Saturday, 16 June 2012

Tissue infection just like American Kabuki's

Bron's Facebook Post: Here's the 'cellulitis' infection that I have been taking antibiotics now for the last 3 weeks !!! It's been really painful... limited movement, sleepless nights and so on. I was able to work all of last week at least. I could only work 2 days the week before. I'm just taking it easy and this infection and sore is getting much better now.

2 weeks ago the red area was around 6" (15cm) long and 4" (10cm) high. The open wound was around 2cm x 1.5cm (1"x 3/4") so it was bigger than the average navel, in size. The pus globule has been washed away now, in bits, as I did my twice daily saline solutions with new dressings before work and before bed. I've tried to keep it in the air as much as possible (which is a really freezing idea as winter is upon us in NZ) when not working or sleeping... and "sun therapy" seems to help a lot, when I get the chance : )

The open sore is much better this week... only 1.5 x 1cm in diameter and the depth of the open wound is only now around 2mm. The open hole was originally around 5-7mm deep and extremely painful as all under the skin and into the fat/ muscle tissue was infected to an estimated depth of around 10cm which meant that any movement was pulling on the infected muscle tissue, And extremely painful. As I said below, i'm really, really surprised to find that American Kabuki seems to have very much this same infection in his leg :-/ How strange.

Photo: Here's the 'cellulitis' infection that I have been taking antibiotics now for the last 3 weeks !!!  It's been really painful... limited movement, sleepless nights and so on.  I was able to work all of last week at least. I could only work 2 days the week before. I'm just taking it easy and this infection and sore is getting much better now.

2 weeks ago the red area was around 6" (15cm) long and 4" (10cm) high.  The open wound was around 2cm x 1.5cm  (1"x 3/4") so it was bigger than the average navel, in size. The pus globule has been washed away now, in bits, as I did my twice daily saline solutions with new dressings before work and before bed.  I've tried to keep it in the air as much as possible (which is a really freezing idea as winter is upon us in NZ) when not working or sleeping...  and "sun therapy" seems to help a lot, when I get the chance  : )

The open sore is much better this week... only 1.5 x 1cm in diameter and the depth of the open wound is only now around 2mm.  The open hole was originally around 5-7mm deep and extremely painful as all under the skin and into the fat/ muscle tissue was infected to an estimated depth of around 10cm which meant that any movement was pulling on the infected muscle tissue.  As I said below, i'm really, really surprised to find that American Kabuki seems to have very much this same infection in his leg  :-/  How strange.

Facebook Comments:  It's on the right side of my tummy, around 15cm below my rib cage. It started as a small sore that I looked at and 'played with' a bit... wondering what the heck it was... and I was of course breathing down on it. The infection that developed was actually from a bacteria that quite happily lives in the back of the throat and nasal passages... so i've had to stick anti-biotic cream up my nose too and had to be careful to not breathe on the wound which has been quite difficult not to do. I hope this Post serves as a bit of a warning to others to not play with 'mystery sores' or lumps or odd looking pimples on their bodies... and to be careful when pulling ingrown hairs :-/ My son got a cellulitis infection around 4 months ago after taking out an ingrown hair from his knee. His didn't get a top on it though like this one. So please be warned. If it looks weird, it might pay you to go see your doctor's nurse and get her to deal with it. Thanks : ) 

I really like this Kabuki comment and have also thought this myself over the last 3 weeks:

"... But there is more going on here here with my body than germs or gall bladders, my chi energy has been slammed and distorted to magnify my weak points.  And the people behind this are really sick fucks.  Sorry for the word, but there's no other term I can think of for these people.  Ben Fulford knows of whom I speak.  Their day is coming when they [will] answer for both their physical and spiritual crimes.  The energetic attack has been broken. I will heal.  My leg looks like crap though."

I've been sending a truck-load of healing to my infection also AK.  I think that eating lots of fresh organic vegetable greens from the garden is helping too. It's so easy to not look after oneself very well when the attention is turned so often to the crazy things that are going on in our world.  Wake up call !!  
"Look after yourself" or put another way... "Put the mask on yourself first and then help other people get theirs on"  :P

Love to all ~

Thank you for your love and prayers for American Kabuki and myself...  we're not quite there yet  : )

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