This was too good to not re-post in full...
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Ottawa| A 12 year old legal battle between the Alberta Human Rights Commission and the Christian Church of Marijuana has finally ended today as the Supreme Court of Canada came to the conclusion that the church and its followers were legally practicing their religious beliefs after a police raid seized no less than 200 pounds of marijuana in the little town of Cochrane, Alberta, in 2002.
The Supreme Court deemed the Rocky View County police force would have to reimburse the loss of the 200 pounds of confiscated and destroyed marijuana, which is estimated to value between 200,000$ and 1,000,000$. This is a major win for the religious organization, opening the doors for other religious groups who have been claiming the same rights for years now, such as the Rastafarians of Canada.
Church of Marijuana lawyer, Adam Whitehorn, convinced the jury that the Bible cited multiple times the use of marijuana as food, medicine and for religious practices, and that the religious group based their faith on these beliefs.
An expert ethnobotanist from the University of British Columbia, Carrie Wines, was also called to the bar and argued how the holy anointing oil used in the Bible, as described in the original Hebrew version of the recipe in Exodus (30:22-23), contained over six pounds of kaneh-bosem, a substance identified by respected etymologists, linguists, anthropologists, botanists and other researchers as cannabis.
“There can be little doubt about a role for cannabis in Judaic religion…. There is no way that so important a plant as a fiber source for textiles and nutritive oils and one so easy to grow would have gone unnoticed… the mere harvesting of it would have induced an entheogenic reaction” also claimed the expert.
A historical precedent
The Supreme Court also ruled that members of the church should be allowed to not only live from the growing of hemp and it’s derived products, but as well were to legally grow cannabis potent with Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the principal psychoactive constituent of the cannabis plant, to consume it and to sell it to it’s members.
“It is our divine right to use this sacred herb. If God did not want us to use this sacred plant, he would not have created it in the first place. It’s pretty obvious if you ask me” explains an enthusiastic member of the church.
The religion that had only started with 12 followers, has now reached more than 1,000 people only a few hours after the verdict was released to the media. ”We received more then 20,000 application forms on our Facebook page to join our church in the first two hours.
We barely have enough people to take care of all the bureaucracy” admits brother Harris, enthusiastically.
“It is a blessing that our message of love is spreading around the world. It shows that God is not deaf to our plight” he confided.
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