
Friday 8 June 2018

Austria closing mosques, expelling imams, cutting terrorist ties, closing borders.

Image source - Press TV

Austria unveiled a new crackdown on seven mosques and plans to expel up to 60 foreign-funded imams.

June 8, 2018 - by Martin Walsh 

Austria carries out massive crackdown operation on mosques and radical imams.

The Austrian government announced on Friday that it will expel 60 Turkish-funded imams and their families, and shut down seven Islamic mosques, according to The Daily Mail

Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said Austria is targeting the mosques and imams as part of its crackdown on “political Islam,” describing the operation as “just the beginning”.

Kurz said the government will be targeting the Arab Religious Community in Vienna, which runs six mosques and employs dozens of imams. The Muslims and mosques are reportedly involved in funneling money and resources to other allied-terrorist groups in Turkey.

Kurz said the mosques and imams have been working for years with terrorist groups in Turkey, and that they will be held accountable under the fullest extent of the law.

Austrian lawmakers vowed to close the borders, reduce migration, and combat radical Islamic terrorism.

At least 40 of the imams had an active application for extending their residency in Austria, but Kurz said they have been referred to immigration authorities and would be expelled from the country in the coming weeks.

The issue of combating radical terrorists from carrying out violence against innocent people isn’t exclusive to just Austria. (see articles following)

The Conservative Daily Post said the FBI confirmed in March that there are more than 3,000 open terrorism investigations in the United States. The threat of homegrown terrorists looking to carry out attacks against Americans is real.

Austria is the perfect case study showing that it is possible to elect politicians into power who will not bow down to Islam any longer.

Read the full article on Conservative Daily Post

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