Intended with Clear Imagery upon an outcome.
: : WE INTEND for the Global Media Structures now in place to be crushed underfoot into a great pile of rubble that can NEVER be built up again.
: : WE INTEND and visualise the public WAKING UP RIGHT NOW and with their Real Eyes, see that the Huge Global media outlets controlling the world's news and "in-formation", have colluded together and are telling US ABSOLUTE LIES !!!
If what I am saying here is jibberish to you, please watch the video below. It's about the Quantum Field... Yes... Physics (for science dummies, like me). Easy-watch.
Thank you
what the *bleep* do we know? FULL MOVIE
Published on Aug 1, 2012
What the Bleep Do We Know!? is a 2004 film that combines documentary-style interviews, computer-animated graphics, and a narrative that posits a spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness.
This is a good example of how the Law of Attraction is REAL and people can use it to change their Lives!

HAHAHAHAHA !!! Isn't it funny that Legard (the guard) thanks Angela Grieling-Keene for welcoming her to the rostrum. Isn't that the Angel who's keen on interrogation until it gets to the bottom of the bull s***
aka: "keen on grilling" ??
Scroll down for Angel Grilling Keen on this link:
"Serving the Profession in the Nation’s Capital"
AND... Look who Angel Keen-on-Grilling SERVES... Isn't that what you do in tennis ?? You SERVE ?? Or maybe it's what you offer on a plate... "to serve". So this is a GAME of some kind, is it? - or maybe, an offering on a plate... Like a religious offering you would make on a plate, to appease the angry "gods" who have SO MUCH power over you... especially by way of your Mort-Gage, your "Death Pledge"
ie: The double-speak... The legalese... You know ~ politicians, court judges, the police, lawyers... are ALL FOR (pro) TALKING/ 'acknowledging' (fateri), aka "fightery".
These PRO- Fessers... (Well ~ they WOULD like to tell you the TRUTH, but they've learned that WORDS are Magic SPELLS) ... WOULD be giving up a LOT of POWER, as Professionals, IF indeed they DID , "FESS UP".
They serve the CAPITAL. Isn't THAT the Money System ??
Capitis = head. Therefore: Capital punishment = giving your head ??
Wow... THIS Worm Hole just gets deeper and deeper
There's LOTS of clues in here
Ok... My TRANSLATION of the dialogue is complete.
Who out there has the skill of INTERPRETING the numbers for us?
Christine Largard (CL) opening speech at Press Club, 15 January 2014
CL: Numbers: Outline for 2014: "Happy New Year."
We are 1/2 way between the Western New Year (Roman) and Lunar New Year (Chinese New Year)
>> A shift from Roman to Chinese predominance perhaps?
References East-West union, or duality = war
Note: Two Chinese banks opened in NZ recently. A third Chinese bank will open soon.
Subject: The Global Economy. What we should expect for 2014.
Numerology: Think about "The Magic Seven".
>> She is opening the circle.
This begs the question: WHO ARE "The Magic Seven?"
CL: MOST OF YOU will know... [is she speaking to other Magic-Ions ?] ...that "7" is QUITE a Number: themes, religions.
Hint: You can compress numbers as well
CL: Think about 2014 is 2 x 7 =14
"This is an example."
>> So what are the other "examples" that she is REALLY referring to ??
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 perhaps ??
>>> 1929 ?? 1+9+2+9 = 21 = 3 x 7
29 October, 1929
>>> 29-10-1929 = 33
[Masonic/ Kabbalah number]
The Wall Street Crash was the U.S. Stock Market crash of October 29, 1929. ref:
Wall Street Crash
On August 6, 1945, during World War II (1939-45), an American B-29 bomber dropped the world's first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city
>>> 6-8-1945 = 33
[Masonic/ Kabbalah number]
>>> That's a bit of a "co-incide-ence" right? : (
Schist !! : ( : (
CL: 2014 will be a mile stone and hopefully a Magic year in many respects.
100th anniversary of the first World War in 1914
70s = "7" anniversary of the Bretton Woods Conference that gave birth to the IMF (thieves)
25th anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall
>> East-West union referenced again
7th anniversary of the financial market jitters [jeeters/cheaters] "greatest Global economy..." [corrected] "calamity" of 2007.
>> No. She said it right the first time. Great for her and her cohorts.
"The Crisis Still Lingers." An affirmative statement. ie: "It Is"
CRISIS = ISIS = Terrorist Threat propaganda will continue to be perpetuated
My "WISH" - Lagarde's acknowledgement she's a Magic-Ion...
"That after those 7 miserable years, we [will] have 7 strong years."
>>> Biblical reference to Joseph in Egypt. She reversed the order of events in the imagery. In the Bible/ Torah, there were 7 years of plenty FOLLOWED by 7 years of famine.
>>> WHAT ARE they intending to do with the illusory "time contiuum" ??
The story of Joseph who was a captive in Egypt, and his dream interpretations...
Genesis 41 = 5 = instability, change, moving house, being uprooted
Genesis 41:1-7. 4+1+1+2+3+4+5+6+7 = 33 :(
>>> Oh schist :(
Ok... now to calculate all the number mentions in the verses.
2 years
7 cows fat
7 cows thin
7 cows ate the others
2 dreams
7 grain
7 grain
7 grains ate the others
= 46 + 33 (from Genesis 41:1-7 figures added above) = 79 >> Prime [God source] number
"Then Pharaoh [sovereign I AM] woke up; it had been a dream." (Gen 42:7)
ie: The People Wake Up !!!
79 = 7 + 9 = 16 = 7 : (
Is this a co-incidence ??? :-/
You can't make this shit up !!
What ARE the Magic-Ions trying to do with the holographic "time" continuum ??
I mean... "Time" is illusory anyway, so whatever tricks they pull out of their hats, isn't really going to effect things in the broader scheme of things anyway. But it COULD mess people up who don't have a clue and keep finding they're in the same situations they'd experienced yesterday, and last week, and last year.
The TV series that just started on NZ TV last night "Resurrection" is priming us for experiencing some very strange effects, derived no doubt from the Magic-Ion's causes.
CL: I don't know **weather** the G7 will have anything to do with it or **weather** it will be the G20.
I certainly hope that the IMF will have something to do with it.
"NOW" [no longer making magic. Back into The NOW]
"Is this WISHFUL thinking? No."
>>> Effectively closes the circle. This is Lagard's declaration she is no longer acting in the capacity of a Magic-Ion for any part of the rest of her speech.
>>> Note: this sort of SPELL-ing requires quite a lot of energy. Generally, you could only SPELL-CAST in a public assembly for a relatively short amount of time... Unless you're like Barry and have a tele-prompter right under your nose :-/
CL: "But it will not happen randomly without US together [Magic-Ions] making the RITE decisions."
-- Christine Lagard
... Just saying what I see.
And there might be a warning in there about a potential tear in our space-time continuum.
Nothing to worry about. Time is ILLUSORY anyway. So please don't freak out if weird shit does start happening. No. You've not been slipped anything... Just enjoy the ride. Have fun with it. And KNOW that it's not real.
Thanks : )
Here's another video analysis of this same speech:
Occult Message in Speech by Christine Lagarde of IMF
Published on May 24, 2014
"7" references:
1:22 - "Now I'm going to test your numerology skills by asking you to think about the magic seven"
1:34 - "Most of you will know that seven is quite a number
2:24 - "2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven"
4:08 - "It will mark the 70th anniversary, 70th anniversary, drop the zero, seven, of the Bretton Woods Conference that actually gave birth to the IMF" (7 + 0 = 7)
4:22 - "And it will be the 25th anniversary of the fall of the berlin wall, 25th.." (2 + 5 = 7)
4:38 - "It will also mark the 7th anniversary of the financial market jietters"
5:08 - "After those seven miserable years, weak and fragile"
5:14 - "We have seven strong years"
5:43 - "Now I don't know if the G7 will have anything to do with it" (G is also the 7th letter of the alphabet)
"2014" references:
1:18 - "The global economy and what we should expect for 2014"
2:19 - "So if we think about 2014"
2:24 - "2014, you drop the zero, fourteen, two times, seven"
3:54 - "So 2014 will be a milestone and hopefully a magic year in may respects"
5:05 - "So my hope and my wish for 2014"
To watch the full video go to:
Ascension Song
Preparing for Earth's transition

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