Monday 18 September 2023



There are 17 parties contesting in this year's general election. Following are the total number of List candidates for each party. As the only party who really challenges the status quo, has NZ Loyal been discriminated against?

Sources: (article) (Lists)

NZ Loyal supporters needed to know what is going on. It's great that Liz came out and told us all facets of the story. Do NZ Loyal supporters now need to put some level of pressure on the NZEC or any other culpable bodies or individuals who are behind this agenda to stop NZ Loyal being voted into parliament? Is this how much of a threat NZ Loyal is?!  If this is an act of discrimination (election interference), it bears witness that there is indeed a hidden "swamp" [deep state] in full operation here in Aotearoa-New Zealand. 


Act - 61

Animal Justice - 17

Legalise Cannabis -16

Democracy NZ -13

Freedoms - 35

Greens - 49

Labour - 65

Leighton - 3

National - 65

New Conservative - 10

New Nation - 10

New Zeal - 11

NZ First - 35

NZ Loyal - 3

Te Pati Maori - 31

TOP - 13

Women's Rights - 12

These figures are quite compelling. How is it that insignificantly polling parties such as Animal Justice, Democracy NZ, Freedoms coalition, New Nation and New Zeal all have lists that likely represent all or most of their candidates? - But NOT NZ Loyal? Who was it in the NZ Electoral Commission who gave misdirection? Scumbags!

Image source: Voters United Poll #7 August 28, 2023

Note: This poll was developed by supporters who attended the Freedom Village protest in Wellington early 2022, and samples people largely who stand on the side of that protest, so the margin of error will certainly be much more than + or - the standard 4% in terms of nation-wide accuracy, but it least does give an indication. As the two biggest supported parties on this poll, both NZ First and NZ Loyal will have many thousands of supporters who do not participate on Voters United polls. Therefore, proportionally, the poll could still be rather accurate for these two better supported parties. 

NZ Loyal candidate for Port Waikato Kim Turner stated on Facebook on Sunday, " [NZ Loyal is suffering election interference by] the Electoral Commission endeavouring to stop us standing [List] candidates. Under law they have a responsibility to ensure the accuracy of carrying out the legislation... These are the depths of corruption in our government [deep state] right now. Hold the line. Hold the faith, and VOTE NZ LOYAL."

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