
Friday 22 November 2019

Democrat case for impeachment crumbles as Deep State realises they’re doomed!

November 22, 2019

Other favourite YouTube channels I have so far found on BitChute and re-Subbed to include:

In Pursuit of Truth
Citizen's Investigative Report
SGT Report
Dr Steve Turley
Dustin Nemos
Just Informed Talk
Red Pill 78 (not on BitChute yet)
Space Shot 76
X22 Report - thanks for the reminder "Unknown" 7 February in comments.

Please sub to any of these creators on BitChute. I will add more of these channels to my blog posts in due course as I find them, for your convenience.

1 comment:

  1. You left out the most effective, in my opinion
    the x22 report.


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