Example # 1: 2 January 2014. Grand Rapids, USA.
"Rory" comes in as a guest at 39:15. Rory's "Court story" starts at 1:16:00. This is the most pertinent part of the story. His court hearing was set down for the following day, on 3 January 2014. Rory comes in and out of the conversation up to the end. The case is in regard to unpaid State Taxes, ie: a financial case.
Published on Jan 5, 2014
Outside The Box With Kate Of Gaia on Critical Mass Radio recorded on January 2, 2014
3 January 2014. Grand Rapids, USA.
Rory tells his story of his court appearance. It starts quite near the beginning of this video:
Syncretism With Santos Bonacci & Co-host Kate Of Gaia on Critical Mass Radio recorded on January 3, 2014
Example # 2: 8 January 2014. Hull, North England.
Judge bows to UK woman. 8 January 2014 testimony ~
"I Am the Witness to the fraud of using the name..." then you hold up your Birth Certificate as prima facie evidence that THE NAME, ie: the PERSON (Roman theatrical mask) is a FICTION created for the purposes of the law court to SUMMONS your DEAD ENTITY (corpse-oration) ... which YOU Never, EVER agreed to !!! Beautiful
I'm loving this stuff that Kate and Santos are teaching the world. Please share this script (text) and link so other people know where and what the information is... Thanks. Share-Share-Share. The world is ready to wake up !!!
Kirsty's testimony starts around 20 minutes in... it's very crackly unfortunately... But you can hear her a lot better from after the 40 minute mark. This case is in regard to a Speeding fine, ie: a financial case.
10 January. Hull, North England.
1:18:15 in this video below Santos Bonacci says: "Kirsty went to court as 'The Witness'.... As soon as she mentioned the words 'Enticement To Slavery' the judge bowed and took a hike (left the courtroom). That's how you deal with fictions... You put them on notice..." - Santos Bonacci.
Syncretism With Santos Bonacci & Co-host Kate Of Gaia on Critical Mass Radio recorded on January 10, 2014. "The Language Crystal".
Example # 3: Canada
13 January 2014 testimony from "Steve" via Kate of Gaia from 13:50 and again at 36:35. The second reading of this sentence is much clearer:
"I am the Witness to the 'name fraud' being perpetrated here. I have the prima facie evidence of that fraud in my hand (the Birth Certificate). On and for the record, is it now your intent to entice me into slavery?" - Kate of Gaia
Outside The Box With Kate Of Gaia on Critical Mass Radio recorded on January 13, 2014
Guest: Santos Bonacci - "Manifesting Your Intention"

Well delivered....