The male Muslim horde enters Italy, and tells Italian women that they must cover themselves in the shroud of 600 BCE - because if they don't, they will get raped. Will Italy submit to the non-ethics and non-morality of the male Muslim horde? Or will the male Muslim horde actually realise that they now live in Italy !!?? Wake up Muslims! You chose to live in a non-Muslim country. If the sight of women's arms, legs, faces, hair and shapely body form is offending to you, you know where the desert is! Return there if you want. Don't expect Western women to go back to 600 BCE! We have evolved culturally and socially. It's not our problem if you haven't!
In Italy in 600 BCE there were laws that a woman, a matrona - the 'breeding' wife of her citizen husband - had to completely cover herself up like Muslim women do today, before they went out of their house. (Note: To be a Roman citizen, you needed to own land). A woman (matrona) had to be chapperoned by at least 1 older woman - all covered - and preferably accompanied by a large number of people (men and women) from her household. Going outside was a very big deal. It was a matter of chastity. The matrona existed for one purpose only: To provide "legitimate heirs" for her husband. The girl was aged 10 or 12 when she married. Her husband was usually between 30-45 years of age - He was a hardened soldier very often and was used to killing and hurting people, taking bribes, playing 'political' games for his own ascension through society, and so on. The matrona (child) had to cover her face to all, except to the women of her own household and her husband, back in the confines of her husband's house. If a woman (child) did not cover herself up like this, she could be ordered to be stoned to death by the patrona - the head of the house, her husband.
Italy moved on... By 400 BC, women didn't have to pay such great attention to covering up. Laws were passed that a girl had to be aged 12 before she married. Societally, things had moved a lot. By 200 BC, many Roman women walked around with the finest, flimsiest of long robes on, and with no under garments either. Seeing a woman's nipples and the curve of her bum became 'quite normal'. People didn't worry about it. The human form became "demystified". Sculptures of the naked human form proliferated. Rome was at its height.
The display of the human form, dress and jewellery laden upon the human form resulted in a peculiar set of laws being passed. Rome passed "Sumptuary Laws" c.213 BCE that prevented women from wearing gold and jewellery upon their person that weighed above a certain measurement. ie: The Romans very much liked showing themselves off. Showing off your "brood mare" (your wife) in a fine flimsy beautifully woven and decorated silk robe and ladened down from head to toe with gold ornaments, chains and jewels was no longer a problem for Roman citizen. It was a way he could show off his wealth and therefore his standing in Roman 'high society'.
Two thousand years then passed and the Italian female dress has found its balance... A little modesty... A little cheekiness. Italian men enjoy the female form and have learned how to "enjoy" without feeling the complusion to actually rape. Italian men do not despise the modern Italian woman, such as the backward Muslim man does. The Muslim world has found no balance in its society whatsoever... They have not moved on from 3000 years ago !! This is not "our" fault. This is no fault of the West that the Muslims haven't moved on. Go back to the desert and sort yourselves out. Learn some fucking manners and some fucking decency !! You stick your cocks into a women's vagina and rape women and the first glimpse of a shoulder, or just because she glances at you! And you call Western Women "indecent" for wearing a knee-length dress ??
Fuck you !! Go check your own fucking "indecency" barometer before you start slagging off women in a free society - one to which you obviously don't belong for even one milli-second !! If you can't keep your hands off Western women and children or your mouth closed from abusing them, just get yourselves back to the desert where you belong !!! We don't want you in Europe! Fuck off !!
Here is the human female body... Now get fucking used to seeing it !!

The whole of the Western world has no problem with seeing it at all.
It is not the West's problem that Islam is still caught in the fucking dark ages !! : (
And "No" - just in case you haven't worked it out yet...
If a woman is "unveiled" or even completely nude,
she is not giving permission for you to rape her,
you fucking idiot !!
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