Facebook Group: "The One People (OPPT) Aotearoa-New Zealand"
Hi there followers of this blog...
Sorry to be absent here for a little while. I've actually been working quite hard on the OPPT stuff, but on a Facebook Group. You're welcome to come over there and check out the current posts and progress: The One People (OPPT) Aotearoa-New Zealand
The Group has a strong 'education' focus, as not so many people in NZ have heard about OPPT/ UCC filings/ TOP at this stage. A second requisite for this Group is that we remain 90% New Zealand membership. There are a number of Facebook OPPT/ TOP Groups now. I suggest that you find one that's 'close to home' and that you start sharing and networking with the people around you. If you don't have a Facebook Group for your country, please start one. I think it's great that we can all glean information off each other (most Groups are Public) but that the content still has its own unique flavour, according to where you live. There has been some discussion/ argument with me around my particular feelings on this. My point is, would you know what I was on about if I said "all the whanau are called to be the kaitiaki of our whenua... That Papatuanuki needs us to taitoko her at this time. We are committed to tino rangitiratana. This is the waka we can jump on to make it happen. Arohanui."
So even though we may all be 'English speakers' some of the nuance of meaning that each location is accustomed to, may be lost somewhat on readers from other locations. I enjoy using our distinctive Maori idioms in my writing... I have a pretty close kinship to the spirit of things Maori... This most certainly is a strong feature in Aotearoa-New Zealand in the 21st Century. Our country is healing... The old sores of the past are at last starting to heal... We need some more time together...
Suffice to say, you're welcome to come and check out the Group, but if you're not from New Zealand or an ex-pat New Zealander, i'm afraid your request for membership is likely to be politely declined. Thanks so much for your understanding on this everyone. I hope you enjoy reading the ongoing posts and awarenesses that are coming up on the Group. Many thanks,
Bronny NZ
TOP-NZ Admin

Image by Bronny NZ Dec 2009
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