
Thursday 18 May 2017

Trump-Russia Comey-Flynn FAKE NEWS! Cover Story for SETH RICH murder.


Published on May 17, 2017
Cristina Laila for the Gateway Pundit reports, Former FBI Director James Comey testified under oath May 3rd that the Trump administration had not pressured his agency to halt any investigation for political purposes. Here is the video that is stopping democrats in their tracks. Sub for more at Next News Network:   #Comey #MAGA @ Donald J. Trump

In the above video former FBI director James Comey under oath gave testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 3, 2017.

Senator Mazie Hirono (D Hawaii) asked:
Can senior officials halt an FBI investigation? 
Hirono: Has it happened?  
Comey replied:  Not in my experience.

That is: There was never ever any interference from Trump requesting Comey to stop any investigation of Mike Flynn. The fake news story about Trump asking Comey to stop any investigation into Mike Flynn, is an absolutely bogus story !!  It is a cover story !!

See below the real story the fake stream 
media never wanted you to see.

See the Washington Post (WP) breaking of this story on Tuesday May 16, 2017 entitled:

News agencies from all over the world picked up on this story, including TV1 News here in New Zealand. See this link for what was televised in NZ  >>

Consternation and confusion overtook Capitol Hill today as lawmakers were shaken anew by reports that President Donald Trump had asked then-FBI Director James Comey to stop investigating ousted adviser Michael Flynn.

I was so freaking disgusted at this story on Tuesday that I phoned up the 0800- TV1 newsroom after i'd seen their lunchtime broadcast at 12pm and gave them a bloody good bollocking about using the Washington Post and ABC as their sources. I told TV1 NZ that they need to get with White House protocol (changed last week) and start getting their news from Fox News. I told them they were embarrassing themselves and New Zealand because they continued to disseminate fake news !!!  That was two days before all of this (other evidences and links) came out - but my gut told me the Washington Post - ABC story was a pile of steaming cow dung - and by god it is !! #FollowYourGut

You can tell the calibre of a publication by the psychopaths they employ  >>  

Washington Post article:  John Podesta [the molester] 

- announced February 23, 2017

More reasons for this bogus Trump-Comey cover story following...

Video: FBI Director Says FBI a Total Joke and Fraud!

Published on May 14, 2017
Former FBI assistant director, James Kallstrom, total destroys James Comey and the rest of the FBI in this shocking interview. Kallston talks about how James Comey intentionally allowed the terrorist organization Muslim brotherhood to infiltrate the white house the rest of the US government!

And as promised...  Here is the reason why the Trump-Comey story has gained such traction as a cover story by the global fake stream media.  Subscribe to this following video channel Destroying the illusion who detected the scam.

5.16 - Seth Rich Investigation Deepens & Secret Space Program Patents Online?

Published on May 16, 2017
The WTF is really going on news report - by Jordan Sather

Today's Sources:

Secret Space Program (SSP) K2D4 NETWORK Youtube Video TR-3B Patent -
Patent Publication #: US 20060145019 A1 Triangular Spacecraft -

Here's the Zero Hedge article about Seth Rich 
that YOU were not supposed to see !!! May 16, 2017.

See the full Zero Hedge article here >>  

by Tyler Durden - May 16, 2017

The following screenshots are provided below to preserve against the removal of this Zero Hedge article, thereby bringing into refute the foundation of the argument outlined above. The screenshots are evidential only, and are not in breach of copyright. The Zero Hedge article is linked to all screenshots below unless otherwise indicated. This entire work belongs to Zero Hedge and journalist Tyler Durden.

                     This is a video >> Click on the image >>

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