Uploaded on Nov 23, 2010
Glowing/fiery object, looks to be about the shape of an oval.Filmed in the Southern skies Youngstown, Ohio @ around 5:00pm EST. Your guess is as good as mine!
Surprise, surprise, pause the footage and while on pause go to1:36. A light appears on for a brief second at the bottom portion of the gap in the oval. Hmmm??

Published on Oct 30, 2012
This object has been viewed by thousands of people around the world, and has been caught on camera's worldwide as well. This object can only be seen it seems on the right hand side of the sun at sunset, why is this?? much love.

What a beautiful site it was.. even brighter than 3 days before. I wasn't expecting this to be in the sky on the 13th. My beautiful wife wanted to take me out for a nice birthday dinner and as I was locking the back-door I decided to look outside into the sky and there it was.. one of the brightest things I'd ever seen.. I ran to grab my camera and noticed there was not much time left to record. Sorry it's so short, But you will see plenty of this object as the next couple of weeks unfold. Please be safe my friends.. time is short.. Much love.
There's a few minutes and the beginning and a few minutes at the end of this video...
At the end, what an amazing sight.... It's SO BRIGHT that it's shining right through heavy cloud cover.
Published on Oct 4, 2013
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