Monday 4 September 2023

NZ$50 billion loaned from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) 2008-2014. Nats own up.


NZ's $50 billion loan 2008-2014 from Chinese Communist Party - National Party's Tim Mcindoe

NZ National Party members for Hamilton East David Bennet, Hamilton West Tim Mcindoe and 2008-2016 PM John Key.

Did you know.... ???? New Zealanders will be disgusted when they hear about this! It's bad enough that NZ outsourced its manufacturing to China. Our purchase of their crap products to this day is the very reason why the Chinese expansionist military agenda has been allowed to gain increasing traction throughout the world. We are our own worst enemies. It's time to wake up and stop adding more of China's rubbish to New Zealand landfills. Bring back "Made in NZ". Time for us to stop sneezing at paying a little extra. NZ products are 100% worth it - better quality, last longer, supports our own work force, gives opportunity for NZ'ers to learn new skills. Get the CCP out of our business !! BAN "Made in China". This can easily be done in increments as NZ manufacturing sparks up again under a NZ Loyal government.

On Rumble:

NZ National Party MP Tim Mcindoe spoke to journalism students on August 28, 2014 in the build-up to the New Zealand General Election on 20 September. Mcindoe boasted that the National Party had done such a great job of paying $5 billion off NZ's debt until one of the students asked some uncomfortable questions - that student was myself, aka BronnyNZ. Mcindoe found himself confessing that it was in fact the National Party who had sunk New Zealand into the mire of indebtedness to the Chinese Communist Party. The National Party had taken loans of around NZ$50 billion with the CCP from 2008-2014. A few weeks later I had the opportunity to ask a sitting Labour Party member about this loan. She stated that the money had largely gone on tax breaks for "John Key and his mates", NZ's upper echelon. Accruing interest on this massive loan will in large part be the reason for the extraordinary debt NZ now sees itself burdened with, NZ$156 billion to date. 

Note: The woman pictured in the final photo on this video with Tim Mcindoe is career politician Judith Collins. Ironically, I went to high school with Collins at Matamata College in the 1970s. I have no personal animosity with her. Collins and her Chinese businessman husband were caught up in the Northland swamp kauri scandal in 2014. Can anyone say, "Conflict of interest"? Neither Collins nor her husband have ever been prosecuted or jailed for their crimes against the people of New Zealand 

See my September 1, 2023 rant here that discusses the current $155,000,000,000  national debt.
See New Zealand's Debt Clock discussion on Rumble.

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BronnyNZ at home in Henderson Auckland, New Zealand discussing the Debt Clock with her Rumble audience.

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