
Friday 31 January 2020

Nigel Farage reflects before speaking at the #Brexit celebration in London

January 31, 2020

Streamed 9 hours ago as Nigel Farage was transported to Parliament Square in London where a huge Brexit celebration was held, hosted by the Brexit Party. 10s of 1000s of people attended. Revellers continued banging on drums and ringing the bells of freedom until well after midnight.

Please note... for all of his good words and actions up to this point, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson did not offer up any resources for the Union to celebrate Brexit!  Johnson's contribution was to shine a countdown clock on his residence at 10 Downing Street, make a speech and mint a 50p coin! That was it !!!  Not even Big Ben will chime !!!  Therefore, the celebration you see here is patch-worked together by a party that has zero representation in the UK parliament, the Brexit Party! - That is the reason for the absence of a professional production feel to the celebration... because the Brexit Party did all of this off their own bat!

The UK administration couldn't be assed to !!! #Disgusting !!!! :-(

Countdown clock on Number 10 Downing Street to celebrate Brexit Day | ITV News

January 17, 2020

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