Thursday 18 April 2019

Gohmert says it straight to Nadler and Dems: "Orwellian" spying done on POTUS!

Published on Apr 4, 2019
Rep. Louie Gohmert: "What has gone on in this country, did absolutely, unequivocally, no doubt about it involve collusion of people at the highest level with a foreign entity to try to bring down a candidate and then bring down a sitting president. That was collusion between top FBI officials, Justice officials, a former MI6 intelligence officer who has been discredited by those same Justice officials, FBI officials. But they colluded with him to try to bring down a candidate and now a sitting president.

"Enough is enough. At some point we’ve gotta say what will be written in the annuls of history of this country as an outrageous attempt at a real coup d’etat. It was unsuccessful. The truth came out about who really colluded with foreign agents, and by the way it did involve a Democrat’s campaign and a foreign agent who was colluding with some of Putin’s agents in all likelihood as he was not even in Russia but was talking by phone to Russian agents in his efforts to help the Clinton Campaign and top Justice officials bring down a sitting president.

"And for us to continue this outrageous assault on the office of president even after the truth has come out that there was no conspiracy by the Trump campaign or President Trump or anybody in his family with Russia, and to continue to push… enough is enough for heaven’s sakes. Let’s please move on…

"Obviously the only thing he (George Orwell) got wrong was the year because we’ve seen what the Obama administration did with those Orwellian abilities to spy on those American citizens. It’s time to go back and clean up the mess that’s been made."

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