Who audits where the money actually goes?
What % is typically categorized as costs?
How to 'steal' taxpayer money?
The 'Con':
>Determine 'topic(s)' that have emotional pull (connect) on 'vocal' types
>Create media blitz [scare] campaign ('talking points')('alarmist')
>Use 'pro-narrative minded' authorities on subject to provide foundation to support
>Deploy 'circular reporting' and 'group-think' tactics (echo chamber) to artificially raise 'public outcry'
>Use 'public outcry' to justify billion dollar taxpayer spend
Who audits where the money goes?
% to original mandate?
Salary of a US Senator?
Salary of a US Congressman/woman?
Salary of a US President?
Salary of a US Vice President?
Net worth pre_office?
Net worth post_office?
How do elected officials become mega/multi-millionaires?
Logical thinking.

Who audits where the money actually goes?
What % is typically categorized as costs?

How to 'steal' taxpayer money?
The 'Con':
>Determine 'topic(s)' that have emotional pull (connect) on 'vocal' types
>Create media blitz [scare] campaign ('talking points')('alarmist')
>Use 'pro-narrative minded' authorities on subject to provide foundation to support
>Deploy 'circular reporting' and 'group-think' tactics (echo chamber) to artificially raise 'public outcry'
>Use 'public outcry' to justify billion dollar taxpayer spend
Who audits where the money goes?
% to original mandate?
Salary of a US Senator?
Salary of a US Congressman/woman?
Salary of a US President?
Salary of a US Vice President?
Net worth pre_office?
Net worth post_office?
How do elected officials become mega/multi-millionaires?
Logical thinking.
Why do you think it's important to demand that governments do something about climate change?
How is your government going to help climate change?
Who do they pay that money to?
How much?
What is the Paris Agreement?
Who is the administrator of the funds received from all governments in the world on behalf of the UN?
Who audits where those Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) funds are going?
Why are those billions of dollars-Euros never audited?
What percentage of those billions ever go into UN-run climate change initiatives?
Where does the other 90% go?
What initiatives do you know of that are helping people around the world cope with changes in their environments?
Why don't you know about any initiatives?
Do they even exist?
How much carbon dioxide is in the atmosphere in total?
Of that 0.04% of total carbon dioxide, how much is produced by humans? ie: the other 97% is produced by nature.
What is the total amount of CO2 produced by humans as parts per million volume - PPMV (see Earth's Atmosphere on Wikipedia)
How much temperature fluctuation on Earth is being caused through the 12 parts per million of carbon dioxide that is being created by all human activity on the earth?
Do you think 12 parts per million (12 parts out of 1,000,000 parts or 12:999,988 parts - expressed as a ratio) is having a very big impact on the increase of temperatures on planet earth?
What solar body heats up the earth?
Is that solar body always at a constant distance from the earth?
Could a variance in distance contribute to fluctuating temperatures?
Have humans kept records about mini ice ages and mini hot periods ever since 650 AD?
How were the Vikings able to grow barley in Greenland in 1000 AD?
Can you grow barley in Greenland now?
Why not?
What was the CO2 output of humans in 1000 AD?
Who or what organisations are opposed to the audit of UN-received ETS payments made by your government?
Where does your government get their money from?
How much tax do you pay out of your monthly salary?
Does your family struggle from month to month to pay for accommodation, food, energy, clothing, transport, medical and dental care, education and leisure activities?
Do you attend protests or engage in other activities demanding that your government do something about climate change?
Why are you demanding your own debt slavery just so the top dozen or so blue-blood families in the world can be further enriched off the labour your give to your employer?
Why would you do that?
Are you a little bit crazy?
... Or have you simply been hoodwinked, and only just now see what a scam all of this is?
Please see other articles on this blog by entering keywords into this blog's search including - climate change, climate change hoax, Greta Thunberg, solar cycles, Swedish sea levels scientist, reserve bank, bank for international settlements, BIS, Swiss Pharaohs, bloodline, priests of Karnak, the priesthood, Saturn ...
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