
Friday 12 May 2017

Donald Trump was actively surveilled admits CIA former director James Clapper


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As HUGE as this expose is, the #FakeNewsMediaWhores #MSM  - who purport their conspiracy theories about alleged Russian influence of the USA election on November 8, 2016 - will NEVER report this - so WE the little bloggers, news hounds and promoters (that's you) are the ones who need to get this information out on your networks and out to the world. Please join the rEVOLution of TRUTH now. All of these old conspiracists DIE NOW as the LOVE rEVOLution grounded in TRUTH begins! #TruthWaves  Thank you.

Trump unconstitutionally "unmasked" by the CIA in 2016, meaning: All of Trump's private activities became publicly accessible through an "information request" to the CIA !!  What the... ??? !!!

Donald Trump was unconstitutionally identified, ie: "unmasked" by the CIA during the Obama-Clinton administration in 2016...  That is: He came up as a "person of interest" clearly identifiable to all agents in the CIA as somebody who is a "threat to national security". Additionally, under this "unmasking" policy, if members of the public, the press for example or any private individual at all, wanted to make a request to the CIA about their findings on Donald Trump in the CIA records, they would be given the information !! 

This is the depths to which the depravities of the CIA ran under the James Comey - John Brennan - Barack Obama - Hillary Clinton, reign of terror. This declaration came from the mouth of retired CIA director James Clapper on May 10, 2017. It was never ever picked up by the MSM, therefore, it's time for you to start sharing this article. It is WE who bring about the shattering of the illusion for humanity. It is WE who shift the tide of public opinion and perception.  Therefore:  It is YOU right now who needs to share this information into your social media networks. Do we want this shift in perception to come about? Yes we do! So please do your part right now... Thank you.

And even though Donald Trump came under this level of unconstitutional surveillance and was "unmasked" by the CIA in their report-writing, do you know what they found on Donald J. Trump? NOTHING !! NOTHING !! All the CIA could do was let the media whores go crazy and print a bunch of phoney baloney that never ever happened - the alleged influence of Russia on the outcome of the US election on November 8, 2016 - which is a pack of LIES !! That "influence" by Russia never ever happened. Donald J. Trump won the USA election fair and square, even though the Clinton News Network (CNN) et al. threw everything they had at him. Even then, Trump won !! George Soros et al. sinking Titanic #NWO stinking #GlobalistAgenda #KalergiPlan was screwed on that day!

This conspiracy theory of "Russian influence" perpetrated by Big Bucks Media MSM was refuted three times by former CIA director James Comey who told Trump personally that he was NOT under CIA investigation relating to Russian influence on the elections. This conspiracy theory, constantly being perpetuated by Big Media MSM, is totally false. #FakeNews #MSMConspiracyTheory

What is "unmasking"?

If a national security official who receives an intelligence report feels like he or she needs to know the identity of a U.S. person in an intelligence report, that official can make a request to "unmask."

Published on May 10, 2017 
Danny Gold for Liberty Writers reports, Today was the senate hearing for former Attorney General Sally Yates about Russian election interference. However, the REAL shock came when the senators were questioning retired CIA director James Clapper.

Source article by Danny Gold of "Liberty Writers" - Published May 8, 2017.

Trump Was Right: CIA Director Clapper Leaked Something HUGE About Government Spying


Former CIA director James Clapper "unmasked" 
- by DP News. May 9, 2017

Today was the senate hearing for former Attorney General Sally Yates about Russian election interference. However, the REAL shock came when the senators were questioning retired CIA director James Clapper.
Clapper served under Obama and has been accused of being the President’s go-to-guy for spying on Americans.

The Senator asked Director Clapper, “Have you used unmasking on President Trump, any of his campaign staff or any US Senators?”

The really sad thing here is that the media will not even bother covering this.

Sure, they will talk all day about a bunch of conspiracy theories linking Trump to Russia. When the head of the CIA admits publicly to doing something unconstitutional, however, nobody says a damn thing.

Luckily there are people like you and me who actually wanna know the truth and help get it out there. That’s why it’s up to us to show President Donald Trump was 100% right about them “unmasking” politicians for their own gain.

Help to share this out to all your family and friends. This is not just a political issue, this is an issue of national security.

Source: DP News - linked on "Article" above.

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